Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by TimeAdept » Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:54 am

Zavandar wrote:
Thu Jul 22, 2021 4:24 am
alternatively, no

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by rosediode » Sat Jul 24, 2021 4:57 am

I'm not a big fan of PvP. You won't often find me personally engaging in it very often. However, it is often a legitimate form of conflict resolution and a natural progression to a plot.

Sometimes all other roads have been exhausted, and that's okay. Beyond that, conflict RP that involves PvP may be a reason some players enjoy the server. Everyone enjoys different things, as long as players aren't breaking the rules, I think we should do our best to respect their preferences OOCly. If we feel they are breaking the rules, then you should report it to the DMs and try and keep things civil OOCly.

I do think if we enabled kill scripts back on NPC guards, it would just encourage people to wait until people left their settlements to scry and then murder them. Therefore, also discouraging people from ever leaving their settlements after level 30, which is probably not good for RP.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by Hobojoe » Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:47 am

Anira wrote:
Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:11 pm
TLDR; I think I have a right to feel safe walking from point A to point B without being attacked at random. I should not have to expect it like I do IRL.
I disagree and I'm not a big fan of PvP in the slightest. We're in a setting that's set up for endless conflict between opppsing factions, races and religions, it's what makes the server so exciting.

If people are one lining you and then taking your head, then there are systems in place already to protect you, the report tool/DMs and the attackers no doubt dipping RPR.
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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by -XXX- » Sat Jul 24, 2021 7:01 am

There's nothing wrong with PvP

I wish that players weren't so eager to dismiss PvP as a viable means of conflict resolution though.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by LovelyLightningWitch » Sat Jul 24, 2021 9:31 am

Hobojoe wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:47 am
Anira wrote:
Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:11 pm
TLDR; I think I have a right to feel safe walking from point A to point B without being attacked at random. I should not have to expect it like I do IRL.
I disagree and I'm not a big fan of PvP in the slightest. We're in a setting that's set up for endless conflict between opppsing factions, races and religions, it's what makes the server so exciting.

If people are one lining you and then taking your head, then there are systems in place already to protect you, the report tool/DMs and the attackers no doubt dipping RPR.
Normally you don't have to fear daily underdarker raids when taking a walk in the forest in this setting. The intensity is to a rather I feel over the top level here.

While people assured me that coercing someone into slavery or torture is technically against the rules, others still say "If you don't want to get murdered, don't walk around arelith forest."
Zavandar wrote:
Fri Jul 23, 2021 10:44 pm
so regarding someone sending me a tell when they don't want to pvp

firstly, i don't really like people messaging me in game to begin with. i'd play with -notells, but i want to be able to tell someone if i have to afk or something like that (and i want others to have the ability to say that to me).

speaking from experience, when someone tells me they don't want to pvp, they don't modify their behavior at all in character. i don't pvp every time i hostile someone. for me, it's less a "declaration of intent" and more a "declaration of possibility". which is how it should be, i think. i very often give outs but don't always (nor am i required to), and i try to take into consideration how the other party is feeling and if they'll derive some enjoyment from it


if you send me a tell that you don't want to pvp when what you're doing in character completely contradicts this (antagonizing, not complying, etc), then i don't really see why i should oblige that request. i don't see why i should bend my character to accommodate someone just because they don't want to rp their own character in a vulnerable position.

which i think segues nicely into the root of a lot of people's problems. they don't want to rp their character in a vulnerable position.

as i said earlier in the thread, many of my losses were more memorable than my victories. i created stories out of both. i don't lose pvp often, but this is just as much a product of me taking outs, capitulating, and compromising in character as it is me being mechanically aware of the game out of character. my characters also just do their darnedest to not end up in these situations and, failing that, at least try to not die. but i have seen across the forums and discord lately people saying outright that they will not rp surrendering. then what do you expect?

some people want such narrative control over this server that i think they'd be better off writing books. what's so unique about arelith is that we don't have all the control. there are so many other mediums where you can have that. i used to rp on WoW and if I didn't like someone's RP or their attitude or whatever excuse I felt like having, i could slap them on ignore and not worry about them anymore.

i say this without malice, that if you are so afraid of the potential for pvp or conflict, that you consider a different game. i defend arelith's dynamic so fervently because it's one of the few servers/settings/mediums like it that exist, and removing that will just make it like every other game.
What if the "back down" situation you propose is: renounce your god(s) or die? How is any cleric past level 5 supposed to respond to that? Or in fact, any PC who has their faith as a central piece of their identity?

