The Arcane Tower

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by RedGiant » Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:03 am

A guildhall or two is fine, but just please allow a substantial area for the unaligned or aspirants. Some of the ballyhooed days of tower activity were actually quite exclusive.

Unpopular opinion, but part of the exclusivity of the old days probably had to do with the fact that much of the tower was taken up by the wardens, while proper mages waited in the lobby. I don't think this was/is a good design point.

To this point, make the Arcane Tower like all the other class-based areas that require certain class and level combos to own. If you need some sort of auxiliary like the wardens, then there are several houses outside in the village and an entire tavern. This could be enhanced with building support, but something like this is even possible now with a patient property bid.

Finally, I agree with warlock exclusion. I love that there are a growing number of niche class/race quarters across the Isle. Maybe they can get their due this way?

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Security_Blanket » Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:26 am

Maybe it's a less popular opinion, but I do not think the Arcane Tower should be so inclusive. I don't expect to be allowed everywhere in Brogendenstein or Bendir Dale as someone playing a human, I don't think I should have access to every part of the Druid's Grove as someone not playing a nature aligned class, I don't expect to get into the Myon as a Human, in fact, I expect to be excluded, and maybe have a few racial slurs thrown my way.

I don't care that much for the idea of a Arcane Tower much over a Wizard's Tower, not only do I think Warlocks don't belong in the tower, but I don't think Sorcerers do, or Spellswords, much less "Wardens" but that's me. I'd love to see more dynamics between Sorcerers and Wizards but it feels more like they get some blanket treatment, even though a Sorcerer traditionally isn't as keen on study as a Wizard so why do they need access to the library, or a teacher for that matter, they're self-taught.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Xerah » Fri Apr 05, 2024 12:34 am

This is certainly some revisionist history. I’m pretty sure there were over 100 members at one time (we kept a spreadsheet of members) and allowed everyone in (unless they were blatantly evil).

The tower group at that time was probably LN with a slant towards good so it made sense to exclude certain people just as every guild on the server does (and should do).

If you were a mage who liked doing magic roleplay, writing dumb papers, and weren’t a jerk, you were in. I don’t know how you get that larger by being exclusionary.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Mamma ama Warlock » Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:27 am

I remember the tower about 5-6 years ago: it was a large, thriving community with a constant influx of commuters from the surrounding areas. It was even before the remaster of the place itself, with all its fancy magical elevators. Arcane magic was predominantly in the Wizards’ hands back then, and there were numerous well-established and powerful characters who ran the place, creating the pull through their presence.

Today, other arcane caster classes besides wizards are very common, and the wizards themselves are in a very awkward transitional state. If (more of a When) wizards and mages in general get a face lift, I do absolutely expect there to be a resurgence. Will it be centered around the arcane tower? Perhaps, that would be a nice nod to the old days to focus player attention on the Tower via DM ran events. And then let the natural flow take its course. I am rather optimistic about the future of arcane magic, but I’m not sure the Tower can be forced into relevancy, unless at an expense of other areas.

As far as I see, the server has taken great steps towards decentralization in various areas, and the player base is much more robust than it used to be. So the old Mage=Tower might naturally be the thing of the past, although it is always there if players decide to involve it more actively in their plots.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Rydala » Fri Apr 05, 2024 11:48 am

New features to an area will always spike interest and activity, but the life of the village is tied to the land around it.

Hypothetically, the Tower could become a buzzing hub overnight if a popular character set up shop out of the Tower and ran events or a faction from it.

Fact is, the Tower's vision of academic RP is shared by other factions who clearly fulfil what player's characters are looking for because the area they perform this RP is not just a backdrop but there is life around where the faction is set up, eg. Cordor's mage guild.

I have a hard time thinking about what it is that the Tower lacks which is preventing an initiative of magic-based RP being reguarly hosted in the Tower, the Tower's huge and spoils us with interesting areas like the arena, magical-beast petting zoo and extensive library - what more could a mage RPer ask for.

The life of the village is tied to the land around it, I don't think the Tower actually -needs- any physical changes. The stage is already primed and set, just needs actors.

There is one mechanical adjustment I'd like to see and that is clerics devoted to magic-aligned gods like Mystra, Oghma, Azuth, etc. being included in the Tower's exclusivity list. In the Apex there is a crescent of altars dedicated to these gods; get these clerics on The List!

