RPR change idea.

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RPR change idea.

Post by DirtyDeity » Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:18 am

This was kind of swallowed out over in the other thread since things were moving so quickly, but I want to make sure it's heard.

Many people talk about RPR being pointless, and absolutely no encouragement to increase one's roleplay and strive for it.

I think it would be remedied if you provided a negative ECL to all characters equivalent to (RPR-10)/10.

This means that 20 RPR people will have -1 ECL, and 40 RPR people will have -3.

I think this is extremely well rounded because ECL works very exponentially. A negative ECL character will absolutely ROCKET through the hard low levels. (For example, at level 3 with -2 ECL, Gobollos the roach master will gift you between 400-500 EXP. And your RPR ticks will hit for 100+) However, the change decreases and dies out very quickly as you progress in levels.

So in conclusion, a high RPR player will be able to dance his way EASILY through the first levels, but would hardly be given a free pass to 30. A high RPR player will be able to enjoy a chill-out startgame, and instead of worrying how to get level 4, the early levels will pass by at a comfortable pace. A 10 RPR player will have to work just as hard as he does now for them.