Or, what if the "Back down situation" you propose is: "Let me mutilate you or I'll kill you" (combined with, what I've witnessed on the forums: using Regenerate and healing spells to treat scars and disfigurement has been called low-RP before)

Or you simply happen to play a race slavers like to target explicitly, what are your options? Never walk around Arelith Forest even though it fits in character better than walking around Guld's streets?

if you send me a tell that you don't want to pvp when what you're doing in character completely contradicts this (antagonizing, not complying, etc), then i don't really see why i should oblige that request. i don't see why i should bend my character to accommodate someone just because they don't want to rp their own character in a vulnerable position.

In my opinion, the order of critical importance for a good roleplaying experience is as follows:
  1. Player consent & comfort (foundation of everything, if this is removed, nothing else can work). I have bent my RP on other servers before when I knew the person on the receiving end was uncomfortable, especially if I knew of why. The only time I did not bend my RP for comfort was things I consider bollocks "discomfort" (Existence of characters who do X/are Y make me uncomfortable, even if I am not involved!)
  2. Immersion, or rather I prefer: the simulation(ism) (to use old theories of "why people roleplay". Once player comfort is achieved, one should look at the ideals of simulationism, and do all they can to achieve it. The only time one should deviate from simulationism is when player comfort is at stake (like on my other server, my PC is highly antagonistic to people who follow evil gods in a philosophical sense, and will proselytize even in a tavern. I learned one player was uncomfortable with such, so I ceased towards them and focused on those around them despite it being a simulation break).
  3. Coming last, and only as a consequence of simulation and never as a goal: stories. In my book, one should never make choices that are "this will make a good story", as I feel such is directly antagonistic to simulation. Making a character from the getgo with the right traits that lead to the ability to record stories based on what they get into through simulation should be the goal, if there is a story-focused intent.
The above I have written as a counter to "some people want such narrative control over this server that i think they'd be better off writing books. " I for one care not one bit about narrative control, I would consider myself a player who heavily leans into Simulationism, with only token degrees of Gamism and Narrativism. However, as my list of importance said: I consider player comfort to supersede even my own preferences towards the ideal of mask play be it my own, or someone else's character.

What I myself have an issue with in regards to PvP (in my experience across different RP media and servers and games) is the winner's insistance that whatever mutiliation, scarifciation, nullification they inflict upon their victim must not be healed, unless the victim wants to be the butt of venomous gossip branding them as a lesser roleplayer. Part of the reason I prefer High magic/FR servers over the rest is specifically the existence of Regenerate or Gr. Restoration or Heal (depending on the injury). However, on this very forum I have seen people attack said spells as "Low-RP" because they're "bad for stories." If I ever win pvp in my various games, I almost always make sure to RP the outcome to be "near death" with minimal visible wounds (pointy stabby weapons ftw), and what wounds are visible are easy to remove if desired - this, I do not trust others to offer the same grace to me. Not with people calling the use of Gr. Resto/Heal/Regenerate to restore nullification/scarification "low-RP" on public forums.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by AstralUniverse » Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:26 am

This thread really boils down to a group of players who think they are entitled to a degree of safety, in a full IC persistent world, which is completely absurd and hyperbolic. There's literally no such a thing as full safety in this server. All screens are PVP-enabled since 15 years ago and that's how it will stay. In my 15 years here I have never even once got dragged into pvp I had no agency over. I look back at all of them (especially the ones I lost) and in every last one of them I had the opportunity to surrender or not be a jackass IC in first place. I've also never, not even once, been caught in some party vs party pvp as a side unrelated by passenger in a way that left me no space to escape the explosions. This isnt Sims lite. It's an action game.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by LovelyLightningWitch » Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:45 am

