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Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:10 am
by Hunter548
Given how long it's been since this update went in, I thought some feedback would be welcome to help improve it.

1) Common ores are far too common.

Since this update went in, I've seen more Zinc, Lead, Copper, Tin etc than I'd seen in the eight-ish years I'd played Arelith previously. Now, granted, that's not a huge problem as long as there's reasons to want these (Which there are, but not enough), independent of the other issues here. Additionally, they spawn in areas much, much tougher than I'd expect to see these ores there.

2) Ore veins drop tiers too frequently
I've seen a lot of ore veins that seem to be mid-tier deposits (Based on where they spawn), that spawn Zinc/Copper/Lead/etc. This happening sometime isn't much of a problem, but it happens semi-constantly.

3) Weird tiering
The way the metals are divided is very strange. Iron Is the same tier as Gold and Silver, despite being used in almost every weapon or armor recipe. I have seen Iron deposits twice since the change went in, despite the fact that it should probably be the most common spawn. Arjale spawns at the same tier as Mithril/Adamantine, despite being a pretty firmly mid-tier ore in terms of what it makes.

a) Put a level cap on the areas where zinc/lead/etc will spawn. Finding a Lead deposit at the end of Talassians is the absolute worst feeling. Adjust how often ore veins will drop a tier lower.

b) Move Iron down a tier to the most common tier, and move arjale down to Noble tier.

c) Add a few more rich veins.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:29 am
by TimeAdept
I would rather make it so that ore veins can never go down a tier. It's not a fun mechanic, it just creates disappointment and frustration.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:45 am
by Dr_Hazard89
Lead is love. Lead is life.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:37 am
by BegoneThoth
Personally I love killing a dragon and plundering its horde of zinc.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 4:56 am
by -XXX-
Arelith epic zinc mining since 2017!

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 7:40 am
by ActionReplay
There already is an Ore Vein that "can't drop" a level and its pretty much used solely for.... epic high-end tier end-game dungeons. Not all of them though but its there.

However I think we need to keep the Ore Vein dropping a tier (or in some cases adding a tier even). Its sort of the reason so you don't always find Adamantine and Mithrill all the time at the same place.

I agree the numbers could be looked at and ores shuffling around on the list.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:36 am
by The Salt Elemental
I must admit that I find it /super/ disappointing when I find nothing but gold, silver, zinc, lead and tin in places where mithril or adamantine should be spawning... only to randomly find mithril and adamantine in lowbie areas. If you want to make it that random, make it a different ore with everytime the ore refreshes in an area. Which seems silly to me but honestly it'd give us a higher probability of getting what we want instead of wasting 6 hours (Yes I spent /6/ hours of my play time today going through dungeons until I found one with the ore I needed- mithril- and waited there mining it.) going through random dungeons whilst desperately trying to find ore instead of rping. At first, I liked the update. Now it is nothing but a time waster that keeps me from rp and has become an absolute pain to deal with.

But I mean. I guess on the brightside this mithril I got is worth more than adamantine.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 10:58 am
by ActionReplay
I am thinking a possible solution is to keep track of the actual ore type ratio and have chances based on that instead. So if it spawned a lot of Zinc recently for Medium-Tier ore it would have a lower chance to spawn from there and increasing the chances for the other ores.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 3:39 pm
by Xerah
Mithril is basically non existent. Going from 0-20 in the underdark, I saw 0 veins and only 3-4 peices in shops. That is mid teens gear. It shouldn’t be so hard to find.

Now that it costs slightly less than addy because of this, it’s getting skipped entirely. It’s jusy Iron/steel to addy equipment which seems like like such a waste for these other equipment tiers.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:40 pm
by Baron Saturday
Xerah wrote:Mithril is basically non existent. Going from 0-20 in the underdark, I saw 0 veins and only 3-4 peices in shops. That is mid teens gear. It shouldn’t be so hard to find.

Now that it costs slightly less than addy because of this, it’s getting skipped entirely. It’s jusy Iron/steel to addy equipment which seems like like such a waste for these other equipment tiers.
Mithril is also used in a TON of the new crafting items, which in many cases replace adamantine. This might be part of a scarcity of mithril ingots - people are using what little they find to make the new gear.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:23 am
by susitsu
i can't find any mithril help

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 12:51 pm
by Seekeepeek
think irongron mentioned he wanted "gold rush" on various materials. not sure if he meant it for farming adamantine/mithrill in the temple of malar in the Arelith Forrest of despair. (it kinda spawned there so people sure did overrun the place for a while)

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:40 am
by Durvayas
Since the update went in I've seen all of a single iron vein, and that was at the end of the temple of the noisesome god.

