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Merge Mundane & Magic Dweomercrafting Tier Progression

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 8:26 pm
by Anomandaris
Merge Mundane & Magic Dweomercrafting Tier Progression so that Mundane & Magic can aggregate to Tier 3. It seems strange that a level 23 wizard with scribe scroll (who is a proficient Dweomercrafter), that also possesses the accumen of a Tier 2 Mundane Dweomercrafter, could not produce with the efficacy of a Tier 3. I imagine this was done very deliberately for some sort of reason, but I am unsure as to it's value. It is still incredibly challenging, time intensive & resource intensive, thus it would simply allow me not to have to nag a IC friend. It would also fit more IC'ly with a characters actually ability and knowledge.

Re: Merge Mundane & Magic Dweomercrafting Tier Progression

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:21 pm
by Irongron
I don't know about Dweomercrafting to answer this.

Will await further input.