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Temporary Ship Deck Storage

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:25 am
by LivelyParticle
This comes off the back of a server crash last night that wiped out most of the stored ship ammo we had and multiple ship treasure hauls due to a server crash. Pretty disheartening but bad things do happen - it just would be nice if we didn't lose the RL time investment due to an OOC issue.

If possible I would like to request a temporary storage (thinking along the same lines as a temporary shop) where items can be stored for a small amount of time on the ship deck, safe from any server crashes and remaining persistent through any server hiccups or resets. This would only be intended for the treasures taken from enemy ships and ship ammunition during a voyage, which can take up a lot of space.

Even if it's a box able to only store 20 or 30 items, it would be a big improvement on what's possible now on the deck, which is nothing and no saved storage of any kind in the cargo setup that's default on many ships.

Thanks for considering!

Re: Temporary Ship Deck Storage

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:21 am
by The GrumpyCat
Sailing is quite profitable, so some risk is needed. And especially on permenient ships, I don't think we want to add more storage options that might be used for other more general purposes.