Death Rules Reminder Confirmation Prompt in Fugue Plane

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Death Rules Reminder Confirmation Prompt in Fugue Plane

Post by Amateur Hour » Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:40 pm

Current State

When a character dies, the appear in the fugue plane. They leave the fugue plane either by clicking on a soul gate, which automatically teleports the character to their respawn point on that subserver, or by accepting a resurrection presented through a dialog box.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people to immediately start breaking the rules surrounding RP after death, which can cause cascading problems since other players don't necessarily know that their characters are spreading information the character who told them should not have known (usually assuming the other character was subdued when they were actually killed). This happens often enough that a reminder would be useful.

Proposed Future State

This would involve three closely-related changes:

1. Add something very similar to the following to the resurrection-acceptance dialog box (likely the easiest change):

If you died in PvP, you MUST NOT interact with the characters who participated in killing you for 48 hours (real-time) after your death, nor may they interact with you. This rule can be waived if involved players on both sides agree to do so.

Whether you died in PvP or PvE, you DO NOT remember any of the hostilities that led to your death, including that you died at all and who was involving in killing your character. "Death amnesia" must go back far enough to leave the circumstances of your death ambiguous based on your memory alone.

2. Change the soul gate mechanism so instead of immediate teleportation, you get a dialog box with the above rules reminder text. Importantly, the second option should be "I understand and accept these rules" (i.e. the option that teleports the character to the respawn point) while the first is the "Cancel" option; this is a known tactic that makes it more likely that people will actually read the dialog box.

3. Add a message to the combat log after resurrection that says, "You do not know how you got here or why." It's been a while since I've had a character die, so I can't remember if there's already automatic text that can be added to.

Reasons For Doing It This Way

The reason to have the text in dialog boxes is that the dialog box contents will print to the chatlog, not just the combat log. I know some people play with the combat log minimized, and the whole point of this suggestion is to put an in-your-face reminder that RP surrounding death has some significant rules.

This also will make it easier in the future if there are later changes to the death rules, since there will now be set places to put death-related reminders.

Rolled: Solveigh Arnimayne, "Anna Locksley"
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Re: Death Rules Reminder Confirmation Prompt in Fugue Plane

Post by MalKalz » Sun May 28, 2023 1:10 am

Approved for most of this.

Will tweak some of it.

Definitely will need:

Confirmation on leaving the fugue by the portal.
Notification on arrival.

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