Change the individual price font color for PC shops

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Change the individual price font color for PC shops

Post by A MAN DRUNK ON POWER » Sat Sep 16, 2023 5:44 am

Can we change the color of PC shop individual prices to red instead of blue? I cannot see these very well at night, and I'm sure some others have trouble seeing this dark font color on a dark window background. Especially because I have a night light setting on my monitors that turns down blue light specifically, to try and help me sleep after using the computer late at night.


This is unironically very hard for me to read oftentimes, especially for long prices or prices with numbers that can be confused for other numbers (such as 3 and 8 sometimes, for instance), and impossible late at night. I don't know how color blind folk factor into this but I'm sure there's an easier-to-see font color that color blind people can also see decently, that this could be changed to.

Some other color or shade that's easier to see pls.

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Re: Change the individual price font color for PC shops

Post by Kalopsia » Sat Sep 16, 2023 11:27 am

Makes sense. Approved.
It could be nice to display the amount in green if the character has enough gold with them, and red otherwise.

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