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Security_Blanket » Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:59 pm

I think the tower could use at the very least a facelift, and adding some guildhalls would be a huge step in the right direction. How can that even be in question, a really easy way to tell is from all the empty rooms; are you kidding me? You can go all over the island and not find a single house/room for rent, and yet there are about ten empty rooms in the tower. If that's not indicative of a problem then I don't know what is. Empty public chests that no one feels safe to use because they're not secure, it's just a whole lot of wasted potential right now.

I too am of the mind that "if you build it they will come." One floor with three separate wings would be a neat idea for additional guildhalls, where factions might have no choice but to run into one another in the common area on the way to their respective guildhalls. There's the potential for conflict or collaboration, the real question to me is, why wouldn't we want something like this implemented?

It should never fall to any one player to draw attention to a place, be it a PC or DM, that's just flawed logic. That person that you're waiting for will get burnt out, it's not a matter of how but when, and the tower itself will remain.

I don't know that the tower is too big, but I definitely think there are some redundancies; for instance, how many giant tables do we need surrounded by a throne for each spell school? I think I counted three of them, and I bet none of them see much use. I have to go to the Tungsten Turret to craft a golem, and yet the Arcane Tower is supposed to be the surface central hub for the arcane.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Diegovog » Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:23 pm

I used to love the Arcane Tower, been an active part of it a few times and I have my fondest memories over when Jacob Swift held the tower.
Many would say RP was done inside closed doors, but that's because back then, RP was quite different. People would often focus too much on their character arcs. So you would have many times a day people showing up requesting help with their characters curse, affliction, disease, geas, nightmares, memory loss, connection to unkown entities and so forth. Whereas nowadays, that's getting kind of old and boring, so RP has shifted into groups and identities.
Also, lectures are not as popular (unless held in other languages) because we, as players, have probably been to too many of them, and have already read much about some subject so it's hard to RP interest over and over again the same subjects.

Even if those were the good days, I do believe the Arcane always needed better ownership system and design. I always disliked and still dislike the design!
What works is a hub, where people can easily gather and shop whilst traveling through the portal. And this is something I actually miss, the portal traffic, it always brought up interesting interactions and people bumping into each other!

My honest opinion is that there should be a system of election in the Arcane Tower for three leaders. These leaders must have mechanical ties (both in arcane classes and epic spell foci) and have tools like writs and magically-themed henchmen available. These three leaders would make no gold from taxes or anything. Their sole responsibilities would be the Tower and their members.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Rydala » Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:36 pm

I was being a little obstinate on second thought, guildhalls, and now that it's mentioned, Golem crafting, would be a great step in the right direction. The lower ground in the Tower has a ton of empty, and tiny, quarters as well as the Wardens Hall. The common room seems to have most quarters occupied.

I do think it does fall to an individual PC, or group, to revive an area and bring activity to it - and I don't mean that as if it's an obligation upon anyone - this is our hobby afterall, all the RP-infrastructure setup by players is done so for enjoyment. The Tower exemplifies this as it's not a settlement so it really does rely on initiative.

The Tower has a great foundation, lots of potential. Guildhalls and Golem crafting would be a great first step in bringing this to light.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Xerah » Fri Apr 05, 2024 3:42 pm

Security_Blanket wrote:
Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:59 pm

I think the tower could use at the very least a facelift, and adding some guildhalls would be a huge step in the right direction. How can that even be in question, a really easy way to tell is from all the empty rooms; are you kidding me?

Yeah, I don't get the "it's all good man" comments either.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Eyeliner » Fri Apr 05, 2024 8:32 pm

I'm not even sure how you break into tower RP any more. When I played a wizard a few years ago there was a clear path to contact powers that be and get welcomed into the community. I have another now who checks in every now and then but no one seems to want to talk, my requests to meet or apply were ignored... I'm sure if I put concentrated effort into it I could make headway but turned out to be easier to find an unrelated faction. I was assuming it's just dead because wizards aren't a popular class and sorcerers/invokers are or weren't too favored either.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Edens_Fall » Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:51 pm

My own thoughts shared quickly between other tasks:

