Discussion on Gold

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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by Quidix » Sat Mar 06, 2021 5:24 pm

It would be very nice to have a long-term FoM potion / consumable. FoM is very expensive for any non-divine-wand character (~1,200 for 7min).

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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by ClockworkRed » Sun Mar 07, 2021 10:11 am

Hi all, just started a few months ago with NWN again doing casual gameplay and kind of have a somewhat similar experience as the original poster. Really good fun for me to start a new pc and level due to the excellently designed hunting areas and easy ways to party up and have nice rp along a certain writ.

But for me the fun curve dropped for my first PCs starting at lvl 10 due to the lack of decent gear. I found I had to switch quite hard from leveling to just looking how to farm gold to gear up when reaching lvl 10 to be able to keep up with mobs with an initial melee built. Guess it is really hard to find a good balance between keeping it interesting for experienced players and server newbis but to play certain builds one needs quite some understanding how to obtain gold and what items to buy. If you are new it is quite unforgiving if you do not keep a very close eye on your gold from basically already lvl 3 as you already need to save for your later gear. Here thanks for the tips here in the topic, really helpful advice for a new player.

But I am sure this was discussed already many times, and one can really see how much work went into the balance on the server. It is really amazing what you guys were able to set up also in terms of design and all places are full of great roleplayers.

What also helped for me was that I ended up with a reward from the new city event, which I used to lower my ecl. That allows me to take a little easier writs to first learn the areas especially when i cannot find a party. possibly one thing one might consider is giving new players a special newcomer reward that can only be used to lower their ECL so they have a somewhat easier time.

Edited: sorry did not want to sound to complaining on first post.

Pirates FTW

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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by Hrothgar Bloodaxe » Mon Mar 08, 2021 9:02 am

Without getting into specifics, I feel pretty comfortable stating that I am one of the "rich people" being discussed on this server. Here are some thoughts/things to consider:

To start off - I get it - Arelith can be tough and unforgiving at times. Especially if you're new, just starting out, unfamiliar with the mechanics, etc. I have experienced a lot of the same issues other people have. You go to that one shop in Settlement X, see that Dragonbone plate in the window that would solve all your problems, and then die inside when you see the price tag. Meanwhile, you just got demolished when you went to complete a writ that should, in theory, be almost too low of a level for you...it can lead to some hard feelings, for sure. I would know, I've had them plenty of times.

That being said, these are solvable problems. The good news is, they are not even that complicated to solve.

The cardinal rule of Arelith (and it applies here) is that RP makes the world go 'round. Getting involved in groups of people is a very easy way to make money. It makes it easy to do writs. It makes it easy to farm loot. It makes it easy to track down shops, craft items for each other, and keep stores stocked full of things. If you have a couple of good buddies, you can spot each other money when you see something on sale for a good price, saving you tons of gold in the long run.

And, as one poster even pointed out - people will give you money, or pay you to do things. This totally happens, all the time.

If you are just starting out - join up with a guild! As someone that runs a pretty well-organized guild....I am *constantly* looking for new members. And, once we RP with someone for a little while, make sure they're a decent, respectful player, etc....we gear them up, completely free.

Because honestly - if you ask a "rich player" which they'd rather have - a cool new guildmate, or an extra $10 million in imaginary money...I guarantee you 10/10, they'd rather have a new friend to play the game with.

So, my best advice is, to get involved. There will always be rich players, and not-so-rich players. Unless you are running a settlement or buying castles, you're never going to need more than a couple million, realistically. And if you're struggling to get that 1-2 million to gear up...then find a friend to help you. They're out there. This is a server full of people, who have come to this specific place, to find friends to RP with....just reach out, and start up a conversation. It's not going to solve all your problems at once...but if you just put in a steady effort over time, you will more than likely get everything you need, and probably more.
Of course, optional horse death RP is a possibility.

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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by Reallylongunneededplayername » Mon Mar 08, 2021 2:32 pm

I read a bit, Didn't feel like reading all of it.

:D My dealings with the coin:

1. I almost always play characters that could surive near nude with a plain weapon

2. if you really need to make coin at mid keep grinding spots that drop magic weapons. (Str characters only I guess)

3. Know your stuff, Things can be sold if you know the right NPC, PC crafter or it's general use. Question everything, Research all.

Addition to 2; Arelith is a grind server, You grind xp, resources and gp, It sucks and you don't need to be part of it.

:| Equipment:


There are several characters, Myself included that just make you stuff if you have the materials or sometimes the materials are on hand or easily found.

Or we help you find that better stuff. ^.-

You just have to be that social character, Wich ofcourse, Kudo's to you if you ain't.

:geek: Mechanical:

There is a cap on coin that has so many ways to by pass it makes the cap laughable.
Few things that could make it less of a joke:

No 1 person faction accounts.
Faction accounts allow 100k for each member.
limit factions for one character.

Loot is fine, No?

I haven't had a "Gee there isn't much loot today" but as above might indicated, You got to know your loot.

:arrow: Having high appraise friends helps. To many friends doesn't.

Oh, Let me get on to that! "Know your party", Having a group of three is enough, Honestly, having just a partner is PERFECT.
The more you split the less you have and aslong you got magic, weapon dmg and a rogue(fey) you're solid.

