DM Recruitment

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DM Recruitment

Post by Liareth » Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:15 pm

Recruiment Status: DM recruitment is open as of 27/05/2017.

Some of you might have noticed that it's about time for a new round for DM interviews! We're changing how the process works.


We want to ensure consistent regular coverage. As such, we have decided to eliminate the DM shift system because of several problems with it:

- Some shifts would be full of exceptional candidates, so some good ones would be overlooked.
- Other shifts resulted in a lack of good candidates.
- Candidates were recruited solely on the basis of their performance during a short interview which resulted in some otherwise good candidates being dismissed.
- The shift system in general led to a short-term surge in activity which usually tapered off into a few months of complete inactivity.

We will now be regularly recruiting DMs when appropriate based on a number of factors such as current DM activity and quality of the candidates.

How do I become a DM?

When the DM interviews are announced, please send a PM to DM Noxt and the Active Admins group stating your interest in becoming a DM. You can provide as little or as much information as you like with your PM -- whatever you think is appropriate. We will then get back in touch with you.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by Liareth » Sat Jul 23, 2016 12:40 am

We welcome the following five new DMs to the team:

- DM Phoenix
- DM Tome
- DM Noodle
- DM Temerity
- DM Wish

Be sure to mock them relentlessly for any accidental server pauses or saves!

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by Mithreas » Mon Aug 01, 2016 1:59 am

Welcome to the new blood... I've already run into a couple of you in game, looking good so far. Thanks for helping out, and have fun! is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 3±1 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS at a screen resolution of 1024x1.For security reasons, please leave caps lock on while browsing.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Noxt » Fri May 26, 2017 11:26 pm

We're holding DM interviews two weeks from now on Saturday, 10th June, 1500 ET/1900 GMT.

If you've been to the second interview before you're not eligible this time around.

To apply, send a PM to the active admin group.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Noxt » Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:20 pm

The interview is happening in 40 minutes from now.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Noxt » Sun Jun 11, 2017 3:54 am

Our three new DMs are Spyre, Rakshasa and Always This Late.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Innis » Fri Nov 10, 2017 2:46 am

I'm happy to announce two additions to the DM team, one new and one returning DM. DM Chiliad and DM Pindrop have been brought on to serve as part of the DM team. Be sure to give them a warm welcome and sharpen your pitchforks.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Wed Jan 10, 2018 7:56 pm

We will be conducting a set of DM interviews once more to fill positions on the DM team. Recent applicants that made it to stage two of the interviews last time are not eligible to be interviewed this time.

Those looking to apply to become a DM are required to send an application to myself (DM Spyre) and the Active Admin team via the forums. Please do not include the Active DM team. You can provide as little or as much information as you like with your PM, whatever you feel is appropriate. We will get back to you with an answer regardless.

First round applications have a set deadline of 17/01/2018. Anything received after this date will not be considered.

After the first round of applications are reviewed and an answer is received, the second round date for interviews will be posted.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Sat Jan 20, 2018 7:07 pm

Interviews have concluded. I would like to welcome our three new DMs: DM Apollo, DM Sollers and DM Atropos.

Please make them feel welcome when you see them online.

Also a big thank you to all those who applied, this was a difficult decision as all applications were strong.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:26 pm

I am happy to announce the addition of one new DM to the team, DM Lighted Fool. Please make them feel welcome when you happen to encounter them online.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:41 am

Hello everyone,

Arelith is once more looking to recruit more DMs to fill additional seats on the team. Presently, the server is looking to add another three seats. The objective of this hire is to fill in spaces for absent time zones to ensure that a DM presence can occur on the server throughout the entirety of the day. This comes from the migration to EE, and the expansion in player base that Arelith has seen.

For this hire, we are looking for those that play within the Australian time zones - this does not mean you have to be of this time zone to apply. This is for time coverage in Australia evening (primarily 22:00 PM EST - 10:00 AM EST window - you are not required to be on as a DM for this full time. Just remember that!). This does not limit the hire to just the Australian player base. We are looking for interested parties that would cover these times on a regular basis (where your play is only during these times). We ask that any person that wishes to apply to apply (you do not have to have experience; however, experience will definitely help).