AstralUniverse wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:26 am
This thread really boils down to a group of players who think they are entitled to a degree of safety, in a full IC persistent world, which is completely absurd and hyperbolic. There's literally no such a thing as full safety in this server. All screens are PVP-enabled since 15 years ago and that's how it will stay. In my 15 years here I have never even once got dragged into pvp I had no agency over. I look back at all of them (especially the ones I lost) and in every last one of them I had the opportunity to surrender or not be a jackass IC in first place. I've also never, not even once, been caught in some party vs party pvp as a side unrelated by passenger in a way that left me no space to escape the explosions. This isnt Sims lite. It's an action game.
How do you surrender to a slaver group, considering their intent is to enslave you? Even if you can OOCly refuse the slave collar, ICly that is still the expected outcome.

How do you surrender to a malarite/talassan as an elf, considering their intent is your painful death?

How do you surrender to a Sharran as a Mystran/Selunite, considering Shar seeks to kill all who follow Mystra and Selune and corrupt the rest?

How do you surrender to drow as an Angharradite, considering their intent is to sacrifice you to Lolth?

Running away is not considered a PvP out here, and people can use abjuration to prevent lensing out, too.

So far I could avoid dangerous looking people by pre-emptively lensing out, but all it takes is for someone to prevent teleportation magic and camp some crossroads for it to no longer work. And can't run away or avoid them, as they're free to engage in such cases.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by Arigard » Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:58 am

LovelyLightningWitch wrote:How do you surrender to a slaver group, considering their intent is to enslave you? Even if you can OOCly refuse the slave collar, ICly that is still the expected outcome.

How do you surrender to a malarite/talassan as an elf, considering their intent is your painful death?

How do you surrender to a Sharran as a Mystran/Selunite, considering Shar seeks to kill all who follow Mystra and Selune and corrupt the rest?

How do you surrender to drow as an Angharradite, considering their intent is to sacrifice you to Lolth?
Through role-play and light OOC suggestion to whoever the group is that a) Hey, I'm willing to play along, but let's find a resolution that makes this fun for both of us. Simply being captured and tortured, or sacrificed gratuitously doesn't sound like fun, but I'm game for something creative that will bring us both a story to tell.


Players, especially evil progtagonists are literally crying out for things to do in this world, mainly because of the attitudes a lot of people are showing in this thread. As a major protagonist myself, all this scare mongering does is convince people that any interaction that happens they aren't expecting, is going to end in somehow the worst possible outcome every single time. That's simply not true. There's plenty of players on the server who are more than willing to go out of their way to find some kind of crow-barred route that doesn't end up in their character simply being a plot device.

However as a disclaimer, I would say this. The amount of times I see people who state their "love for good roleplay vs PvP" completely ignoring all forms of role-play, breaking immersion/character to complain at the first sign of a difficult situation for their character, or simply resulting to shutting down what is happening from the off //Sorry not interested in this! Please move on!

I often wonder what roleplay actually means to these players. There's a difference between keeping someone else comfortable OOC in a PG13 environment and simply expecting others to bend to your will simply because they don't like something they weren't prepared for. //I don't like PvP, sorry! - As they stand opposite you insulting your character & ramping up tension is not a good enough excuse.

Can we just drop the entitlement for a hot minute, give players a chance and actually react to the stories characters are building inside the server, rather than trying to shut everything down through sensationalism of things before they even happen?
Anira wrote:TLDR; I think I have a right to feel safe walking from point A to point B without being attacked at random. I should not have to expect it like I do IRL.
Then you shouldn't go anywhere in the server, because there's a high chance you'll be randomly attacked by NPCs. They won't even RP with you.
Last edited by Arigard on Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by Curve » Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:05 pm

Things on arelith matter only as much as you allow them to matter. If the slavers, evil cultist or paladins you are in conflict with are being ultra aggressive and offering what you see as unreasonable paths for your character to live there are several ways to work with that. But, you have to take the situation seriously, you have to think as a person who is in this dangerous situation, and respect it. Even more so you you have to choose to intuit best intentions out of your fellow player, you can't dismiss every conflictual situation or enemy as a PvP hound. So, if Sharrans demand you renounce your faith? Tell them that you are a afraid of renouncing your faith, but you are willing to compile a list of others of your faith to help them. If slavers demand you enslaved? Plead for your freedom and offer to set someone else up to be caught. If Malarites hunt you and wish you dead? Tell them that you will hunt someone weaker than you to thin the heard. Then your character gets to wrestle with the way that they finagled and potentially lied to get out of a bad situation. They get to decide to bring others into the conflict to help, or to go through with the promise. All these things can compromise your character and that is a good thing. It is good for your character to be forced to change, to compromise themselves.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by Marsi » Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:35 pm

