Irongron wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:59 pmkirisin wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 9:11 pmCarrion Eater wrote: Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:36 pmJust popping in to more heavily disclaim the underlined part to other readers who might see a green name and think it's an OK: PLEASE do not consider doing this, as it is a misuse of the -relevel command. We aren't supposed to use the -relevel command for the purpose of leveling as one thing to use its ease of leveling, and then level into another thing once we reach the level it'll work at. Naturally, this means that the leveling experience might be a little more difficult for leveling certain builds that don't "come online" until level 20, 24, etc.
Mr. Electric, send him to the principal’s office and have him expelled!
To be clear, I'm never building to a spreadsheet. It's just not how I prefer to play. I mostly decide on each level, what my next level will be.
This is fine, of course, but when 5 levels after level X I realise build Y would be much better I relevel, even in the knowledge that, at level X, it would have been far more challenging.
This isn't a rule break, can't really even be one as is just so subjective, and certainly never pre-planned, but I'm well aware relevel both makes this approach easy and desirable, but also that it is widespread behaviour.
Free access to relevels makes the game far less challenging
That's fine; a lot of us don't use spreadsheets or paper to write down builds. To clarify how I read it, the specific wording:
"...find myself building to be most effective at my current level, then relevel to a more desired build, for that level, later on."
sounded as if one was suggesting what has been stated as a "do not do this, very bad": building to X level with build A, and then switching to build B when it is more effective later on, with pre-planned intent.
I misunderstood, and I'm glad to admit that I did! Thank you for the clarification on your part as well, and for further explaining an example of what kinds of building errors/mistakes the -relevel command might be used for without being considered misuse.
(and sorry to the others for potential derail from replying to a reply; I don't really have much else to say except what I already said about PVE previously.)