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The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:37 pm
by Ironsoul
I’ve decided to make a wizard for my next character -breaking new ground for I have never tried one- and ask ye olde scribes and spellcasters for your sage wisdom.

I’m really fascinated by all the epic spell focus goodies and really want to capitalize on them.

I’m not concerned with PvP at all and evocation bores me so I’d like to avoid that- however most of my leveling will typically be on my own due to restricted play times and the like and I’d really like to be able to jump in and earn xp reliably when I don’t have time to get into serious RP reliably.

Is conjuring unavoidable for solo wizard? I’m not opposed to it but I’ve played Druids and clerics who are summoners before so I’d prefer to avoid it if possible but it is no deal breaker.

I really want to gun for Divination and Illusion - maybe abjuration.

I was thinking of going illusionist and losing enchantment - protection from spells seems pretty great (but the only spell I’d use from that school) is that okay to do without?

Going Human with two gifts for +2 con and +2 Int

Looking at something like 10str 14dex 17 con 17 int 14 wis 10 cha

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:04 pm
by Aren
Ironsoul wrote:Is conjuring unavoidable for solo wizard? I’m not opposed to it but I’ve played Druids and clerics who are summoners before so I’d prefer to avoid it if possible but it is no deal breaker.
Well, if you want to solo things, you can do so without SF: conjuration. It's just not as pleasant. If you mean to be running without a summon as a solo wizard, I'd really advise against it.
Ironsoul wrote:I was thinking of going illusionist and losing enchantment - protection from spells seems pretty great (but the only spell I’d use from that school) is that okay to do without?
Losing Protection from spells hurts, as well as losing Mass Haste (which is also enchantment). Confusion is also really good at the level you get it.

Starting stats look alright, but if I were to give my two cents, I'd recommend having 18 con from the get go.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:29 pm
by Ironsoul
Yeah 18 con seems a fair place to start.

I definitely plan to have a summon - I suppose I’ll end up going the conjuration focus route.

Would it be better to be a generalist wizard then? Looking at the other options I don’t think I’d want to give up the other spell schools really either.

It’s too bad I can’t dump necromancy or evocation as those ones don’t appeal to me much either outside the bigsby spells.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:04 pm
by Shadowy Reality
It is perfectly doable to solo level a Wizard without any Conjuration focus. Generalist is often the best way to go, yes.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:52 pm
by Seven Sons of Sin
If you drop Evocation entirely, I'm pretty sure (as a generalist wizard with 26 levels) you can get Epic Spell Focus in every other school, along with metamagic feats. This is something to consider!

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:04 pm
by Hunter548
If you're looking to have some real solo ability, conjuration is pretty important for that yeah. Mummy Dust can substitute for this at epic levels, but otherwise you will probably want conjuration.

As for getting all the -commands, you'll need Abjuration, Illusion, Transmutation, Conjuration and Divination for that. Easily doable as a gnome or human. Should leave you room for some staples like EDK and extend spell, too.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:14 pm
by Aelryn Bloodmoon
Seven Sons of Sin wrote:If you drop Evocation entirely, I'm pretty sure (as a generalist wizard with 26 levels) you can get Epic Spell Focus in every other school, along with metamagic feats. This is something to consider!

On a more serious note, evocation or not (although I strongly urge you to reconsider the life-saving ability of this school in general,) you can get by without conjuration.

There's a book of summon nature's ally 1-4. Even as a specialist with no conjuration, you can use this book, because it's a use-item, not a scroll/wand, and you don't actually have to cast it. It's functionally similar to being able to drink a healing potion even though you can't cast conjuration spells, as far as the game is concerned (True Flames excepted).

One or two of these along with shelgarn's persistent blade (Evocation) until level 5 will last you through to level 11 if you aren't careless with them. At level 11 you get mordenkainen's sword (Transmutation), which has a weapon you can enchant with Greater Magic Weapon and spams knockdown like no tomorrow at anything standing within melee distance of you, as well as spellcasting mobs.