I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what is actually being argued here. I'm having a really hard time parsing a solid argument from what seems to me a mish mash of strawmen, hyperbole, and anecdotes about forced enslavement/one line killbashes that are hardly representative of conflict RP.

The generic thrust here seems to be "pvp bad" and I'll speak to that.

There was once a time Arelith made no secret of its polarising nature, but it seems to have become the golden child among persistent worlds where it used to be the dark horse. I suppose a lot of players see the high player count, the close relationship with Beamdog, and the inviting custom mechanics, and fail to see Arelith for what it actually is -- a unique and volatile sandbox. Our mantra used to be "bad things happen to good adventurers". What happened to that?

We aren't a one size fits all server, and it's probably a good idea we started making that clear again. I don't think it's necessary for Arelith to justify itself or change to accommodate a taste that is represented by, well, literally every single other persistent world that has ever existed. It's like hating spicy food and walking past every inoffensive restaurant in town to go to the one spicy food joint.

Why should the great bell of Beaulieu toll when the shadows were neither short nor long?

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by LovelyLightningWitch » Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:13 pm

Arigard wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:58 am
LovelyLightningWitch wrote:How do you surrender to a slaver group, considering their intent is to enslave you? Even if you can OOCly refuse the slave collar, ICly that is still the expected outcome.

How do you surrender to a malarite/talassan as an elf, considering their intent is your painful death?

How do you surrender to a Sharran as a Mystran/Selunite, considering Shar seeks to kill all who follow Mystra and Selune and corrupt the rest?

How do you surrender to drow as an Angharradite, considering their intent is to sacrifice you to Lolth?
Through role-play and light OOC suggestion to whoever the group is that a) Hey, I'm willing to play along, but let's find a resolution that makes this fun for both of us. Simply being captured and tortured, or sacrificed gratuitously doesn't sound like fun, but I'm game for something creative that will bring us both a story to tell.


Players, especially evil progtagonists are literally crying out for things to do in this world, mainly because of the attitudes a lot of people are showing in this thread. As a major protagonist myself, all this scare mongering does is convince people that any interaction that happens they aren't expecting, is going to end in somehow the worst possible outcome every single time. That's simply not true. There's plenty of players on the server who are more than willing to go out of their way to find some kind of crow-barred route that doesn't end up in their character simply being a plot device.

However as a disclaimer, I would say this. The amount of times I see people who state their "love for good roleplay vs PvP" completely ignoring all forms of role-play, breaking immersion/character to complain at the first sign of a difficult situation for their character, or simply resulting to shutting down what is happening from the off //Sorry not interested in this! Please move on!

I often wonder what roleplay actually means to these players. There's a difference between keeping someone else comfortable OOC in a PG13 environment and simply expecting others to bend to your will simply because they don't like something they weren't prepared for. //I don't like PvP, sorry! - As they stand opposite you insulting your character & ramping up tension is not a good enough excuse.

Can we just drop the entitlement for a hot minute, give players a chance and actually react to the stories characters are building inside the server, rather than trying to shut everything down through sensationalism of things before they even happen?
Anira wrote:TLDR; I think I have a right to feel safe walking from point A to point B without being attacked at random. I should not have to expect it like I do IRL.
Then you shouldn't go anywhere in the server, because there's a high chance you'll be randomly attacked by NPCs. They won't even RP with you.

I much rather prefer dealing with NPCs. At least NPCs don't try and demand you to be disfigured/shame you into permaing your PC.

Nowhere has it been implied that I intend to play a character that is highly antagonistic on this server. All I do is:
- Spend time with my partner's character
- Interact with my home and allied settlements as an acolyte priestess, most conflict that arises from this is with atheist PCs.

