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Vampire needs a little love.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:56 pm
by Tempedius

I would like to suggest giving vampires a major and possibly minor gift. My argument being that the race has been heavily nerfed over the years and the development direction of the sever is based around gifts, and with the huge number of effects that currently ignore their immunities or even prey on their weaknesses the race not only under performs but struggles just to keep up. For example a human fighter will have more hp, damage, and ab than their vampiric counter part. Vampires casters are always behind the curve both in terms of their primary casting stat and any defensive stats they may choose to invest into. Divine melees such as blackguard or divine champion further show this divide with the difference in attack bonus or charisma being at least 2 if not 4 points. In its current state vampire is a forgotten relic of an early age on Arelith. Back when a lot of the race's power was tied up in powerful immunities and alternate forms that had amazing scaling, optimal building not being as prevalent, and a different direction of development. My suggestion hopes to rectify this sad state. I thank you for taking the time to read and consider this request.

Re: Vampire needs a little love.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 11:37 pm
by The GrumpyCat

We currently have 13 active Vampires, (and our max is supposed to be 10) and 3 vampire apps, all approved and waiting their turn when some spaces open up. They're a limited class that, frankly, is already very much over subscribed (not that I blame anyone, Vampires are very cool just by themselves) I do not feel any further mechanical incentive is needed, or wanted, at this point.