  • The tower has too many small rooms that lack the space and uniqueness found in most settlements. This leads to most being unused in favor of a nicer home or location. Reduce the amount of rentable rooms, but increase their size and luxury. Add in mage-like decor and flashing/glowing lights. Something very mage themed. This in itself could counter the need for multiple guild houses as a large home, not unlike the fancy rooms in Sibayad's penthouse that boast baths and smaller rooms inside them, would allow factions to operate from within. Maybe even toss in two chests instead of one within these new rooms.
  • Next, a set theme and stance for the tower. One enforced by the NPC leaders. Be it NO WARLOCKS or whatever. From my own experience with the tower, it is viewed as a grey zone by most settlements. Subject to their laws and desires. This leads to raids by settlements or factions as they hunt out the odd thayan, warlock, or necromancer. If I recall there was even some PvP in the tower during the last DM event as various groups tried to steer the narrative. Regardless, this would have to stop. Make the Arcane tower subject to settlement raid rules, and make the tower itself a neutral party, not unlike Shadovar. Such would be the only way to ensure open RP and avoid the door kicking as soon as someone gives a class on Necromancy. That or simply outlaw all the "evil" magics and be done with it. The point is for the Tower to have a clear stance and purpose that's understood by both the staff and players.
  • Lastly, a common area sort of already exists with the Lobby. It just needs a bit of redesign to make it more inviting. I might also suggest streamlining the paths around the tower. Currently, there is the magic elevator, stairwells, and magic doors, all branching off from the main floor. Something less confusing and more simplistic would be better. Combine areas to reduce the size of the place, perhaps? I'm not honestly sure about the design aspect.

If I come up with anything more I'll be sure to share!

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Eyeliner » Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:06 pm

Adding a series of arcane themed writs in the vein of Radiant Heart, or pirates for arcane classes only, could be cool and a good way to get people involved when leveling up. Maybe even non-combat writs where you remove a curse or a distant RP or some other uses of magic practically instead of only in combat. Then get some bragging rights item at the end to give you status in the tower.

I'd love to be able to include warlocks and necromancers, but through a connection to another distant or planar tower for dubious magic and not in the tower itself. Something like a shadow door, but it's a special portal tucked in a closet somewhere or deep in a basement that takes you to another spot that's for more sinister experiments. And the regular tower mages could have plausible deniability about it when the paladins show up. That's just a pipe dream though don't expect anything like that to ever happen.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Seven Sons of Sin » Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:20 pm

The Arcane Tower thrives best when it is enigmatic but useful.

Is that latest Archmage actually a Sharran? But they helped us contain Plague #4126 and were pretty cool.

Why does that new Diviner wear all red and have suspiciously short hair? Can't be a Thayan, and they give me sweet deals on wands.

Surely they can't be housing warlocks and pacted individuals... that'd be horrible. We just saw them help out Paladin McSmite with a recent undead problem.

re: evil settlements. Arcane Tower should be in the mix of that discussion. The rewards of being an Arcane Tower member should outweigh the fact you have to rub shoulders with someone in the land of magical ethics you don't really agree with. I've always seen a strong Tower when balances these internal conflicts of "moral practice" with maintaining an enigmatic but utilitarian approach to other settlements.

"Stop investigating our latest Enchanter about maybe enslaving people, because we're also helping you solve XYZ problems."

Last edited by Seven Sons of Sin on Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by -XXX- » Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:27 pm

Seven Sons of Sin wrote:
Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:20 pm

re: evil settlements. Arcane Tower should be in the mix of that discussion. The rewards of being an Arcane Tower member should outweigh the fact you have to rub shoulders with someone in the land of magical ethics you don't really agree with. I've always seen a strong Tower when it has balances these internal conflicts over "moral practice" with maintaining an enigmatic but utilitarian approach with other settlements.

This is spot on IMO.
But for this to work, the Arcane Tower cannot be situated in the sphere of influence of any other settlement, or we'll have druids/elves/Pally McSmitadins showing up for regular interventions... or even corrupt guards kicking the doors in to stop the mages from "making them look bad".

Best solution would be removing it from Arelith altogether - lorewise it's supposed to exist in the Astral Plane anyway

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by RedGiant » Sat Apr 06, 2024 5:39 pm

-XXX- wrote:
Sat Apr 06, 2024 3:27 pm

This is spot on IMO.
But for this to work, the Arcane Tower cannot be situated in the sphere of influence of any other settlement, or we'll have druids/elves/Pally McSmitadins showing up for regular interventions... or even corrupt guards kicking the doors in to stop the mages from "making them look bad".

