Online Bullying: Zero Tolerance.

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Queen Titania
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Online Bullying: Zero Tolerance.

Post by Queen Titania » Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:30 am

Our very first rule on Arelith deals with being nice and respectful to other players. This rule is extremely important as it helps shape a foundation of a healthy community.

Online bullying harms our community. Spreading rumors, saying a lot of bad or hurtful things about other players, harassing them, or hateful words towards a player are just some aspects of online bullying, and all of them will be considered zero tolerance. It can not only ruin their time on Arelith, but harm their personal wellbeing, lower self-esteem, and most tragically, drive them to take their own life. No one should experience this, and we should all do our part to shut it down and bring light to it for the health of the community.

Zero Tolerance means if we find you guilty of online bullying, you will be banned, and I will not overturn any of those bans. You will not play Arelith again.

Whether it's IG, in an official discord, or outside of any official discords, no place is a safe space to bully an Arelith player. You do it, you're gone.

As a footnote, the Arelith 5.0 server is not associated nor an official server. I highly recommend players stay in official channels, as the 5.0 server has shown to be an unpleasant, toxic place, to an extent that we will be taking action against some of the players there, both historically and going forward.

If you want to remain, be civil, be respectful, and remember your fellow players are humans too.
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Re: Online Bullying: Zero Tolerance.

Post by Irongron » Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:54 pm

So I understand that there is some upset regarding the above post. That we're stepping on freedom of expression, the right of players to speak freely, and so forth?

Well, I don't need to keep these reasons secret, as these were posted on public channels. So I'm going to be super clear.

We've had a number of reports about toxicity on the 5.0, but in this case I specifically asked DMs to issue 2 very specific bans, one, where a player called another a pedophile, and another, where different players on the 5.0 were publicly celebrating making someone roll their character, and cry.

Now, if reading the above you still want to champion such conduct, that's absolutely your own choice, but I hope, that for most of this community, who I know to be genuinely decent people, will fully understand why I chose to confront this head on, and ask that a warning is issued that such behaviour will in no way be tolerated.

I'm not naive, and I know that such conduct is the norm in many online gaming community, but ours is small, and some very real connections exist between players here. There is no reason, or justification, at all, to treat each other in this fashion, and I'd ask everyone that values what this community has built not to give oxygen to this manner of conduct.

It's basic morality, and the reason I want to see such players banned without appeal, is that I don't beleive being excluded from a niche online game can teach people the value of it.

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