Last Player Counts

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Dunshine » Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:49 pm

I'm slacking, bit later this month:

1071 players, 1736 alts, 3508 characters

Total players in db: 20033 (303 new since last month, not entirely accurate, since it's more like 5 weeks this time. The other 3 numbers above ARE accurate though)

All in all, numbers keep climbing! Well done everyone!

Also in a totally unrelated stat, we have over 3500 encounters on our server in case anyone is interested in that stuff. This is excluding a lot of random spawns.

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Dunshine » Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:14 pm

1045 players, 1670 alts, 3353 characters.

Total players in db: 20163 (130 new since last month, well, 23 days)

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Dunshine » Mon Oct 09, 2017 8:58 pm

Bringing the monthly stats slowly back to start of the month updates.

973 players, 1552 alts, 3047 characters.

Total players in db: 20281 (118 new since last update)

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Dunshine » Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:08 pm

Whoops, forgot to update this for a while. Guess the last day of the year is a nice time to catch up.

Last month:
1076 players, 1545 alts, 2967 characters.
Total players in database: 20759 (478 new since last update).

Year 2017:
3457 players, 6962 alts, 17895 characters.

Great numbers, but lets beat them good next year!

Happy New Year everybody!

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Dunshine » Fri Mar 09, 2018 9:06 pm

First time pulling stats this year, new high for playernumbers!

Last month:
1120 players, 1712 alts, 3148 characters.

21259 in the database now, which means 500 new players this year so far!

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Dunshine » Tue May 01, 2018 7:47 am

First EE stats, which I'm sure will be higher then they really are because people have been logging into old accounts to port them to the EE servervault, we'll likely to have more reliable stats next month. But it's clear the release of EE and our migration did some real magic here!

Last month:
3058 players, 3973 alts, 8705 characters

24715 players in the database, so 3456 new players since early march!

New highs across the board and then some!

Breakdown for subrace for those interested:
Aasimar 0,23%
Cambion 0,01%
Deep Imaskari 0,02%
Dragon 0,06%
Drow 4,13%
Duergar 0,82%
Dwarf 4,04%
Earth Genasi 0,02%
Elf 8,38%
Fey 0,10%
Forest Gnome 0,05%
Ghostwise Halfling 0,43%
Gnoll 0,90%
Gnome 1,79%
Goblin 1,06%
Gold Dwarf 1,19%
Half-Elf 4,55%
Half-Orc 5,64%
Halfling 3,29%
Hobgoblin 0,02%
Human 45,69%
Imp 0,07%
Kobold 1,49%
Lightfoot Halfling 1,63%
Moon Elf 2,13%
Ogre 0,06%
Orog 1,15%
Rock Gnome 0,90%
Shield Dwarf 2,78%
Strongheart Halfling 0,94%
Sun Elf 2,05%
Svirfneblin 0,54%
Tiefling 0,38%
Vampire 0,03%
Water Genasi 0,01%
Wild Dwarf 0,01%
Wild Elf 2,02%
Wood Elf 1,40%

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Dunshine » Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:47 pm

Last month:
2033 players, 2706 alts, 5348 chars.

26954 characters in the database currently, a rise of 2239 since 1st of may.

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by LittleWeasel » Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:24 am

We haven't had a player count in a long time, so ... since July:

Total payers in database: 28,697 ! (1,743 more since July!)

Active in the last month: 1784 distinct players, 4856 characters.
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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:47 pm

Since people love stats and it has been awhile (this is up to today):

Total Characters in Database: 34706
Total Distinct Players in the Last Month: 2146
Characters in the Last Month: 2975

Race Specific Stats:


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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Fri Jul 05, 2019 9:12 pm

Last month stats:

Total Characters in Database: 36602
Total Distinct Players in the Last Month: 2565 (Up by 419 distinct players)
Characters in the Last Month: 3440

Race spread (based on characters of at least level 5 and above):


Class spread (images are by grouped by primary class) for characters above level 4 over that month:





















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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Sat Jul 06, 2019 1:00 am

Updated with the above class breakdown for the month as well.

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Fri Dec 04, 2020 1:10 am

A few days later than promised, but the statistics for the past month up until now:

Number of Unique Players: 2015
Number of Characters: 8643
Number of Players Total in the Database: 44,117

Subrace statistics for characters not deleted, and above level 4:


Class distributions for characters above level 4 and not deleted since Nov 1st. Note: Harper / Zhent chars exempted.

























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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Sun Jan 03, 2021 4:14 pm

Keeping up with last months totals, plus the few days of January:

Distinct Players: 2001
Characters (Minimum Level of 5) [Not Deleted]: 3678
Number of Players Total in the Database: 44,412

Race Spread:


Please note that Shapechanger is not an actual race; this is likely caused by people logging out in a polymorphed state which the DB just updates the column at the time. They do fall under normal race categories.

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Sun Sep 26, 2021 9:44 pm

Spread over the last 31 days.

Distinct Players: 2121
Characters (Minimum Level of 5) [Not Deleted]: 4041
Number of Players Total in the Database: 47,626

Race Spread:


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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Sun Jul 31, 2022 11:39 pm

Been awhile since this was released.

Spread over the last 31 days:

Distinct Players: 2357
Characters [Not Deleted]: 6208
Number of Players Total in the Database: 51,109


Known Outliers: Pixies, Shapechanger, Dwarf. First two are people polymorphed / shapechanged and the DB updated that as their race. Dwarf is someone who did not get migrated when haks were released.

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by DM Potato » Sun Feb 05, 2023 5:24 am

Hello! It's been long and requested again so here is the list of all races. We've execluded an assortment of misc things, mainly all of you logging out shapeshifted.

Update 06/02/23
I've been told this includes deleted characters too so this is the total server population actually!

