Skal & Temp Shops

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Skal & Temp Shops

Post by CptnCandyass » Wed Jan 24, 2024 1:19 am

Currently, there are only 2 Temporary Shops on the entirety of the Skal server. They are both in Skaljard, and zero are in Dunmarle.
This is really limiting for a server intended to assist new players and also keep the players who stick around enough resources to sell away the things they find. The majority of permanent stalls are occupied by those players that stick around, and the newer players deal with the Temporary stalls. When there are only two and those two people refresh those stalls every 3 hours all day long, it's pretty obnoxious.

IMO I've never thought that Temporary Stalls should be refreshable in the first place. I think you should get your 3 hours and then it boots you for the next 12hrs. It's not exactly Temporary if I can do something else for 3 hours, come back to refresh my stall and then leave for another 3 hours.

If that isn't a possibility at all, I think Skal should have more Temporary stalls. 4 stalls in Skaljard, 3 in Dunmarle.

In front of the Trade Post there's a broken down wagon. That could be changed into a temporary stall with another one on the other side of the trade post.

Dunmarle has a ton of open space. I think 3 or 4 temporary stalls could easily sit around the fountain next to the "Travelling" Peddler.

While it won't remedy the issue of players relogging every 3 hours to refresh a temp stall of goods that arn't selling at all, it will definitely spread the issue thinner.

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Re: Skal & Temp Shops

Post by AstralUniverse » Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:19 am

I think it's safe to say that Skaljard could indeed use at least one more temp stall. It can get pretty busy in the rush hours and the chance of getting a temp stall if you play in EU evening and forward, is very low. I've had luck getting temp stalls when it was pretty deep in the dead hours of the day but that's about it. Even one more temp stall could make a notable difference here for many players.

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