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Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:03 pm
by MissEvelyn
Iceborn wrote:But in PnP you are still there, you get to still see the game, talk around the table.
In Arelith you are completely shut out.
Are you proposing an invisible ghost version of your character that you take control of, spawning where you died, to watch what's going on?

Because that wouldn't be so bad while waiting it out :roll:

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:08 pm
by Mr_Rieper
It actually wouldn't be bad at all. Might be fun to watch how people react to your death.

Problem is, there's the issue of metagaming. It is more immersive to have no idea what happened while you were dead, and not have the temptation to metagame it.

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:13 pm
by Rwby
Hardly! At least... I keep in touch with my party through tells!

Doesn't anyone else?

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:16 pm
by Xanos950
I'd rather be tempted by metagaming than sit in a boring map for legit 20minutes without anything to do.

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 10:26 pm
by Rabbid
WanderingPoet wrote:
Dr_Hazard89 wrote:I like how it is. You can still RP, you're just very messed up. At least we don't lose thousands of XP anymore- that was not fun!
Agreed - death sucks but losing thousands of XP just adds insult to the injury. A couple of minutes not being able to run around is really not all that bad in comparison to potential hours of lost XP. And you can always be raised to bypass the timer.

This is a good rule, I think! Even though I don't have much time to play (only a couple hours/week) I have yet to mind dying in PvP and having to wait around a bit. Usually I'm stuck in limbo with a few others and we can chat anyhow.
I also love this new timer/rule. In fact it's actually made me less likely to resort to PvP to resolve conflict and instead my characters now actually try and talk their way out of it.

Also I've had great RP come from this timer. A character named Powell I think killed my new goblin feylock over my goblin being made he stole the rat tails. But the player/character, instead of bashing me, took me to the nearest kobold and sold my corpse into slavery after being raised. Thankfully it got resolved and the Player behind Powell was considerate in doing so because they didn't think I'd want the PvP death timer.

I've yet to experience bad RP/lack there of because of this timer.

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 11:40 pm
by AllTheWorld
I think the timer is important. It gives people a chance to cooldown and reflect on what happened.

However, I also agree that the death area is kind of crappy to be stuck in for 20 minutes. Perhaps there could be various things added there for flavour? What about a devilish being that lets you gamble with small portions of your soul for a chance at coming back without penalties? What about ghosts that wander the halls and engage you in conversation to tell you their sad stories? Maybe in those sad stories, there might be clues about a hidden quest that the ghost sends you on - to return a certain item to a certain place so that they can rest in peace? What about a scripted game of knucklebones that you could play with other dead PCs/alone?

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:38 am
by Ebonstar
every time I have lost pvp since the timer was put in place, even the bad guys would always raise at least one person so they could take the bodies. i think the most was 6 minutes I was dead, and thats barely time to make a good sandwich.

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:41 am
by Iceborn
MissEvelyn wrote:
Iceborn wrote:But in PnP you are still there, you get to still see the game, talk around the table.
In Arelith you are completely shut out.
Are you proposing an invisible ghost version of your character that you take control of, spawning where you died, to watch what's going on?

Because that wouldn't be so bad while waiting it out :roll:
Actually, I did propose something like that before.
Nowadays, I think reverting to the vanilla "death" state where you can actually choose whether to respawn or wait for resurrection is way simpler and would do far better than our automatic teleportation to the Fugue.

I'm not a huge fan of the 20 minutes timeout.

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 6:23 am
by Durvayas
Generally speaking, I talk to the people who killed me to see if I'm being bashed or not. If I am, I just afk and do a load of laundry or something.

If they tell me I'm going to get raised, I just crank up the volume on my speakers so I hear the raise dead sound and alt-tab out of the game and do something else.

Re: PVP death timer

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:39 pm
by Aelryn Bloodmoon
Terminal_Templari wrote:
Ebonstar wrote:you realize that you have had this post up for about 20 minutes, so go rp again
That's not the point.

My rule of thumb for any rule would be 'Would this fly if I did it at my Pen&paper game?'

"Sorry bob, you got killed by jane's fireball....go stand in the corner for 20 minutes because nobody can res"
In PnP, because raise dead is a minute long spell and resurrection and true resurrection are ten minute long spells (that's 10 and 100 rounds), it often takes the entire combat before such spells can be cast- which is frequently longer than twenty minutes.

Just thought that was worth mentioning.