Infinite Spells, Cantrips, and HaKs

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Infinite Spells, Cantrips, and HaKs

Post by Orian_666 » Sun Oct 27, 2019 9:43 pm

My suggestion is that we take a mix of the Pathfinder and 5th Edition approach on cantrips. Make them infinite use, no cooldown, and scale with level.

This creates, like prestidigitation for example if it were ever added which would be awesome, a lot of fun RP potential but also it gives mages, caster clerics, caster druids, etc etc something extra to do when adventuring. The infini spells from GSF are brilliant and really help to make a mage feel useful, but only wiz/sorc get them and spamming MM or Melf's constantly can get a bit stale and repetitive after some time, not to mention they fall off in usefullness real hard after mid levels on top of the lack of variety.

In fact i'd even go so far as to suggest removing the GSF infini spells entirely, giving all casters (arcane or divine) with access to cantrips at all have those cantrips be infinite cast and scale in power with CL. For example, Ray of Frost could do an extra d4 of damage at level 6, 12, 18 giving it 4d4 + 1 at CL 18 (scaling could stop at CL 18 for all of them so they don't become too strong). This would mean it scales slower than a comparable spell, Magic Missiles for example, and will never out damage it, keeping it weaker than 1st level and up spells.

A few more examples:

Cure Minor Wounds: Heal 4 health to a single target. +d3 at CL 6, 12, 18. (this way at absolutely maximum potential healing the amount healed wouldn't be more than a Cure Light Wounds)
Inflict Minor Wounds: Deals 1d4 + 1 damage to a single target. +d4 at CL 6, 12, 18.
Virtue: Target gains 1 temporary hit point above max. +3 at CL 6, 12, 18.
Flare:Target suffers -1 to attack rolls. +1 at CL 6, 12, 18.
Resistance: Gain +1 to all saves. +1 at CL 6, 12, 18.

The other damage ones could copy the Ray of Frost example, and any extra ones via Haks could scale appropriately too. But you get the idea!

Once this is all done and dusted something else could take the place of the GSF boon, and thanks to Haks the options for that are likely far more vast than they previously were :)

Thank you for taking the time to read my suggestion.

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Re: Infinite Spells, Cantrips, and HaKs

Post by Irongron » Tue Dec 17, 2019 10:24 am

I'm happy for cantrips to be infinite.

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Re: Infinite Spells, Cantrips, and HaKs

Post by Sincra » Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:54 am

Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.
