You used a Key

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You used a Key

Post by SteelsSweets » Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:24 pm

Would it be possible to have a script put in so when you use one of your many keys from your page full of keys you know which one it was?

Would be nice for RP purposes to be able to hand off said key to someone who is going somewhere. Or "lose" it or whatever.

A side suggestion, a way to know if you have a key to a said door before you try to open it would be awesome. Not sure how that would be scripted but could be cool to be able to know IC that you have the key and have the power to deny someone else entry/exit if they don't have the key.

I know some of this could be handled with "Hey, remember which key goes where. Write it down or something." But my memory isn't the best and you should see all the notes I have on my desk already! Ugh.
Discord: SteelsSweets#4815
