Kudos from a barbarian who thinks himself a knight

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Kudos from a barbarian who thinks himself a knight

Post by Twohand » Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:06 pm

Kudos from the Barbarian Knight

Funny how Eirik Skuring, a cultured barbarian from Icewind Dale who used to read story books of knights and chivalry, ended up becoming an actual knight himself, although he's very far from being a role model and he's lacking in several knightly traits as well. This is a kudos thread dedicated to everyone who, in one way or another, took part in his journey.

I wanted to mention and write a little bit about everyone, but that's just impossible, so I'll stick to those who, so far, have taken an active part in Eirik's story and changed him in one way or another.

Ludwig, Wade, and Bria: Couldn't think of better grindi-- adventuring companions and, damn, I had so much fun with you guys. As I've told you all before, that day when Ludwig pulled down his own pants in the Arcane Tower and Bria chased him away with this huge stick was by far the funniest thing I've seen in this server, no joke, I cried. Wherever you are, Ludwig, I hope your fashion business is a success and that those Liches you mentioned aren't a tough competition.

The Housecarls: I love every single one of you and if I could, I'd squeeze your cheeks. We had this fun time with meetings, defending Guldorand from Talassians (thanks Titania), and so on and so forth. Good thing we still get involved in one thing or two now and then. Also, sorry for stealing Snagread.

Ghestelle and Taestra: The ladies of Darrowdeep. Thanks for being these people you can always count in for absolutely everything. We play together nearly everyday, and what I can say about that is: you two are awesome <3.

Kalendis, the Witch of the North: Your bodyguard has disappointed you, but he still thinks of you and how you changed him for the better, and how you gave him a purpose (which most of the time he forgets). I hope to see you again in the server someday!

Brogendenstein and the Earthkin: It's just impossible to mention every single player and character by name, it's a lot of people, but what I can say is: Falgrim and Ghestaldt, Smaug wouldn't have conquered Erebor if you two were there ruling the Lonely Mountain. Also, <3 Merry the Wolfqueen.

Minuvae: Eirik and Minuvae the tsundere Elf had a very fun dynamic together. Where is his cinnamon roll these days? He doesn't know, and he also doesn't mind that you wanted to give him to the Talassians; he knows, he deserved it.

Scylina: You trusted me, and I failed you.

High Imperceptress Alice and Aligonda: We have shared many awesome moments together. I lack words for these two Sûnites, but I can say thank you for everything. You two are awesome people, IC and OOC.

Hilde and Afya: Eirik had a great respect for you two. Too bad he arrived in a time when both were about to leave the island for good. Also, it's sad how we didn't actually try to sink a pirate ship during the Jinghue event with our rage powers combined, rip. Titania, if you are reading this, how were you going to handle this attempt if we actually tried it?

Igogh: Eirik holds you to a super high standard, you're very special to him and he considers you his little sister. He's there for you 24/7.

Mudagog: You are awesome, everyone knows.

Special mention to the Talassian Stormlord who gave me the opportunity to reference this scene of Conan the Destroyer in Titania's raid event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi-RaaG-yx4


I am forgetting someone, I am certain of that. So I'll probably update this thread later.

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Re: Kudos from a barbarian who thinks himself a knight

Post by MoreThanThree » Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:19 pm

Don Skixote did nothing wrong.

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Re: Kudos from a barbarian who thinks himself a knight

Post by Rockstar1984 » Sat Jun 02, 2018 10:22 am

Aw. Right back at ya! Watching Eirik go from wee baby barbarian to the best worst knight ever has been a treat.

Oh the year was 1778...

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Re: Kudos from a barbarian who thinks himself a knight

Post by matheusgraef » Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:06 pm

Mudaloves you.

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