Vampire Waiting List

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Beary Nice
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Vampire Waiting List

Post by Beary Nice » Mon Mar 27, 2023 12:54 am

Hi, this will likely be my only suggestion.

I have been on the waiting list to play a vampire PC for some months now, as have others. As it is, there is a supposed hard limit of 10 vampire PCs at any one time on the server. Now, I don't mind this system in theory, and it makes sense entirely. We shouldn't have every other character be a major award, and doubly so for something that's application gated.

However, there's one thing that makes no sense within the context of the restrictions that the server itself sets - "shelved" characters are free to return at any point without being subject to either the same waiting list as the rest of us, or the hard limit of 10.

If someone is unable to put a property to proper use, such as a guildhouse, ship, or even a shop or their own personal quarter, then the rules say that it should be removed from them so that others may have a chance at making Roleplay for others. If someone is busy/otherwise unable to play enough to where they no longer qualify to hold a slot, I do not see how these characters are any different.

My suggestions are as follows:

1. If the hard limit of 10 is to prevent oversaturation, then shelved vampire PCs (or vampire PCs that have not been active for a period of time) should join the end of the waiting list regardless. If that is the rule, then it ought not to have exceptions. This will allow others to explore and share their own concepts and tell their own stories.

2. Change the definition of what an "active" or "shelved" character is. Look at how the time is being used, and not simply base the system on logins. I have seen characters online that are using a slot that log in only to refresh their properties, and then log out - this counts as "active".

3. If the definition of active is to remain unchanged, then perhaps a small increase in the number of available slots would not be out of the question. If we have characters that play much less than others for whatever reason, then there is a case for a very small proportionate increase of 2 or 3 slots, as the number seems to have hovered around there since I first asked.

It is evidently an in-demand concept, but if we currently still have the 13 active vampires when last I asked, the system is not fulfilling its intended purpose.

Thank you for reading.

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: Vampire Waiting List

Post by The GrumpyCat » Mon Mar 27, 2023 8:54 am

Idea 1) Is a tricky point, I do see where you're coming from here but the counter argument is people have rl too, and shouldn't be 'forced' to play characters constantly. The question comes up 'how active is active?' And what about real life? And also what about people finding out what 'active' is and doing the bare ninimum? This isn't to say I'm rejecting this idea entirely, but it would need a lot of careful thought.

Idea 2) The problem with this a little is, frankly, it's more work to an already heavily overworked team.

Idea 3) Yes, this is a possiblity and one I'll bring up to the rest of the Admin team. I'll reject or not when I hear back.

This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)
