Election Suggestions

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Election Suggestions

Post by Tashalar » Sun Oct 05, 2014 12:49 pm

One of these is Andunor-specific, the other is general.

Firstly, general: put an automatic timer in place that removes citizenship from a character that has not been logged in in two to five (variable on your choice, or maybe an option pickable by Councillors?) IC years. Why would Orthus/Gerald/etc keep a person on their lists when they are no longer contributing to the city?
It would alleviate the problems caused by inactive characters bloating citizenship lists and wasting resources, and it would alleviate that pressing problem that SO many Councillors get of not being able to get in touch with a character to roleplay with them in order to remove them from the citizenship list (because PvP rules) as they are no longer played.

Secondly, Andunor-specific: Only those with the Slave or Outcast BACKGROUND should be permitted to vote/stand for election, of the non-UD races.

Slaves - saying only those with Background in this because they are usually Underborn or can be ordered to vote by their masters - who is going to trust a slave that has been captured in a raid (if it was restricted just to those collared) to vote for who you want them to? Not a pressing option though.
But seriously, Outcast background restriction would alleviate the frankly-ridiculous state right now where a horde of Surfacers pops down around election time (much like is happening now) and votes/stands for election in a city they don't even have to live in.They're OUTCAST for a reason, that would be like a Gnoll standing for election in Bendir. If you want to stand for election in an Underdark city you should BE an Underdarker (Outcast or otherwise).

EDIT: Adding a third.

Please, gods please, some restriction - be it three IC months, whatever, but more than just a space of three OC days (one IC month) - on when citizens can join a settlement and/or vote (other than the level 7 restriction). I hope I don't have to point out just how silly it is that the citizenship list in Andunor's Sharps alone has gone up twenty in the space of a day. There should be some buffer zone on this - or perhaps an increased price of joining a settlement during an election?
Boost it from 10k to 25/50k gp? This would encourage people that want to take over to plan in advance, or to gather up a sizable amount of funds to push their work.
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Re: Election Suggestions

Post by Mithreas » Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:42 pm

Tashalar wrote:One of these is Andunor-specific, the other is general.

Firstly, general: put an automatic timer in place that removes citizenship from a character that has not been logged in in two to five (variable on your choice, or maybe an option pickable by Councillors?) IC years. Why would Orthus/Gerald/etc keep a person on their lists when they are no longer contributing to the city?
Already exists, timer is set to 37 RL days. Report if it's not working please.
Secondly, Andunor-specific: Only those with the Slave or Outcast BACKGROUND should be permitted to vote/stand for election, of the non-UD races.
Implemented - UDers and Outcasts only (not slaves).
Please, gods please, some restriction - be it three IC months, whatever, but more than just a space of three OC days (one IC month) - on when citizens can join a settlement and/or vote (other than the level 7 restriction). I hope I don't have to point out just how silly it is that the citizenship list in Andunor's Sharps alone has gone up twenty in the space of a day. There should be some buffer zone on this - or perhaps an increased price of joining a settlement during an election?
Boost it from 10k to 25/50k gp? This would encourage people that want to take over to plan in advance, or to gather up a sizable amount of funds to push their work.
Nope, though the recent change to how often you can vote should curb stupidity.
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