Anyway those are my two cent..Uhm..Silver dollars.
(>^.^)>) * * * *<(^.^<) <-Magic missles and shield spell.

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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by TheManBehindTheMemes » Tue Mar 09, 2021 3:41 am

Let Ignore every other post in this thread.

To give you an idea on what to do if you're a STR player, is to examine every item you come across in the game. Most items in the game can be peddled off to a peddler NPC in almost every settlements (including Andunor).

Simply put, play a kleptomaniac Hero. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ ... maniacHero


Now that we're going to just pretend that none of other posts here are helpful, let discuss what is more important.

First. With a character that focuses on building STR. Your biggest advantage is that big, big, inventory weight.

So with this grandly nerfed gold gains. We'll have to discuss methods, and mean on how to get more gold circumventing the loss. The first thing you'll have to acknowledge is -

1. Nearly most of the stuff that isn't 1. Scrolls 2. Jewelries can be *peddled* off.

2. That every resources have some value attributed to them. The value you have to determine somehow.

3. That every settlement will give you kisses, love, and will beg for your hand in marriage if you were dedicated to selling resources, and or donating resources in their Ticket Event.

Now the first is easily learnt. You right-click, examine item. If item have Value of 0. Ignore that item forever. If that item have more than 100 value, (Brass Cog, Small statues, Brass gear, etc), grab them. They can be peddled off to peddlers because *they* will buy certain junks. Scrap metals, scrap helmets, etc could be picked up. But you rather want to be collecting Magical gear to vendor them. If gears have just skill points on it. Just throw them out. (Magical gear with just skills and not abilities are less than 80gp at best)

Second is understanding the economic value, and player market economy. Some items you'll acquire are very valuable in hand of crafters. And most desired items are dependent on just one simple knowledge. Arelith's crafting on wiki. Strictly speaking, look up http://wiki.nwnarelith.com/Carpentry or http://wiki.nwnarelith.com/Tailoring or http://wiki.nwnarelith.com/Alchemy. These are multiple crafting recipes where they require an assistance of someone with big strength weight. If you understands what is required, or needed. You would want to collect these resources. Bonus point is if you're investing into smithing. You would want to collect coal, smelt the ore. Then sell the ingots to those that requires these ingots.

Third is quite funny. Just walk up to a Settlement NPC. Go to Expanded Resources. Check what they're buying, and check for the ## / ##. Most cities, and towns can afford to buy your materials you've collected. That mean if you collect every material on the way. From Salt, to granite, to coal, to marble. As long as you keep collecting these resources, and stopping by settlements every now and then. You'll rack up to about 5k to even 10k, to even achieving around 50k to 60k every day. Depending on how dedicated you are to the money-process.


Let stop ignoring the other posts.

They are correct that having a friend with High appraise/search/leadership are greatest thing to happen to you. Almost as good as sliced bread. But there's an issue. You have to find that person. You have to hope that you meet that person, and befriend them. Chances are, the people that you want to befriend are busy, and rather help their friends than to help you. So sometimes, it's not very good idea to rely on these people on constant basis.

It is good idea to join a faction, true. But sometimes you don't want to make a commitment to a faction, or to a guild all the time. Some people that read this forum are the type to avoid clique, and rather not be involved in closed off communities roleplay. Which is understandable.

And finally,
If you help a low-str wizard. They will beg for your hand in marriage.

I'll be off, gent. Flex on.
Imagine getting an old forum account back. that's 2019 - this is 2020.

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Party in the forest at midnight
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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by Party in the forest at midnight » Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:18 am

Wow. Post this in another subforum for posterity (and prosperity!), that is a really helpful guide that should have a thread all to itself.

Babylon System is the Vampire
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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by Babylon System is the Vampire » Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:34 am

Steal all the things is the mic drop of this thread.

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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by Arienette » Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:46 am

I have begun taking some of the advice here on my characters with high STR.

Some of the things that are worth money to the Sibayad peddler that surprised me:

1. Rogue grenade type items
2. Cogs/gears
3. Trash weapon essences
4. Potions: in some of my characters I have had the potion auto loot turned off. Turn it on.

Pick up raw gems and store them in a mining bag. My herbalist has been trying to buy raw aventurine and alexandrite off of random people who say “oh I don’t pick up raw gems”

How many times have you walked past a lady’s tear or kings crown? Grab those. When you eventually have 50 or 100, a heal potion maker will pay you.

Sell the stuff to settlements as has been said by others.

The biggest one: bounty heads. This is a somewhat new mechanic and it blows my mind. Recently I did a lot of adventuring and had a head bag with dozens of heads. Sold it all off for 20k or something and was quite pleased.

Someone clued me in on the leadership bounty bonus. I saved another weeks worth of heads and had an IC friend with very high leadership sell them for me. The result was 150,000 gold. One hundred and fifty thousand. Heads that gave me 800 gold were getting 3-4K when sold. Y a leadership expert.

Honestly I think that is sort of broken but hey, I’ll take it.

Never sell your own heads if you have no leadership. Save them up and have someone do it for you. You will be rolling in adamantium gear in no time!

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Re: Discussion on Gold

Post by a shrouded figure » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:55 am

Just a thought on gold in general-

What if we drastically boosted the cost of soft 5% and hard 5% enchantments while also increasing the gold dropped from epic tier content?

This would encourage high level content to be run for gold while also helping to reign in basin gear a tad?

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