Item Suggestions

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Item Suggestions

Post by Daedin » Mon Jun 27, 2016 1:00 pm

I am writting this while bored at work, so forgive me if some of these are only general ideas from the top of my head and might lack some cohesion or even logic. Most of these ideas have actualy brewing inside my head for a while now, so I am hoping at least a few will be good ones.

Termite/Firebeetle/Giant Cockroach

It has always felt kind of strange for me that, aside from the fire beetle bellies, no other creepy crawlers drop useful stuff. In fact, most drop nothing at all. What if, they started dropping all manner of body parts, from shells to legs to pincers and glands? And then we could craft new items with those? With that in mind, what about these:

-Roach Carapace
A craftable medium armor, equivalent to studded leather.
Gives improved saving throws on desease and poison.

-Roach Dagger
On hit poison and disease.

-Firebeetle Mask
Burning Hands, one use per day.
-1 Charisma
+2 Intimidate

-Firebeetle Shield
Regular Tower Shield with fire resistance.
Light, Orange.


Unrelated to bugs, and complete crazy talk

Cursed Sword of Hunger

DC Crafting of 65
Masterly Damask Longsword
A necromancy based high level spell scroll.
Can only be craftable in one particular anvil in the module.

Result Stats
Enchancement +3
Vampiric Regeneration
+4 Negative Damage
Darkness Once Per Day
+2 Strength

Likely impossible to script: Once equiped, the character can no longer rest unless it has killed something in the past 5 minutes. The character can also unequip the weapon only if it succeeds a wisdom saving throw.

I have more ideas, but I actualy need to work now.
