Smuggling and burglary

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Smuggling and burglary

Post by Urch » Sat Oct 18, 2014 11:47 am

Player housing is pretty much invulnerable to any thief therefore I suggest;

1.) Add npc housing to each settlement. These houses can be broken into and it's contents ransacked. Picking locks/traps within could yield xp bonuses. NPCs may spawn or not. Besides loot, the contents of the house spawn goods labeled as stolen.

2.) These goods are marked as stolen, and therefore cannot normally be bought. They are also tailored for each settlement. They can be sold to certain fences hidden in each settlement.

3.){If possible to do} These fences do not buy illegal goods that came from the same settlement they are in. (e.g. You steal goods from Cordor. The Cordorian fence will not steal these goods, so therefore you must travel to a different place to sell them). The fences buy stolen goods, and they also sell various underground type equipment.

4.) The fence can only be accessed if you have 5 or more rogue/assassin levels (they both count, eg. you could have 3 rogue levels and 2 assassin levels), or have enough points in bluff/persuade/intimidate to convince them to let you access.

5.) With a successful looks check, it displays whether you are carrying illegal goods or not.

6.) The goods that can be stolen could be tied with settlement wealth. The more wealthy a settlement, the better the goods that drop.
For only $1 a day you can sponsor someone with chronic altitis.

Another day, another Doug.
