Surface Monster RP?

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Surface Monster RP?

Post by Petrifictus » Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:44 am

When I created the Goblin Monk Karma of the "Black Hin Fist," I got curious and interested to work on the idea of surface monster RP.

Just if there's NPC goblins raiding and slaving around the surface, making movable camps or lairs in the nearby caves and forests for the example, why not with the PCs? I'm not talking about monsters camping right next to the Earthkin Village as friendly neighbours and asking a cup of salt for their meat pies in the gates.

Recent events with the Sibayad's monter policy have given some of the players who were interested in such RP, a view that surface monsters are forbidden in the server and that we should simply be stuck with the Underdark, through these days it feels little limited since the RP there is so heavy with Cyric, where your only options are to be low class lackey or get kicked out from Andunor.

I tried to work in the Sibayad to make a place for the surface goblins as a start since I thought it was the only place in the surface where we filthy monsters could walk free since it's like the planet Tatooine from the Star Wars, a shady hive of scum and villainy with slavery, low morals and such, where random goblin next to you is least of your problems. Always liked the place as Sibayad had potential and wanted to work to revive it, making it more alive and fun with its own RP-world than just being a short stop before stomping Black Orcs.

Pity it did not work and now nobody wants to visit Sibayad anymore because they fear the patrols of Radiant Hearts and other "do-gooders" killing them at sight in the streets when shopping slaves or taking a bath, as now it's allowed. It was supposed to be the only neutral place where Surfacers and Underdarkers could be face to face, not needing to like each other but had to get used to each others to being around.

Yes there's always the risk of PVP and fixture smashing but that's what we get as evil monsters. So what are your views and feelings with the Surface Monster RP? Yay or nay? Forbidden or allowed? Possible or impossible?

Also if interested to work with the Surface Monster RP in the name of Bane, Send PM. :)
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by PinataPlethora » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:28 am

Absolutely allowed and possible. Not protected.

Monster races must expect to be treated as such, and respond appropriately. This doesn't mean that it's okay to kill them on sight, but it does mean that monster race PCs should always be aware of the looming threat, and take precautions when on the surface, especially during the day.

Sibayad, for example, will only ever be a monster friendly settlement, if sympathetic PCs create enough of a threat to dissuade "do-gooders" from going there to cause trouble.

The only forbidden part of this is killing on sight. That should be reported to the DMs. However, if you're a monster wandering on the surface, and you see a patrol of paladins out for blood, and you decide to get in their face, you're making the choice to die. It's no different from one of those paladins doing some solo antiquing in Andunor.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Tathkar Eisgrim » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:30 am

Yes, I believe Surface Monster RP is possible and always should be. However the hostility any monster PC faces is subject to change as supportive and opposition factions rise and fall. It always should err towards being 'difficult' I would suggest. Fun, but challenging.

I am also inclined to suggest Monster concepts should also err towards fulfilling a 'nemesis' role and as a rule of thumb have a limited shelf-life / bursts of activity. Whilst some concepts might be more active, this might be hard to pull off. Monster roleplayers run the risk of burn-out / frustration in the face of continuous threat from do-gooders.

I applaud your efforts. Just don't get frustrated because it seems hard.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Eters » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:49 am


I will speak my personal opinion on the manner, regardless of whom I am currently playing.

Monsters are well, Monsters, in the setting, they are creatures that are almost always violent, dangerous, and hated by anyone who was raised in the surface, from fables and bed time stories from their parents, to actually experience their cruelty and violence, anyone on the surface would know that goblins, kobolds, gnolls and orcs (among other types of monsters) are bad.

As an adventurer on the surface, even without this backstory and lore in mind, you are constantly reminded that monsters are bad, every writ you do, will at one point or another involve fighting goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls, orcs and kobolds. it's obvious that if every settlement is paying for such writs, then something is clearly wrong with those monsters and they /are/ obviously a threat.

So in every civilized society, they will be shunned, they will be pushed away, they will be seen as a threat, they will be prejudged, they will be hunted down, and such is normal, because the setting dictates such a behavior as normal.