I've seen well over a couple dozen deposits of zinc and lead, and while I'm not complaining about the increase in Nitharite, its only very situationally useful, and spawns in vastly larger quantities than it can be used.

I've seen far more silver and gold than I've seen iron, mithril, arjale, or adamantine, and I've seen more adamantine than I've seen mithril.

I play a smith and I'm constantly running out of iron. IRON of all things, the most basic component of weapons and armor for levels as low as level 4, and I can't find it ANYWHERE. You've devastated the ore market and caused hoarding on a massive scale. Nobody is selling mithril anymore. Its worth as much as, if not more than, adamantine now. Any time a vein of anything iron or above is found, people have been telling their friends through OOC channels and it is getting camped and farmed until only lead, zinc, and tin spawn there. The amount of metagaming going on about where ores are spawning is sickening, but also entirely your fault. You wanted a gold rush scenario, you got it. You have high epics from both the UD and surface converging on places where ores are found and circling the area, farming it constantly until the proverbial well goes dry.

You've also eliminated much of the reason to go to a number of places. The silver mine in the flood plains? Its an epic dungeon that mostly just spawns lead. No point going, especially since for some reason you replaced the iron veins with constant copper veins. Just go ahead and call it a coal mine, its the only reason to go now. The lowerdark? Sure, if you want silver at best.

Your new system has sucked the fun out of playing a smith. Full stop. I love making items with descriptions, but getting even the basic materials needed to make weapons and armor for lowbies is such a chore and pain in the dick that its just not fun and not really worth the time and effort. Its a GRAND day to make an enchanter, since bronze is the order of the day.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 9:52 am
by Seekeepeek
Chill down Durvayas...
and please stop using all that

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:03 am
by gilescorey
Seekeepeek wrote: please stop using all that
this 100%, and not specifically to durvayas
big wonky word-processing changes make your posts DOTN-tier unreadable
also the little small text for sarcasm or snark that a lot of people do makes my testicles shrivel with impotent neckbeard rage, PLEASE cease this behaviour

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:20 am
by Durvayas
Seekeepeek wrote:Chill down Durvayas...
and please stop using all that
You don't control my life! :twisted:

Though being serious. I'll take it under advisement, but its hard not to rage about this update, because it really drains the joy out of my favorite kind of RP, and that is smithing RP.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:35 am
by ActionReplay

Calm down, take a deep breath, here we go:

We were very clear the values will be tweaked as we rolled this out and needed numbers to fallback on. We could have done this sooner yep but as is usually the thing with Arelith there is a lot going on with new features being added so some things fall down in priority. This is our mistake and could have been handled better, sorry about that.

That being said I've looked over the numbers from the logs and have tweaked the Ore Rotation to have a more fine-tuned distribution for the different ores. Iron will be more common now as will Mithril (Though still considered high-tier). This will kick in the coming days as the current veins expires.

Also I just want to point out its great players notify about issues so it gets attention as this is sometimes needed for us to actually do something about it. But there is a way to communicate about it, that's all.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 1:06 pm
by Peppermint
Action Replay wrote:Calm down, take a deep breath, here we go:

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:17 pm
by susitsu
ar will help me find the mithril, thank you friend

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 12:01 pm
by condotierri
I am not sure if the ore rotations for high end resources have already been changed, but if they have they have gone too far the other way (or perhaps it was just a favorable random RNG).

I've seen the past few days people selling adamantine ore for 10k and stacks of 20-40 of them. I saw both mithril and adamantine spawn in low-mid level dungeons (levels 9-12), which most likely just got farmed and farmed once word got out.

I know when I joined the server over a year ago, my character could only dream of running into those deposits, and adamantine was like a myth. Now it seems it's getting rather common place. Perhaps that is the intention, but it takes away from the epicness (for lack of a non-word) that was adamantine, and is putting into the realm of common place.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:32 pm
by susitsu
Might be a "gold rush" or RNGesus feeling charitable.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:03 pm
by Tyrantos
Got a buddy of mine that has been going too those sweet spots where grandiose veins spawn. Seems like there is a very high tendancy for it becoming either mithril or Arjale. He's not seen any Adamantine for about two weeks. Could the numbers be tweaked abit? Or is he just super unlucky?

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 4:37 pm
by Gods_Kill_People
been hunting Addy too, its become as scarce as Mithril originally was.

Re: Ore Rotation

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:20 pm
by BegoneThoth
Lots of pc's in game buy under prices Addy and mithril and flip it. I know I do. It's a good way to make money.