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Bags change items to not stack

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 10:42 am
by Lewtzy
To use the item "coal" as an example:
Say you mine 15 coal and place it in a (in this case lesser) mining bag.
Then you proceed to mine more coal.

Once you take the coal out of the mining bag and attempt to stack it with the coal that was in your inventory. It will not stack.
If you however add it all to the mining bag, it will from then on, stack.

The same goes for a lot of items like hides, ore chunks, etc.

Steps to reproduce
Have a stack of coal, seperate two sepertate pieces from the stack so you now have:
-stack of coal
-1 piece of coal
- a second 1 piece of coal

1: Now use the point and click function of the bag to absorb one of the 1 pieces of coal into the bag.
2: Take the 1 piece of coal out of the bag and keep it to the side. (it will now no longer stack with the main stack btw)
3: Use the point and click function of the bag to absorb the SECOND 1 piece of coal into the bag
4: Take that 1 piece of coal out of the bag and keep it to the side.
5: attempt to stack any of the coal pieces or stacks.

Expected result
They will stack.

Actual result
Nothing stacks anymore. Everything that touched the bag is now cursed.
Now those two "1 pieces of coal" will not stack with the main stack AND will not stack with eachother.

bit pointless.

Misc Notes
The mining bag was a lesser one but managed to reproduce without effort with a greater one.
It is not isolated to coal. It is just easy to use as an example. Medium and large hides were effected as well. Not tested more.

Of course I could absorb all. But the point is, you often have stacks like that that you will replenish due to using materials and gathering new ones. This is now impossible unless you have an empty bag around to place the full stack in.

Which Server(s)?
Surface (but probably all)

Gaming Platform(s)?

Re: Bags change items to not stack

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 8:08 pm
by Lewtzy
Bump. This is still an issue. I updated the steps to reproduce the issue.

Re: Bags change items to not stack

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:01 pm
by Definately Not A Mimic
Agreed, have seen the issue in the last few days as well. Before as a minor fix I could put one stack into the bag and it suddenly would stack with the rest but the last few times that isn't working either now.

Re: Bags change items to not stack

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2022 3:27 am
by Sincra
Trying toggling the option in the rest menu Miscellaneous settings, it may fix it.

Re: Bags change items to not stack

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:06 am
by Lewtzy
That .. actually did fix it! Thank you :)