SIbayad is a free trade town, far remote yet reachable through boat, It's inspired from an arabian style type of town where slave trade is allowed, the town, has no dedicated guard force or governement, as is ruled by coin (The merchant guilde) and protected by mercenaries. While the town bore no laws against monster races, one should not expect themselves, in this setting, to ever be safe as a monster in a surface settlement, because when the town will be asked to take a stance, they will do so from this point of view :
"Hmm, do we claim to protect monsters? Which will turn the place into a big haven for beasts, and give reason for "do-gooders" to ruin the trade we are establishing? Or do we take a stance that favors people to visit, but also gives a chance for monsters to conclude business so long as they are careful?"

It's quite obvious what will be chosen. It's the burden of playing a monster race on the surface, and, if you want to establish a camp, I would personally advise you to do so in a remote location, away from every settlement, and expand from there, something similar to what the Horde has managed, and again , they are only half breeds, and had to go to such a length to form a solid camp, It is safe to assume that a full blooded monster will have to struggle tenfolds to do something like that, so I'd keep the camp, personally, very secretive.

Anything public will get attention, and anything that gets attention will get the natural reaction from the surfacers "We can't allow any more monsters to organise on our lands, we have already enough to deal with." and while I am not fond of mindless fixture bashing, you can expect that to happen often.

When being a monster on the surface, while "Kill on sight" is , by rules, not allowed, do expect encounters that will be "Kill on sight" Roleplay, and while there is no situation, where It is fair, and allowed, to kill without RP first, but do not walk the surface, expecting that every surfacer will allow you the chance to bail out or flee, there are some (alot) that will chose to hunt you down regardless, because again, the setting dictates such.
Last edited by Eters on Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Tourmaline » Mon Jun 11, 2018 8:15 am

I don't currently play a "monster" but if I did and wanted an alternative to the underdark I don't think Sibayad would fit the bill. It's still too civilized and far too human. Of course you're going to have trouble there, it just isn't set up for a monster PC to inhabit full time.

I don't see why there couldn't be a trading post for monster PCs in the remote wilderness, somewhere primitive and appealing to any race who can use skull coins and refusing to deal with anyone who can't.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by DM Always This Late » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:50 am

To share some insight on surface monster RP,

Monster RP on the Surface is fine, you simply have to expect retaliation and I think there was a miss understanding of Sibayad's tolerance towards monsters. The idea that it is neutral is true, sort of. Sibayad is not a surface Andunor so while they would be okay with quick trade and monsters passing through that all comes with it's limitations. Idling in Sibayad or living in the town isn't realastic for monsters. Surfacers may have lower morals in Sibayad but monsters are still monsters.

The signs that were placed up by the merchant league were supposed to convey that point in a diplomatic way. It did not outright say monsters were forbidden only that their safety was not guranteed. It left a lot up to interpretation I think. Of course they want the trade but the key is to balancee that with public opinion.

Another idea that needs to be regarded is the idea of "Racism" I deplore that argument IC. In DnD races have traits it's not like real life where everyone is human. Of course there can be outliers to the common blood of these races but by and by they are Monsters. Being "racist" against monsters is not only agreeable but in the setting of DnD entirely logical and sane.

The problem with the racism argument is that it tends to convey modern ideas that don't fit in the setting at all.

Of course you could argue this point anyways and the savy business man may realize there are good business opportunities to work with monsters, but to do business is one thing, claiming monsters can be good and anyone who doesn't agree is racists is another.

So those are things to consider where engaging in this sort of RP with monsters on the surface. It's certainly an interesting avenue for RP but there is an atmosphere we want to maintain and lore standards that should be properly understood.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by The GrumpyCat » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:33 am

Sibayad, for example, will only ever be a monster friendly settlement, if sympathetic PCs create enough of a threat to dissuade "do-gooders" from going there to cause trouble.
What about the NPCs?

People always forget the NPCs...

Mostly I will just want to agree with what ATL said.

