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Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:44 pm
by Gods_Kill_People
This officially lasts far too long, I was paralyzed twice and it still took another three minutes for it to officially wear off. These are found on the Ghost ships.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:33 pm
by yellowcateyes
While you're dazed, you can drink a clarity potion to remove the debuff.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 5:40 pm
by Gods_Kill_People
yellowcateyes wrote:While you're dazed, you can drink a clarity potion to remove the debuff.
While this wasn't an option for me, it doesn't change the fact that I went through being paralyzed twice while this effect was still on consistently without fading.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 12:47 am
by MalKalz
Not everything can be adjusted to fit a particular build. Every character has to have weaknesses. Otherwise where is the challenge to an area?

And, I'm certain durations of spells / effects will be looked into regardless.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 1:09 am
by Wytchee
In a similar vein, can the web bolt attack most spiders have be reduced in duration? They have no save and last upwards of two whole minutes. The fight is long over and I'm just standing there waiting for it to expire. The duration doesn't add to the challenge; it's just insufferably long.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 9:55 pm
by CookieMonster
Or.. Or.. Or!

Prepare for the fight?

"Where are we going?"
"Somewhere with lots of Spiders!"
"Oh dear, we better ask a Priest to come with and Ward us, or, buy a wand"
"What? No.. Who even does that? Just get a DM to fix it."

If your Character doesn't know what to expect, expect the worst. If you Character knows what to expect and still isn't prepared? Well, that is just blantantly relying on respawns to save the day.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:05 am
by TimeAdept
I don't think Web lasting 2-3 RL minutes is 'preparation'. There's a point where something lasts longer than combat by magnitudes and then it's just cutting into the fun of the game. Web, Fear, and Paralysis lasting 5 RL minutes or etc is an example of this. IT's just hands off the keyboard and watch, nothing to do.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 1:54 am
by Nitro
Yeah, having webs and other CC in is fine. Having to sit around for several minutes after a fight twiddling your fingers because the duration is absurd is not.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:24 pm
by CookieMonster
Then, don't go there.

If you don't want to prepare and don't want to endure it.. Don't go there? That's a simple solution, right?

Or or or!


*Growls, cutting at the webs furiously* "Jis'.. Gimme'o second." *He snarled and snorted "Knew oiy should'o prepared f'this fight.. Now oiy jis' look like'o muppet."

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:18 pm
by TimeAdept
"Don't go there" isn't an answer to "This fear literally lasts 4 RL minutes if you ever accidentally get bonked with it when your clarity or mindblank isn't up."

Some mechanics have to give way to making the game enjoyable to play.

I imagine RPing hacking at touch attack no save 3 RL minute webs will get tiring after the first.... three, btw.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:56 am
by FrozenSolid
I get some mechanics can be annoying but unless they are causing silly deaths or something i do not think we need to tweak everything.

With those spiders I had a great time Rping my character being stuck.

"Let me help you.."
"No! I got it this time just... Got to..." * trips getting her hair stuck "Oh- hells."

*Partner smirks but face palms*

Annnnways... Point is, that's sorta the cool part about being on an rp server you can take advanatge of situations like that. If you're going to go grinding then don't go to that spot if the webs times bug you. *shrug*

As far as fears and paralyze go,

Yeah those can suck. But after it happened the first time we never made the same mostake again. I guess my go to response isn't "Why is this mechanic broken" but rather "What can I do differently to not get put in a bad spot"

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:45 pm
by Sockss
Wytchee wrote:In a similar vein, can the web bolt attack most spiders have be reduced in duration? They have no save and last upwards of two whole minutes. The fight is long over and I'm just standing there waiting for it to expire. The duration doesn't add to the challenge; it's just insufferably long.

I'd go far as to say all bolts could really do with being removed. They're a pretty binary way of adjusting pve.

At the least they should come with a save.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 3:59 pm
by Cortex
Web bolts glitch my AC half the time.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:55 pm
by CookieMonster
Sockss wrote:
Wytchee wrote:In a similar vein, can the web bolt attack most spiders have be reduced in duration? They have no save and last upwards of two whole minutes. The fight is long over and I'm just standing there waiting for it to expire. The duration doesn't add to the challenge; it's just insufferably long.

I'd go far as to say all bolts could really do with being removed. They're a pretty binary way of adjusting pve.

At the least they should come with a save.
They do come with a save. That save being 'Preparing yourself before the fight for Spiders and getting a Freedom Wand or Ward.'

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:11 pm
by Sockss
That's not a save, that's an immunity.

There's a big difference.


I feel as if I need to explain why it's bad.

Firstly, immunities shouldn't ever be required to be valid. They're a very binary thing and an exceptionally poor way to balance anything.

Note how there are no saveless disables/death spells that PC's possess.

Save the eyeball familiar, which I'm surprised no one uses for the cheesy saveless 3 round KD bolt, as it's pretty much a guaranteed victory in any 1v1 scenario.

Why is it binary and why is it bad?

Said PvE area is never visited by anyone who has knowledge of the server, unless they have appropriate immunities. So you have two scenarios that play out in the majority of cases.

Either the AI will waste time performing useless actions on foes that are prepared. (Bad)

If the player has little knowledge and is unprepared, the bolts will usually kill them. (Bad)

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:40 pm
by Gods_Kill_People
Given this was entirely my first time on a ghost ship, I wasn't prepared for them, nor for their attacks as I had never before encountered them. Also for a fact, this does not detract from the fact of they last WAY too long. If its lasting longer then "2" rounds of paralysis BACK TO BACK and STILL lasting another "3" minutes then there is clearly something wrong with the timing of this spell that needs to be reviewed. Please quit ignoring it with...."Hur dur, well git gud". That's not a valid answer to this issue.

Re: Ghostly Siren - Daze

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:51 pm
by Aodh Lazuli
Cortex wrote:Web bolts glitch my AC half the time.
Chug a dex pot and the bug goes away. Not a fix, but at least it can be dealt with.