Make Edible Poisons (and through them Detect Poison) Viable

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Make Edible Poisons (and through them Detect Poison) Viable

Post by Eira » Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:40 pm

The DCs on current Edible poisons are rather inconsequential at this point. I feel as if it is very rare that someone is poisoned through food or drink without roleplay beforehand, and really, I think it is a very, very little group of people who actually use them. I have the detect poison spell on my sorcerer for paranoia, but even without it, the DCs are so horribly easy to pass that I'd honestly love reason to actually be paranoid.

My ideal world would have no actual save on the poison because I am a masochist, but at the very least, it would be great if they could be raised to be much higher so people can actually take precautions and not just take whatever is given to them. So my ideas as I'm thinking of them:

1) Raise the DCs of edible poisons only, so there's a point of actually using them.
2) Add an herbalism skill related or perhaps a heal check to recognize if something is poisoned
3) I don't even know if this would be possible, but have a "you passed this poison save, would you like to take the effects anyway" for those people who would like to roll with the rp of just getting poisoned.

I personally would love to be poisoned and not just shrug it off.

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Keth'ym Evanara - wandering better paths
Veriel Xyrdan - married and happy
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