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Opinion 26 Warpriest / 4 DD > Arcane Defense Abj

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:50 am
by legionetrangere

To those experienced PVP and PVE players:
Given a 26 Warpriest / 4 Dwarven Defender build, should I still invest in taking (SF Abjuration + Arcane Defense Abjuration) for 30 CL?
I ask this because Warpriest (starting at level 21) gives + 3 CL, so if I don't take AD Abjuration I would still land at 29 CL.
Should I spend two feats to get that extra milage to 30?


Re: Opinion 26 Warpriest / 4 DD > Arcane Defense Abj

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:03 am
by Good Character
While DD requires only 1 feat, it's still a feat spent. Couple that with a non-human race it adds up.

The usual warpriest build takes advantage of Divine Synergy, so it has to take 3 feats (i.e. power attack, divine shield, divine might). You're theoretically already at 2 of 3 going DD.

Let me ask this: what feat are you taking at DD level 4?

Re: Opinion 26 Warpriest / 4 DD > Arcane Defense Abj

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:08 am
by legionetrangere
I didn't go down the shotgun style (Divine shield/might), i'm more of a turn/level or hour/level wards kind of guy. (I know its not optimal).
I'm thinking taking Iron Stance at DD level 1 and mounting resistance at level 4

This is what I have so far

Cleric Extend Spell
Cleric WF One Handed
Cleric Monkey Grip
Cleric Toughness
Earthkin Defender Iron Stance
Earthkin Defender Expertise
Earthkin Defender
Cleric IC Handed
Cleric Blind Fight
Cleric Epic Prowess
Cleric Improved Expertise
Cleric Armor Skin
Cleric Epic Will
Earthkin Defender Mounting Resistance
Cleric Epic Strength / EWF One Handed

I'm happy with it, but I'm considering changing Epic Will at level 27 and wondering wheather I should take SF abjuration for arcane defense in order to get to that 30 CL dispel defense

Re: Opinion 26 Warpriest / 4 DD > Arcane Defense Abj

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 3:23 am
by Good Character
Frankly, I say dump lv 4 DD. Mounting Resistance 1 is not hugely noticeable. It stacks with Regenerate but I personally wouldn't go that route.

In fact, if you go Monkey Grip I would just go 27 cleric/3 DD. I would try and slot in the Disarm line of feats or at least Knockdown.