This application will follow the same format as those in the past. There will be a first round process (the initial application), and if you make it past, you will be informed of the second round interview time and date.

To apply:
  • Send a private message with your application to myself (DM Spyre) and only the Active Admin Team. DO NOT SEND IT TO THE ACTIVE DM TEAM
  • Provide as little or as much information for your application.
  • Ensure that it is suitably titled so we can identify you and that it is an application.
Please ensure that any and every application follows the above criteria. Each application will receive an answer as to whether it has made it to the second round or not.

Those that have applied last interviews and made it to the second round are ineligible this time around.

The deadline for the first round applications is set for: April 25th, 2018 at 23:00 EST

Thank you for continuing to support Arelith and make it what it is. We hope to see any interested parties that meet the time of play expectations come forward. And, we hope to see anyone who wishes to further aid Arelith to apply regardless of time zone.



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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Tue May 08, 2018 1:19 pm

Congratulations to the newest additions to the team: DM Avalon Soul and DM Slide. Please welcome the two of them into the fold as they learn and grow with the team and community.

Also please welcome back DM Really to the team.

Make them all feel welcome when you encounter them online.

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:51 am

Hello everyone,

Arelith is once more looking to recruit more DMs to fill additional seats on the team. With server growth and current staffing needs, the applications are being opened for all timezones (unlike the last recruitment). This application will follow the same format as those in the past. There will be a first round process (the initial application), and if you make it past, you will be informed of the second round interview time and date.

To apply:
Send a private message with your application to myself (Spyre) and only the Active Admin Team. DO NOT SEND IT TO THE ACTIVE DM TEAM
Provide as little or as much information for your application.
Ensure that it is suitably titled so we can identify you and that it is an application.
Please ensure that any and every application follows the above criteria. Each application will receive an answer as to whether it has made it to the second round or not.

The deadline for the first round applications is set for: August 19th, 2018 at 19:00 EST

Thank you for continuing to support Arelith and make it what it is. We hope to see any interested parties that wish to lend a hand to come forward.



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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Mon Aug 20, 2018 1:38 am

The first round applications have concluded for the DM positions. Everyone who has applied has received a response regardless if they made it or not.

This has been one of the more tough decisions to make due to quality and quantity. I appreciate the dedication people wish to push forward and the aid they want to offer. Those that did not make it, please do not feel discouraged. I strongly recommend applying again in the future.



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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Wed Aug 29, 2018 3:21 am

Second round interviews have concluded. Please welcome the following new additions to the team:

- DM Hypoxia
- DM Tadpole
- DM Lachesis
- DM Henderson Kobold
- DM Chatsworth

Five new additions to the team that bring both unique perspectives and help strengthen the core. Please be kind to them as they transition and I hope you look forward to their help as much as the rest of us do.

A big thank you for those that made it to the interview tonight. I appreciate every application that we received and was glad to have had a chance to read feedback, and what each person would bring. The applications were near the highest we've seen. Thanks again!

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:36 pm

Recruitment Status: Starts December 15th, 2018 and ends December 31st, 2018.

Hello everyone,

With a grow community and larger playerbase, more workload falls into the laps of the DM team. And, with the shifting community in numbers, there is yet another opportunity to bring committed, and eager individuals onto the DM team. Therefore, we will be opening the application windows once more for DM recruitment.

This application will follow the same format as those in the past. There will be a first round process (the initial application), and if you make it past, you will be informed of the second round interview time and date.

How do I apply?

- Send an application to Spyre and the Active Admins only (do not include the Active DM team).
- Provide as little or as much information as you feel is necessary.
- Ensure that it is suitably titled so we can identify you and that it is an application.
- Please ensure that any and every application follows the above criteria. Each application will receive an answer as to whether it has made it to the second round or not.

What is the absolute deadline?

All applications for the first round of interviews is due at 11:59 PM EST on December 31st, 2018.

Second round interviews will occur in the new year, and a time will be provided to all that make it to the second round of interviews.