Yet, people imply that the only reason I'd get dragged into PvP would be playing an antagonistic PC, and that's it is all my fault for doing so. For simply daring to log in.

What roleplay means to me? ... onism.html

This page explains it well.

Edit: I want particular focus on the bit about Immersion/ deep-character/emotional exercise over intellectual there.

As for entitlement - when I joined, I trawled through the forums using a few choice keywords and the opinions and beliefs expressed there are the reason I am just as wary here of those who seek PvP as I am on other NWN1/2 servers, or say Space Station 13.

Curve wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:05 pm
Things on arelith matter only as much as you allow them to matter. If the slavers, evil cultist or paladins you are in conflict with are being ultra aggressive and offering what you see as unreasonable paths for your character to live there are several ways to work with that. But, you have to take the situation seriously, you have to think as a person who is in this dangerous situation, and respect it. Even more so you you have to choose to intuit best intentions out of your fellow player, you can't dismiss every conflictual situation or enemy as a PvP hound. So, if Sharrans demand you renounce your faith? Tell them that you are a afraid of renouncing your faith, but you are willing to compile a list of others of your faith to help them. If slavers demand you enslaved? Plead for your freedom and offer to set someone else up to be caught. If Malarites hunt you and wish you dead? Tell them that you will hunt someone weaker than you to thin the heard. Then your character gets to wrestle with the way that they finagled and potentially lied to get out of a bad situation. They get to decide to bring others into the conflict to help, or to go through with the promise. All these things can compromise your character and that is a good thing. It is good for your character to be forced to change, to compromise themselves.

Everything you have written would declare characters in question to be False in their faith, if not outright Faithless -

so now your options are:
Be killed, mutiliated and shamed for using Regenerate once you're res'd (again: I directly witnessed people on the forums calling using healing magic to remove scars and disfigurement "low-RP" despite such being there in the setting and available, heck you don't even need divine magic, just the sap of a willow that costs 5-15 gp and dc 15 craft alchemy). Or simply shamed for daring play a character longer than 6 months and not killing them off when lolthites sacrifice you.

Be enslaved/captured/tortured, and while technically against the rules to OOCly force someone into this - the way this thread smells, people would still gossip about such, probably even more after they report their friend for this.

Be turned False/Faithless, and be denied your afterlife whenever it comes (be it decades or centuries or tomorrow). Especially since some of what you described I highly doubt you could perform an atonement quest for at all.

Marsi wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 12:35 pm
I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what is actually being argued here. I'm having a really hard time parsing a solid argument from what seems to me a mish mash of strawmen, hyperbole, and anecdotes about forced enslavement/one line killbashes that are hardly representative of conflict RP.

The generic thrust here seems to be "pvp bad" and I'll speak to that.

There was once a time Arelith made no secret of its polarising nature, but it seems to have become the golden child among persistent worlds where it used to be the dark horse. I suppose a lot of players see the high player count, the close relationship with Beamdog, and the inviting custom mechanics, and fail to see Arelith for what it actually is -- a unique and volatile sandbox. Our mantra used to be "bad things happen to good adventurers". What happened to that?

We aren't a one size fits all server, and it's probably a good idea we started making that clear again. I don't think it's necessary for Arelith to justify itself or change to accommodate a taste that is represented by, well, literally every single other persistent world that has ever existed. It's like hating spicy food and walking past every inoffensive restaurant in town to go to the one spicy food joint.

Arelith is hands down the best server for both NWN1 and NWN2 for achieving simulationist/immersionists roleplay ideals through its supporting systems - be they related to crafting, travel, religion or settlements.
Last edited by LovelyLightningWitch on Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Party in the forest at midnight
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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by Party in the forest at midnight » Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:17 pm

LovelyLightningWitch wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:45 am
A lot of stuff
This is a lot of hyperbole, and some of these situations aren't happening.
The best thing you can do is don't focus on "other people say this is bad RP." I've done regeneration to restore injuries before, you're within your right to RP that. The issue seems to be less that there's conflict in the world, and more that you think people will judge you a bad RPer for not wanting to participate in it. Some people talk a lot of trash about what they think is good/bad RP. If you're hearing "not taking a collar is bad RP" from people, I imagine the same people are saying "regenerate is bad RP" too. These people are telling you very wrong things and you should not listen to them. In fact, you should report them, screenshot them talking about how not taking a collar is bad RP and report it. Leave whatever discord they're in and go and chat with people who aren't going to judge you for enjoying the game how you want to.

