-remove x HP

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great balls of fire
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-remove x HP

Post by great balls of fire » Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:55 pm

It was really hard to find a way to word the suggestion so it didn't sound like -harm self.

sometimes I'm trying to RP that my character is injured; either they've been tortured, attacked, fell over and hurt themselves, maybe they're gunna cut their hand for a ritual, someone's punched them and I want to let it have effected them, but my PC's status is at uninjured. It makes it difficult to sell RPing lasting injuries or debilitation when the floaty is green and not orange or yellow.

so the suggestion is to implement a -remove x HP command, in which x is a given number of HP points so long as it does not put them at 'near death' state or below a given threshold of HP. The command does not work if the character is: restrained, subdued, paralyzed, or has con buffs applied.

maybe as a bonus use of the command also spawns a lil pool of blood that comes up [blood trail] or [blood spilt] and how much there is (relational to how much HP was lost) when someone -investigates it. This also prevents someone from injuring themselves so they can blame another person. it can also be cleaned up.

i just think its neat : )

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Re: -remove x HP

Post by MalKalz » Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:53 pm


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