Thank you for continuing to support Arelith and make it what it is. We hope to see any interested parties that wish to lend a hand to come forward.



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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Wed Jan 02, 2019 5:19 am

Thank you to everyone who applied. Each candidate should have received a response with a decision as to whether or not their application will be carried forward.

For those that made it onto the next round, please follow the instructions for that date. If there is a conflict, please let me know in advance.

For those that did not make it, I do hope to see your names in the future.



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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:53 pm

Please welcome the following new additions to the team:
  • DM Axis
  • DM Atlus
  • DM Epoch
  • DM Eyeball
  • DM Marduk
Hopefully we get them to unbind all necessary keys to prevent pausing!

Thanks again to all who applied!



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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Atropos » Fri May 24, 2019 12:16 am

It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen!
We will be conducting a set of DM interviews once more to fill positions on the DM team. Recent applicants that made it to stage two of the interviews last time are not eligible to be interviewed this time.

Those looking to apply to become a DM are required to send an application to myself (DM Atropos and the Active Admin team via the forums. Please do not include the Active DM team. You can provide as little or as much information as you like with your PM, whatever you feel is appropriate. We will get back to you with an answer regardless.

First round applications have a set deadline of 06/01/2019. Anything received after this date will not be considered.

After the first round of applications are reviewed and an answer is received, the second round date for interviews will be posted.

Once again: Applications are to be sent ONLY to the Active Admins and myself (DM Atropos). Please DO NOT send them to the Active DM team!
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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Atropos » Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:31 pm

We have new DMs joining the flock!

Please welcome aboard those who withstood a truly phenomenal field of applicants:

-DM Hoodoo
-DM Senke
-DM Crimson Cords
-DM Jelly
-DM Hansen

Please be patient with them as they learn our ropes, and don't be afraid to get to know our new teammates!

And as always, new people. Unbind those pause keys.
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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Atropos » Sat Oct 12, 2019 2:31 pm

It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen!
We will be conducting a set of DM interviews once more to fill positions on the DM team. Applicants that made it to stage two of the interviews last time are not eligible to be interviewed this time.

Those looking to apply to become a DM are required to send an application to myself (DM Atropos) and the Active Admin team via the forums. Please do not include the Active DM team. You can provide as little or as much information as you like with your PM, whatever you feel is appropriate. We will get back to you with an answer regardless.

First round applications have a set deadline of October 26, 2019. Anything received after this date will not be considered.

After the first round of applications are reviewed and an answer is received, the second round date for interviews will be posted.

Once again: Applications are to be sent ONLY to the Active Admins and myself (DM Atropos). Please DO NOT send them to the Active DM team!
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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Atropos » Sat Nov 09, 2019 8:55 pm

Please welcome our newest DMs to the team!

DM Respect
DM Zinzerena
DM Dionysus.

Unbind those Y keys, kids. And may you live up to the excellence we know you have.
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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Sat Nov 16, 2019 3:17 am

Additionally, the team has welcomed a new DM to the fold with the possibility of one other:

DM Fox
(Reserved Spot for Possible Other)

Please give them a warm welcome as they will be joining the team to assist and try not to scare them away when they accidentally pause the server (we've all done it!)

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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by DM Atropos » Tue Nov 19, 2019 1:19 am

DM Honey, after review by the team, was also added.
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Re: DM Recruitment

Post by MalKalz » Fri Feb 07, 2020 7:17 pm

I will be returning to the position of DM under our current staff and will look to handle cases and create player events.

Arelith has always been my home , from eleven years old and until now. And, it will continue to be. Unfortunately, life had gone in directions I had least expected and emotions had been in the wrong place. Those concerns and initial departure reasons are in the past - I have had time to reflect on my life, adjust things and alienate myself from sources of negativity. I am doing a lot better and I owe a big thank you to the current staff for supporting me. But, also to the players. I owe you the biggest sign of appreciation - a lot of people reached out to me, kept in contact and exuded a lot of positive vibes that I took with me each day.

Thank you. And hope to see you in game soon.

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