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Allow people to bluff and/or intimidate the smugglers

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2023 10:54 pm
by Amateur Hour
I don't mind if the DC is really high (though it probably should be roughly equivalent to the exile-bypass bluff check), but the fact that the smugglers that can take you to Sencliff - who don't seem to be particularly magical and/or divine people - have literal-perfect alignment recognition is really silly in my opinion. As far as I'm aware, every other alignment-check in the game can be tricked or saved against.

Edit: I know there are other ways for non-evil characters to get to Sencliff. This is just about the break in immersion that these random sailor guys can more reliably tell who's evil and who's not than a level 30 paladin or a thousand-year-old sentient ward.

Re: Allow people to bluff and/or intimidate the smugglers

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 11:23 pm
by The GrumpyCat
Approved. Perhaps also another use for epic enchanment spell focus?