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Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 1:36 am
by Twohand
Some screenshots from the last event which led Brogendenstein and its allies in a journey from the Golden Halls to Umbrick's Halls in the Underdark.

Astra Starlock, through her divination magic, attempts to bring forth a vision of Belrun Battlehammer through the power of the Memory Stone.

An Orc Chieftain and his army confronts the Dominion. Guess how that ended up for the Orcs.

A squalid Duergar Thrall in front of the invaders, moments before screaming for help.

Marching through the flooded pits below the mines of Umbrick.

Astra brings forth yet another vision of King Battlehammer, revealing a potential secret under the throne.

Thane Ghestaldt Blimth solving the puzzle of the trapdoor.

The living corpse of the late King Belrun Battlehammer.

A conveniently placed portal in the end. Thanks for that!

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 4:58 am
by Marr2
Here the Screenshots I took of the day:



Briefing in Barracks before the journey sets out. (Both pics above)



The assembled Dominion forces await for Astra to bring forth the memories of King Belrun Battlehammer.


Victorious inside Umbrick's Hall as the last of the King's stored memory reveals a secret beneath the Throne.


The Thane solving the puzzle on the hidden trap door after moving the throne aside. Kin and allies alike look on awaiting the next revelation.

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 8:52 am
by A little fellow
What great pictures!

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 9:16 am
by Astegard
Sadly didn't make screenshots of the UD counter attack army.
We rallied a large group to stop you from, what we assumed, claiming the fort.

The group fell apart due to internal conflict on how to approach the situation/ lack of leadership. (ambush on surface vs charge the ruins)

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 2:31 pm
by Face
An ambush on the surface after we spent 5 RL hours doing the event would have really, really sucked.

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 1:42 am
by TimeAdept
IC events have IC consequences

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 10:39 am
by redhawx
TimeAdept wrote:
Thu May 31, 2018 1:42 am
IC events have IC consequences
Ambushing on a server transition is pretty lame imo tho.
So i for one is also glad they did not do it.

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 10:49 am
by Queen Titania
Server Transition Ambush is cheesy and not very sportmanshiply, though if they had done the "Charge the ruins", it would have been a lot more exciting and added an interesting element! Fight like a dwarf, underdarkers. :P

(Timewise of them deciding action is about an hour in, I believe Team Dwarf had only been inside Umbrick Walls for a short time.)

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 12:31 pm
by Astegard
Didn't even consider the transition factor at the time(to exited for things to come), but it would have been bad. The transitions was a big factor in the UD group falling apart because we got split between UD and surface.

But the UDer conflict from then is resulting in some good followup RP. So the event turned out good for UD and surface i think.

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 4:20 pm
by Marr2
just realized I posted the same pic twice so I just edited the post to fix it.

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 4:56 pm
by wulfburk
It was great, and yah UDer massing in reply was kinda expected. And one attacking the other while they are in the mid of a event is all good (you shoudnt take it into account when IC deciding stuff), we dwarves did the same when underdarkers attacked the elven crypts in an event, and we had an awesome fight in minmir bridge that seemed to last forever :D

Re: Following King Belrun Battlehammer's footsteps

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 3:01 am
by Twohand
I took more screenshots from Part 2 of this event which happened last Friday.





This is the best screenshot that I managed to take after we recovered the crown, sorry.

Not exactly part of the event, but more of an aftermath.