Evaluation time polls

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Evaluation time polls

Post by nobs3 » Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:17 pm

I try to summarize the results of the three polls about time usage:

The time which is spend on different actions can be clustered in…
Adventuring (mostly outside cities) (Exploring places, sneaking, spying & Solo adventuring with challenge & Adventure in groups with much rp & Adventure in groups with low rp): 43 votes [4 questions]
Talking (Talking “politics” and building up longer stories & Chitchat, situative rp): 33 votes [2 questions]
Passive actions (Waiting for something to happen, trying to form/find a party & Walking (just to reach a place), fights without challenge): 31 votes [2 questions]
Economic actions (Crafting and finding resources & Organization, faction/ place management (shop management was missing!): 17 votes [2 questions]

The top four of “wasted” time:
1. Waiting for something to happen, trying to form/find a party (46 votes)
2. Walking (just to reach a place), fights without challenge (28 votes)
3. Adventure in groups with low rp (26 votes)
4. Crafting and finding resources (25 votes) [most likely the time spend on searching and walking]
(as expected the more “passive” actions…)

Suggestions to change this?
(e.g. “tools” to help forming parties (similar to the alarm bells, or dynamic missions to help spontaneous party forming; or more small chance of attacks adjusted to the average party level)

Top four people want to spend more time on:
1. Adventure in groups with much rp (37 votes)
2. Exploring places, sneaking, spying (31 votes)
3. Talking “politics” and building up longer stories (28 votes)
4. Chitchat, situative rp (20 votes)
(= the more active actions, somewhat more focused on “adventure” than on “politics” but close to balance)

Suggestions to support this?

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Re: Evaluation time polls

Post by Orian_666 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 12:49 am

Just to touch on the "waiting to find groups" part. I think we can all agree we expected that to be the highest one there on "wasted" time.

I did try something small to remedy this a while back on Anden by starting the A.A.L, Arelith Adventurers League, unfortunately due to mostly my own lack of effort it never took off. The intention was to give people a way to let it be known to the public who their characters were in game, their party roles, current "level" (based on locations they are currently adventuring) and how to contact them. (It was up to the players to update their information as they progressed)

A few people signed up for this and I have seen a small amount benefit from it, all that said though to be entirely honest I didn't put in enough effort into it and it could have been taken way further and turned into something good. In the end I rolled Anden anyway so I couldn't continue any efforts for it.

I think the fact that I was trying to do it all alone made it quite daunting, and that plus all the other RP he had going on just made it less of a priority, however it is something i'd like to try again but maybe with a bit of help. So if there's any players out there that would like to start some sort of "agency" that gets peoples details and makes those details available to other members so they have a literal list of folk to contact, RP with, and organise parties for adventures with, then i'd love to begin it again and hopefully succeed this time.

Or if the Devs want to implement this as an actual NPC feature, maybe in Speedy offices, or a new group all together, for players to make use of I think it could go down pretty well. Even with the minimal effort I put into it the interest was definitely there. I did see a lot of people use the factions services and at the very least show interest in the idea. I honestly feel it would help alleviate the wasted time of sitting outside The Nomad waiting and hoping for someone to walk past and join your adventuring plans.

Being able to physically see the names of the characters that you could adventure with and then checking if they're online to send a simple "Hi, saw your name on the A.A.L board, was wondering if you wanted to organise an exploration outing. Meet me outside the Nomad if you can!", or something like that, could save a lot of time and form a lot of potential relationships and RP.

Contact me on the forums if it's something you'd be interested in helping set up and get going :D

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Re: Evaluation time polls

Post by nobs3 » Thu Sep 28, 2017 8:53 pm

Hi, this sounds like a great work.
Much could be done via rp. (rp comes first)
E.g. I always hope for city/district leaders sending out people on missions.

But an NPC that would just stand there and offer - lets say - three missions (for different levels) could help too.
Each mission needs at least the number of x characters (or even require some class combinations like "you still need a rogue in your party")
If you are complete you get final instructions and a reward offer.
E.g. bring me the head of... Reach this place... Bring this letter to...

Just an idea.

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Re: Evaluation time polls

Post by Dreams » Mon Oct 02, 2017 1:34 am

An IC 'Looking for group' feature would be excellent. For a small fee, sign up to look for people to join you on an adventure. Have the system include:

- View a list of people looking for adventures
- Let the people listing have their desired adventure location written (i.e. Lowland Swamps, Dark Spires, etc)
- Let it also have a desired meeting place for the adventure to begin (i.e. By the Nomad, Brogendenstein Gates, etc)
- Send a Speedy to the organiser when someone signs up so both are informed of the meeting place
- Make it cost a small fee of <base> + possible Speedy costs (300gp would be within a reasonable amount for most low levels!)

RP only starts at 30 if you're a coward.

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Re: Evaluation time polls

Post by Baseili » Mon Oct 02, 2017 1:31 pm

I'd tend to disagree with a mechanical way of finding groups, from what I've seen in other games doing so seems cut away the initial "introduction" to characters, especially those you may not otherwise adventure with but discover you enjoy conversing.

My suggestion would be to move or create loosely defined meeting zones inside taverns or inns (Nomad example), places where people would naturally congregate, and allow things to flow naturally. It could also give serving and bar ownership a potential boost.

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Re: Evaluation time polls

Post by nobs3 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:28 pm

I understand the problem of mechanics creating groups. But e.g. a bounty hunter NPC offering a special mission and reward (with level check for those that join depending on difficulty) would just offern an other opportunity for interactive rp.
Same with NPC guard rushing in the tavern and shouting about an attack etc.

Maybe the alarm bell of cities could need some refreshment. At least in Andunor it is nearly never used (besides false alarms). It would be great to be able to stop it again and to be allowed to use it for rp matters. E.g. calling for mercenaries to launch an attack on a certain place.

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Re: Evaluation time polls

Post by I hope you got money » Tue Oct 03, 2017 7:19 pm

I actually think that getting your level's worth of xp up til a range of five levels would do wonders for groups. As it stands now, you get xp based on the highest level in your group which while fine-ish if you are only a level or two behind them (even if it still admittedly annoys me) drops off pretty drastically after that.

What that comes down to is that if you are level 7, and your buddy is level 11, you either get next to nothing in regards to xp for doing something in the level 7s range, or the level 7 takes on high risk dungeons for their level to get average xp for the level 11. And while because each level takes 1000 more xp to level there is some progress in catching up with your level 11 buddy, the chances of it evening out that way before the mid 20s seems impossible without doing the math.

This more then anything is why I always go to dungeons alone and hope to run into people of like level (not a flawless method, since you never know when you are going to run into someone who is of level to move on but hasn't yet) as opposed to the traditional trying to set up a group then setting out that makes more sense from an RP standpoint.

So, yeah, my recommendation would be to make xp gain based on the individuals level until you have someone in a party that is more then five levels higher then you. At that point, it drops off drastically to stop trailing for free xp. The way the system is now, its wonky to the point that a level 25 gets more xp per kill for having a level 18 with them then they would with another 25, and the level 18 gets the shaft. That seems really backwards lol.

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