For bonus points, Mordenkainen's Sword is completely immune to all magic that doesn't ignore spell resistance specifically (which is a VERY short list) which makes it ideal dispel bait against caster mobs, which as a soloing wizard, you will find to be a spectacular quality of life enhancement.

At level 15, your mordenkainen's sword swings a +5 sword thanks to your GMW, and carries numerous buffs to its stats, AC, and DR/ER thanks to you, as well. It's not the same as having a level 23 weapon master... but it will take you just about as far with a bit more work on your part.

Oh yeah, and it has true seeing to deal with those pesky stealth mobs.

In terms of enchantment, it will be easiest for you to get good gear (from a soloing thought-process) if you can enchant your own, definitely shouldn't give it up. Dominate Monster also has some pretty spectacular uses on this server in a PvE environment, and Dominate Person can be used on a number of humanoid mobs, some of whom are more effective than your mordenkainen's sword even after buffing. *Edit: Mindfog is your friend.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:20 pm
by Hunter548
Oh, also: Don't specialize. It's really not worth it.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:57 pm
by Ironsoul
Excellent feedback everyone thanks!

So generalist seems the way to go by far.

I’m actually excited by the idea of using the sword companions instead of the more traditional ones - are they competitive or is summon creature just that much better?

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:30 am
by Thanatosis
Conjuration is hands down the best magic school in the game. The utility of -yoink, the intense PvP power of EDK, the soloing power of ancient elemental, the levelling ease of GSF conj... even the conjuration spells are among the best (evard's, grease, web).

Mordekainen's Sword is not that good, but it having spell immunity is nice for certain bosses and dungeons.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 12:45 am
by Hunter548
Ironsoul wrote:Excellent feedback everyone thanks!

So generalist seems the way to go by far.

I’m actually excited by the idea of using the sword companions instead of the more traditional ones - are they competitive or is summon creature just that much better?
Summon creatures are far better.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:05 pm
by Ironsoul
Is epic mage armor worth the feat?

Does a mage need any plus save feats or are they sufficiently covered with buffs and spellcraft?

I’m kind of torn if I want to do ESF illusion, it seems cool but potentially lack lustre.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:06 am
by Tourmaline
Ironsoul wrote:Is epic mage armor worth the feat?

Does a mage need any plus save feats or are they sufficiently covered with buffs and spellcraft?

I’m kind of torn if I want to do ESF illusion, it seems cool but potentially lack lustre.
The messenging aspect is very cool. The double isn't something you'll probably use. It's not top of my list, maybe if on a gnome who's getting a free illusion focus anyway.

Don't bother with plus save feats.. Too many good focuses and metamagics to get instead.

Mage armor is mandatory on spellswords and not good enough to bother with on others.

Start collecting every greenstone you see from level 3 and treat them like diamonds.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2018 2:32 am
by Thanatosis
Illusion is cool, and Weird can definitely blow up mundane people if you play around the clarity cooldown and remember to breach mind blank. The messenger is handy. The double I've seen used to cool RP effect (I remember somebody tricking me with it once to escape a fight -- pretty neat). Don't take save feats, wizards have plenty plus it's tough to fit them.

Re: The Solo PVE Wizard! Build help and wizardly advice!

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 6:44 pm
by Cortex
Epic Mage armor can still be useful if you gear and build toward it, such as:

•Taking bard over ranger for the tumble AC (+3 compared to ranger if MCd).
•Taking still spell feats or getting spellthief armor combined with high DEX boosts, also small or large shield depending.
•The right spell combinations (cats, mage armor, haste, etc).

You get over mid 50 AC with all of the above. With conceal, the first one or two attacks are probably landing(and even then not guaranteed especially with conceal), but the third, fourth+ will have a much harder time to land, which beats conceal and premonition being your only defense.

The trade in is that you lose the ranger bonus feat, have to spend 30 points for tumble, another feat for EMA, and armor/offhand slots that could be used to boost other aspects. Making it a little more restricted than vanilla mages, especially sorcerers who are feat starved.