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Rename Staff Sequencer Slot

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2023 4:34 pm
by L I C E

Hi, small clarity suggestion.

At the moment, the "sequencers" on some of the crafted class specific staffs are called sequencers. And then on top of that, we have sequencers as well, which are used to buff summons. This confused me a lot, and I thought my staff was able to act as an arcane sequencer to store spells for buffing summons, for example. Instead, it just stores a spell I can use once every 10 minutes.

I'm suggesting re-naming the sequencer on staffs to something else to avoid this confusion, even if to something foolproof like "Stored Spell" or something just to differentiate between staff sequencers and arcane sequencers, both of which are referred to as sequencers yet serve entirely different purposes. This was rather confusing for me as there's not a whole lot of information available about these types of things unless you really go digging, and in my case I just assumed they were the same thing given they were named the exact same thing.

Re: Rename Staff Sequencer Slot

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2023 12:56 am
by Sincra

Staff Sequencers are true Sequencers in that they actually employ the games Sequencer system, modified by myself.
Worth noting that it is able to hold more spells, I have however barred this in the code so any items added with multiple would not permit it as this is a balance concern.

Runic sequencers are one I built at the request of Irongron.

They are distinct by the fact one is prefixed by Runic.