I can now happily announce that Forgotten Realms (in addition to many other titles) authoir, Elaine Cunningham will also be joining us on for the Anniversary Event, on our official Discord, between 8 and 9pm EST, where she'll answer any questions our players have about her work, and writing for the Forgotten Realms.
A lot of our staff (and hopefully players) are big fans of her work, and with books both on the drow and the Harpers, a lot of what we have produced, as designers and players has been directly influenced and inspired by her work.
Not to forget that Luke Scull, author of the Grim Company, and veteran NWN writer and designer will also be joining us, at 8pm, GMT, on the 18th, in game, at the Magpie Theater in Guldorand.
I'm really happy to have these two joining us, and I hope we can make them feel welcome on the day.
I've always felt that it is the creativity of our community, and the excellent writing produced day in, and day out, by those that play here is one of Arelith's greatest strength, so very much wanted to reflect that in which guests we invited to join us.
Exact times will be subject to change, of course.
20th Anniversary Authors
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