Best solution would be removing it from Arelith altogether - lorewise it's supposed to exist in the Astral Plane anyway

Totally against a planar location for Arelith's primary wizard tower. You want to have the tower lead to a plane? Fine. But we already had quite a bit of weirdness already with all the planar stuff. I would hate to see the setting devolve into planescape

The tower is not alone in being a formerly premium location with currently empty quarters. Due to popular demand, Arelith's housing has greatly expanded. Moreover, settlement storage has literally changed the game, in that storage was one of the primary reasons to actually own a quarter.

I don't think these things are all necessarily a problem, let alone /the/ problem. We have a big, beautiful world. There is only ever a percentage of the playerbase online at any one time, so you cannot expect every location to be hopping or stay hopping. Like others here, I think good faction/group RP pulls players, but that moves around and you cannot force it.

For ages, the Arcane Tower had a lot of interest, while the Radiant Heart was dead as a doornob. For awhile now, the inverse is true. Do class changes have something to do with this? Probably, but also people tend to follow the RP, so until a group of dedicated RPers decides to plunk down and dig in there, I forsee its continued underutilization.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by Oxtail_Soup » Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:40 am

There are some great points raised above.
For me the hey day of the tower was when the presence of Ayin Mesmer drew in some other great RP'ers. Not only did many arrive with their own RP plots and magical techniques, but as players learned a lot from and were inspired by him, which makes it fun. Sadly, we aren't allowed to clone Kuma.

As identified above by Diegovog, lectures are felt to be a spent as a force for RP, as the discussed concepts became overdone. This was particularly so as spell schools were repeatedly covered, rather than extending the lore of magic (e.g. there were some good ones on use of different reagents for casting, that inspired new character concepts). There is probably a way to revive this sparingly but I think this comes after other bigger issues are resolved:

There has been a lot of dilution of the tower in the last few years (decade?), again as outlined by previous posters. I personally enjoyed it more when it was a wizard's tower with visitors from outside that, with a legitimate use of that high intelligence for study RP behind closed doors. Very often, innate and martial classes have been lumped in the same space. A wizard safe-space is not always detrimental - it can help form a sense of cohesion and sense of identity, onto which RP with a wider group can adhere.
The library, once a trove of tomes most players outside the tower had to work hard to access, has lost its air of mysterious forbidden knowledge. Equally so for spellhold, when major plot artifacts like GENESIS were housed there, even under dark players would run huge quests for a peek at it.

In terms of the paladins, druids and elves, a safe-space of just the upper floor was enough that we had a mix of good, neutral and evil (if mostly lawful) alignment.
The forums are often awash with good vs evil topics, but in the case of the tower, gating out chaotics and maybe even law-chaos axis neutrals somehow from a given floor might be a nice experiment.

I've not played a wizard in a few years now, but I understand from the forums that they have lost the arms race against the many new classes. This loss of reputation as a class worth playing is probably having an impact too, as wizards are the core of purist book-tower RP.

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Re: The Arcane Tower

Post by perseid » Sun Apr 07, 2024 10:01 am

I agree with the general criticisms of the tiny quarters but actually have a slightly different view of fixing them. In my opinion the quarters should be stripped out entirely, maybe a satellite dormatory in Mayfield's or something. But either way, strip out the quarters entirely and add more things like quirky rooms, presentation spaces, maybe expand a few spaces like the magical creatures room, basically approach its design more as that of an event space like the Fairgrounds (Surface or UD fairgrounds really) and emphasize just having a wider variety of spaces rather than making everything harmonize perfectly.

So what if a lot of the spaces go unused usually? The value of public spaces outside settlements imo is that it means a wider variety of character archetypes can organize things w/out having to think at every moment about if they'll get exiled/evicted for being too spicy and lose their access to the hosting spaces. And sure, there's always the "Well then they can go found their own mage guild" argument but realistically, especially going by the example of the UD, I don't think it's unfair to say that access to a well designed event space can give an overwhelming advantage towards success in certain styles of rp like mage rp. So a redesign in my opinion should focus the most on accessibility and utility rather than on things like creating a sense of community (because the community will come in the form of the hosts using the space anyway).

So tldr; I think the Arcane Tower should be designed more as a canvas of themed spaces for player events rather than in a way that frets too much about being able to foster a coherent organization. The value imo is mostly in that it's a unsettled event space that actually has some nice rooms to make use of for hosts.

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