Allow us to reset trade skills.

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Red Ropes
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Allow us to reset trade skills.

Post by Red Ropes » Thu Nov 14, 2019 2:43 pm

As title.

We need an ability to reset our trade skills without having to hunt a DM down. With -lose exp being taken away we can't do it.

I think having a cooldown of 1 a real life month or two to respec completely would be reasonable. When recipes change / or RP changes up it'd be nice to have the option.

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Re: Allow us to reset trade skills.

Post by Artenides » Thu Nov 14, 2019 9:47 pm

I do not believe this will be supported. It opens up a bunch of opportunities for players to abuse the system. Furthermore, I do not see how could someone justify this from an RP point of view:
- Oh I am a master alchemist, I can craft anything for you! Strongest essences? No problem! Dragon oil? Easy!
A month later:
- I suddenly forgot how to craft all these but hey, I am a master carpenter now!
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