Add a "caster" Red Dragon Disciple path for sorcerers

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Add a "caster" Red Dragon Disciple path for sorcerers

Post by Dedman1234 » Fri Sep 27, 2019 3:53 pm

RDD is a class, that is primarily meant to enchance melee capabilities of a character. It is quite a silly idea to take it on a caster, since they don't really benefit as much from RDD bonuses and sacrificing valuable CL is basically suicide when facing anything with the ability to dispel. Looking at the public player counts I am not the only one who realizes that fact, as there are literally 0 players playing a sorc/RDD.

Then again, an RDD can only be taken by sorcerers and bards, so one would assume there would be /something/ in it for the sorcerer to pursue their draconic heritage. I'd love to meet an arrogant, winged sorcerer who is all about being magically superior to puny non-dragons, but it won't happen... since it would require someone to spend a major award on a meme build (or a kobold, but they'd still have to get the character into epics to get wings and spells).

To maybe fix that issue, how about creating a "caster" path for the RDD, that sacrifices some usual bonuses in exchange for... maybe halved CL (full for resisting dispells), or even a full CL progression? I am not entirely sure how one would go about implementing such, but the basic idea is to have a Prestige Class, that trades a bit of their arcane might for more survivability, kinda similar to a Pale Master in the way it works, while implementing an interesting new RP concept.

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Re: Add a "caster" Red Dragon Disciple path for sorcerers

Post by Irongron » Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:26 pm

I actually played a Sorc/RDD for some years, it may not be the most viable class mix, but it's not broken enough, in my view, to justify a new RDD path.

