I have had a lot of fun on my ranger over the years, so I'll throw out a few combinations that I like:
Ranger 30:
High DPS against favoured enemies (of which you'll have lots) Strongest animal companion, full caster levels, +5 Blade Thirst, nice amount of epic bonus feats, plenty of skill points, and you can get t3 dweomer by taking either craft wand, brew potion or scribe scroll. Mediocre AC, but not too shabby for a dualwielder. Expect to use a lot of wands for things like improved invisibility, see invis etc.
Must have feats are (pre-epic) Expertise/Imp expertise, Blind Fight, Weapon focus and Blood Lust. Bane of Enemies, Epic Weapon Focus and Call of the Wild in the epics.
Cross class 15 points in tumble, 16 in spellcraft. Animal Empathy lets you make some strong animal NPC's into henchmen, allowing you to run around with 3 animals (one companion + 2 henchmen).
Ranger 27/Bard or Specialist 3
Much like the above, but less favoured enemies and bonus feats, and a somewhat weaker companion. On the other side you can max out tumble and spellcraft, get access to UMD, and you put more points in things like open lock if you take specialist. The difference between bard and specialist is that the former gets you t3 dweomer with one craft feat, while the latter gives you access to all skills and a bonus Epic Skill Focus feat. Bard also lets you use and craft all the bard instruments if you go for carpentry.
These builds work best as a str based ranger. Dex gives you little beside somewhat higher AC, dex based skills and reflex saves at the cost of damage and carry capacity. Half-Orc is a great race, but any that do not penalize str or con will do.