Planetouched [222]
Aasimar: 24
Tiefling: 30
Air Genasi: 27
Earth Genasi: 42
Fire Genasi: 37
Water Genasi: 20
Gloaming: 17
Imp: 4
Pixie: 16
Rakshasa: 5

Elves [1273 or 1986 with Drow]
Aquatic Elf: 41
Avariel: 11
Fey'ri: 12
Moon Elf: 496
Sun Elf: 326
Wild Elf: 72
Wood Elf: 315
Drow: 713 (still a monster)

Giant Corner [52 or 33 if half giants count only half]
Firbolg: 15
Cloud: 1
Fire: 12
Frost: 9
Stone: 13
Storm: 2

Humans & Halfs & Kenku [4766 and a few feathers]
Deep Imaskari: 9
Half-Elf: 397
Half-Orc: 451
Human: 3840
Shadovar: 65
Kenku: 4

The Earthkins & Duergar [1631]
Gold Dwarf: 200
Shield Dwarf: 355
Wild Dwarf: 21
Duergar: 203 [779 dwarfs]
Strongheart Halfling: 172
Ghostwise Halfling: 29
Lightfoot Halfling: 268
Rock Gnome: 187
Forest Gnome: 30
Svirfneblin: 166 [852 Halflings & Gnomes]

The Monster Corner [741]
Derro: 22
Gnoll: 54
Goblin: 138
Green Hag: 14
Hobgoblin: 70
Kobold: 178
Minotaur: 11
Ogre: 14
Orog: 178
Troglodyte: 22
Vampire: 13
Yuan-ti Pureblood: 29

This amounts to a total of 9398 PCs above the level 5 if I am not mistaken.

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:09 pm

There has been a gap in posting these counts, which I will aim to rectify as we go along. As it is September 1st, I'll be posting the counts for the past 31 days with a change in how it is represented.

Character Counts by Race: The following chart will show the characters active in the past 31 days. It has now been split into two sets of charts - the first half will show characters active in the past 31 days and include also deleted characters, whereas the second half will show those active in the past 31 days that have not been deleted. Previously we only showed not deleted and above level 5, I've removed some formatting.


Please note there are some outliers above:

Animal: This is likely someone who logged out in a polymorph form - there is no animal subrace that we allow players to play as.
Elf: This is someone that likely has not been properly converted to represent the new base race.
Halfling: Same as Elf above.
Gnome: Likely a pre-hak Gnome that has not been converted. But, we don't care about Gnomes.
Shield Dwarf: Pre-Hak Shield Dwarf that has not been converted, same as the above three races.

Active Distinct (Unique) Players in the past 31 days: 2216

Total Players in the Database: 54859

Starting October 1st, I will evaluate class spreads again and post those.


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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:21 pm

October time.

I've not had the time to sit down and do class spreads, I'll likely look at that next month. However, here we go!


Things to note:

Elf / Dwarf / Gnome / Halfling - these are pre-EE, non-hak converted characters. They should reach out if they did not delete - it looks like some did. We should likely convert them to their appropriate subraces.

Active Unique Players in the past 31 days: 2220 (up 4 from last month).
Total Players in the Database: 55186

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Mon Nov 06, 2023 5:32 pm

I missed the 1st of November by a few days, so these numbers will account for the additional days up to today:

Race Count:


Things to note:

Animal / Elemental / Dwarf / Elf / Halfling are not proper races. Animal and Elemental are likely someone logged out polymorphed. Dwarf / Elf / Halfling are pre-EE hak races that have not been properly migrated. These players should reach out.

Active Distinct (Unique) Players in the past 37 days: 2257

Total Players in the Database: 55483

Class Information:

The below class information is a spread of the majority class for characters level 30, which are not deleted, which have been played in the past 37 days. This then groups down based on their minority class spread and middle class spread to further clarify the builds being played on the server. Special thank you to Sincra for devising this SQL.


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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by MalKalz » Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:59 pm

Well, New Year - hopefully I stay on top of this until we make things more accessible.

Player count:

Unique players in past 33 days (accounting for 2 days into January so far): 2100
Total Players in the Database: 55874

Race counts:


Please note the following:

Elemental - player likely logged out polymorphed.
Halfling - Pre-EE and has not been migrated properly.
Shapechanger - player likely polymorphed when logged out (lycanthrope).

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Kalopsia » Sat Apr 20, 2024 3:25 pm

Player Counts - March/April 2024

Player Counts

  • Unique Players within the past 31 days: 2113
  • Total Players in the Database: 56614

Race Counts

  • Displays the subraces of all characters played within the past 31 days that have not been deleted.

Class Distribution

  • Displays the class variation (excluding Harper/Zhentarim) among level 30 characters played within the past 31 days that have not been deleted.

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Kalopsia » Thu May 16, 2024 1:06 pm

Player Counts - April/May 2024

Player Counts

  • Unique Players within the past 31 days: 2062
  • Total Players in the Database: 56760

Race Counts

  • Shows which (sub)races were played in the last 31 days. Different colours show different award tiers. Deleted characters are hidden.

Class Distribution

  • Shows which classes level 30 characters played in the last 31 days. Harper/Zhentarim and deleted characters are hidden.

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Re: Last Player Counts

Post by Kalopsia » Sat Jun 29, 2024 5:08 pm

Player Counts - June 2024

Player Counts

  • Unique Players within the past 31 days: 1953
  • Total Players in the Database: 57033

Race Counts

  • Shows which (sub-)races were played in the last 31 days. Different colours show different award tiers. Deleted characters are hidden.

Class Distribution

  • Shows which classes level 30 characters played in the last 31 days. Harper/Zhentarim and deleted characters are hidden.

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