There's a lot of people who talk about PvP, who talk about building optimally, and even some people who trash talk any build that isn't "optimal" (I had someone being snooty at me for taking ranger levels on a rogue before), but the reality of the server is you don't actually need to build for PvP, and most of the time you're not going to be forced into it. I have the reflexes of a deer in headlights, a powerbuild wouldn't save me from dying in PvP when I don't have the skill in the first place. I build to accomplish RP ends for my characters, to have abilities that support what I want to do. And I don't run into problems with being killed.

The talk about being safer if you don't leave a settlement is because you are worried conflict might happen on the roads or in the wilds. If you want to avoid it, then don't leave town. I don't see how having kill scripts in town would fix that, because you'd still be stuck in town.

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by LovelyLightningWitch » Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:33 pm

Party in the forest at midnight wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:17 pm
LovelyLightningWitch wrote:
Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:45 am
A lot of stuff
This is a lot of hyperbole, and some of these situations aren't happening.
The best thing you can do is don't focus on "other people say this is bad RP." I've done regeneration to restore injuries before, you're within your right to RP that. The issue seems to be less that there's conflict in the world, and more that you think people will judge you a bad RPer for not wanting to participate in it. Some people talk a lot of trash about what they think is good/bad RP. If you're hearing "not taking a collar is bad RP" from people, I imagine the same people are saying "regenerate is bad RP" too. These people are telling you very wrong things and you should not listen to them. In fact, you should report them, screenshot them talking about how not taking a collar is bad RP and report it. Leave whatever discord they're in and go and chat with people who aren't going to judge you for enjoying the game how you want to.

There's a lot of people who talk about PvP, who talk about building optimally, and even some people who trash talk any build that isn't "optimal" (I had someone being snooty at me for taking ranger levels on a rogue before), but the reality of the server is you don't actually need to build for PvP, and most of the time you're not going to be forced into it. I have the reflexes of a deer in headlights, a powerbuild wouldn't save me from dying in PvP when I don't have the skill in the first place. I build to accomplish RP ends for my characters, to have abilities that support what I want to do. And I don't run into problems with being killed.

The talk about being safer if you don't leave a settlement is because you are worried conflict might happen on the roads or in the wilds. If you want to avoid it, then don't leave town. I don't see how having kill scripts in town would fix that, because you'd still be stuck in town.

I do concede my issue is less of conflict or PvP itself, and more what I have been impressed upon reading the forums, the culture surrounding such. I do not want to directly link to the posts that make me feel such a way, but they were usually topic concerning how long people should play a character, topics concerning character appearance, topics concerning making PvP impactful/meaningful and variations on these themes.

Space Station 13 has some HRP servers where I enjoy conflict/PvP specifically as there I don't feel (based on reading either discord or forums) like losing will lead to OOC coercion (directly, or indirectly through forum threads talking about the above topics).

On you being able to avoid PvP, that is somewhat reassuring. Perhaps reading the forums gives me a skewed perspective (not in form of people complaining about fear of PvP, but more in terms of people complaining about pvp outcomes where the person didn't roll their character or didn't take scars).

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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by Curve » Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:38 pm

There have been times when I stopped doing certain out of the game things in order to preserve my in game experience. From dropping skype, turning on -notells, to not reading the forums. I never got on the discord wagon to begin with. What is important to me as it relates to arelith is the game itself. It is unique and an important outlet for me, so I protect it in any way I need to.

DM Praxis
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Re: Need kill scripts back on NPC guards.

Post by DM Praxis » Sat Jul 24, 2021 1:42 pm

I've come close to locking this thread again several times, and I think at this point I'm just going to pull the trigger. I'm not sure how much more ground there is to cover, as there have been several excellent posts already whose premise appear to have been completely ignored by some people.

You can either approach the game like a game and both give and receive good sportsmanship, or you can find somewhere else to go. That applies to everyone, and has been the basic underlying expectation here for 15 years.
