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Hag Recipes - Fun Food with Foul Effects

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:29 pm
by AddledPunster

I've been playing a hag a lot recently, and I have to say; it has been FUN! But, I think I have an idea of how I can make them more fun, both for the hag and for generating RP as a whole: racial cooking recipes for hags that cause magical maladies to those who eat them.

I'm not talking about poisoning food; I know that is already in the game, and while putting poison in your biscuits is entirely a hag thing to do, it's not specifically haggy. No, I'm talking about adding herbalist/cooking recipes for cookies, biscuits, tarts and potions that will cause those who are tricked into consuming them to suffer more spectacular (and RP generating) effects, like being turned into a rabbit, your skin turning bright blue, or slowly being petrified.

I'm picturing these as being consumable items that will cast specific negative spells (like Baleful Polymorph, Faerie Fire or Flesh to Stone) on the eater. Perhaps with a higher relative DC to reflect that the person is consuming something willingly, so their guard is likely down, but I would definitely defer to those who know better about balancing such things about that. If possible, maybe have the effect kick in slowly, or not kick in until several turns after being eaten so it's not so immediately obvious what caused it.

This would add a LOT of RP options for anyone who plays a hag. They could pull the "kindly old lady with a sweet treat" trick, or maybe leave a tempting plate of cookies on the counter for a popular city leader. This could be a great option for letting players create mysteries or problems that lower-level players can engage with, since the impact would largely be low; it's not like anyone could force someone else to eat something like this in a PvP encounter, after all.

This could also give extra purpose to, and add RP around, the various odd bits and pieces you can collect from monsters. There are many animal and creature part items that are mainly for flavor, or used in one or two recipes. Things like Ettercap Silk Glands, or Giants Teeth; all of these are ALSO great candidates for these recipes, since they fit the sort of "Eye of Newt, Slime of Toad" vibe you get with witches brews. Things that would be unusual to go out and collect, and would be noteworthy to anyone who would be investigating, say, an outbreak of terribly itchy rashes caused by cookies.

Of course, I am ignorant of how this could be implemented. My initial thought is that it would be as simple as creating an item that, when used, casts a spell on the user, but it's all very possible that it's just not that simple. Still, I thought this would be a great thing to implement. It'd give hags a unique service, and it would be a gift to pranksters all over the server.

Hey, addled. Did you get this idea after seeing that picture of a hag feeding a satyr a cookie that turns him into a rabbit? You know, the one on the Forgotten Realms Wikia Article about Hags?

Yes I did.

Re: Hag Recipes - Fun Food with Foul Effects

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:36 pm
by The GrumpyCat

Conceptually rather cool. Not sure how possible it is. But yeah sure.