This topic has probably been brought up a bunch in the past but I'm specifically talking about the current implementation of lycanthropy on Arelith. Two main points of feedback:
1) It sucks for roleplay on Arelith.
2) The lack of healing means you're extremely limited for PvE.
1) It sucks for roleplay!
Players are either going out to get lycanthropy on purpose for the storytelling concepts it adds to their character, or by mistake. In either case, because you lose all control of the character on a failed will save which is popping off every single round, the chance of rolling a 1 within any roleplay session is extremely high no matter what your will save is. You cannot avoid going crazy and starting PvP, which is completely at odds with trying to roleplay in a situation where the other player may not be able to type as quickly as you and may be in the middle of typing.
In the best-case scenario, you have a player who's aware of this and tries to play around it for the sake of creating roleplay and a good experience for everyone.
In the worst-case scenario, you have a player who's aware of their build and everything that goes into a lycanthrope and plans on it going crazy to avoid PvP rules and just kill a lot of people.
There's no real way to tell if this is the case or not, because the player has zero control over the way this plays out once they're in the shape and in most instances they're in the shape for PvE but then someone comes along and the timer till you go crazy begins. In the middle ground, you probably just have players who are trying out this ability and are in PvE situations but then don't really know what to expect till they've killed people.
The results of random rampage PvP are rarely taken seriously by anyone because there's very little roleplay around it. This a roleplay server, so hopefully the devs realise that enabling roleplay should probably be more important than holding onto these ideas from past administrations like Mithreas' "Haha, players should have no control at all over their own storytelling whilst in werewolf form."
2) The lack of healing means you're extremely limited for PvE.
You get 1 regen to heal with. That's it. That's everything you get! You can't use kits, you can't use potions, you can't use magic. If you haven't prepared magic ahead of time, then you've got nothing else.
Most classes that have some kind of sustain abilities don't actually work whilst in the shape. Some do, some don't, because there's a sort of disparity in the way different abilities are scripted so you've got plenty of stuff which should be working and isn't, and plenty of stuff which is working but shouldn't be.
When it comes to actually playing a game and having this ability as something to use in a PvE situation, this can be really un-fun. You often don't know when a fight will be too much for your character until you're in the fight. In lycanthropy forms, you'll never be able to disengage from the fight and retreat, you'll just keep slugging away until you win or you die. I fully understand that it's kind of tied into the ideas behind the last point, but since there's no options to heal between fights or to adjust how you're fighting (such as switching on/off expertise or other combat stances etc), you're just kind of screwed.
In polymorph shapes, characters can use all potions and that's usually the method of healing. Why not just allow lycanthropes to use potions as well? It doesn't really unbalance anything since you won't have the control in the fight anyway. It just allows for slight preparation before a group e.g. drinking haste, or for healing after a fight e.g. drinking whatever cure/healing potions.
In conclusion, devs please make these things focus on the roleplay and focus on being fun! Thank you.