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Add “Tiger Head” and other animalistic head options exclusive for Rakshasa

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 3:44 pm
by Hedgehog

It would be nice for Rakshasa to be able to switch their heads to that if the “Tiger form” head as a way to reveal their true nature without having to transform into the somewhat bland character model NwN has. It would be great for improving immersion and make them a more aesthetically pleasing race to work with.

If possible, some other animal head options would be nice to have too, since “Tiger” Rakshasas aren’t the only type of rakshasas around- there are also those with like, ape heads, alligator heads, praying mantis heads, wolf heads, snake, etc. This would add a bit more flavor and variety as well for Rakshasa enthusiasts to be able to play with.

Re: Add “Tiger Head” and other animalistic head options exclusive for Rakshasa

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:55 pm
by MalKalz

This is not something currently possible.

It would be nice to expand the Rakshasa base model appearance beyond the tiger form. However, we will look at alternatives.