But I want to add that, in civilised places (like Sibiyad) whilst monsters are actually rather more tolerated (they are, after all, allowed to walk about and make trade there) the population wouldn't allow them to live there! Or likely to be any meaningful part of their society.

That's just... the way the setting goes!

If you want to do Surface/Monstering... then don't expect any of the NPCs to ever trust you in a meaningful manner. Just because you've gained the trust of the PCs, does not mean you've gained the trust of the hundreds of npcs that inhabit the isle. Sibiyad is extremely tolerant in that it even lets monsters enter and shop - no other surface settlment (well, maybe bar Sencliff) would allow even that.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Cerk Evermoore » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:37 am

One of the biggest ironies on the surface is that the Drow of Andunor are a more inclusive faction than Sibayad Traders Guild.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by MoreThanThree » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:47 am

From Amn to the Paladins, the surface has enough monsters as it is.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Queen Titania » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:00 am

Probably the best way to go about this is to treat it like a nomad. You might linger in one place for a little bit then move on once the climate gets hostile. This allows you the RP you want while also having your character respond to tensions by moving to the next area. When Sibayad grows too tense, perhaps they move to the lower mountains of Guldorand, etc. It also allows your character to respond to interact with different travelers, and maintain a lower profile until you are ready to act out and get forced to keep moving. Rather than looking to establish a long-term place to live, the places should be viewed as short term, perhaps no longer than a couple of IG months stay.

And when things get difficult, they can slip into the safety of the underdark until they find a new location to camp out from.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Ramza » Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:03 pm

Basically, When I was in Sibayad with Khabul it was a general rule of talk shit get hit. You went in and caused trouble? You got your face beaten in. If you went in traded in the shops and etc while not buying property? Your cool to continue. If the Radiant Heart are causing Discord in Sibayad it isn't good for you and it isn't good for Sibayad. Should the Merchant League care if some Paladins who are fundamentally against their values of trading living creatures for profit get killed outside the bazaar after starting trouble with Goblins? Heres the answer, they wont. So long as it doesn't happen inside their sight. Always remember that you can drive the narrative as much as the Paladins or the DMs, so long as it isn't completely ridiculous. So if the Heart is causing you grief? Kill them, desecrate their bodies publicly, do all the nasty vengeful things you know your character is capable of if it is under threat and show them that will not simply stand by and allow it.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by StrykerMontgomery » Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:24 pm

I agree that the term racism is innapropiate in forgotten realms. Now xenophobia, or the opposite of said value, can very from race to race or character to character, but one thing i hated on a nwn 2 server i played on was when IC "racist" was actually used. I don't that is even a term/word to my understanding in said lore.

Correct me, if I am wrong.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by DM Atropos » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:29 pm

StrykerMontgomery wrote:
Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:24 pm
I agree that the term racism is innapropiate in forgotten realms. Now xenophobia, or the opposite of said value, can very from race to race or character to character, but one thing i hated on a nwn 2 server i played on was when IC "racist" was actually used. I don't that is even a term/word to my understanding in said lore.

Correct me, if I am wrong.

It is not a permitted term here regardless because of the RL weight it can carry and the harm it can do. This has been a judgement the admin team has made and we will enforce as needed.

Monster races are monsters. Expect to be hated. The embracing of monsters as "You don't KNOW this one's bad!!" is, from a DM perspective, painful to watch. You are free to operate on the surface, but you should not expect to be welcomed, embraced, or believed. Surfacers who are being silly and running around pleading the cases of kobolds, or orogs, or goblins, or drow, can expect pushback. Yes, even "good" ones.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Tourmaline » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:47 pm

I'm going to push this forward again.. I think there could be room for a monster camp on the surface far from any settlement. Only races who can use skull coins could trade there so there's no reason for non-monsters to hang around.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by PinataPlethora » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:53 pm

Tourmaline wrote:
Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:47 pm
I'm going to push this forward again.. I think there could be room for a monster camp on the surface far from any settlement.
Okay, go do it.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by JediMindTrix » Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:34 pm

Is it near a portal

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Rwby » Wed Jun 13, 2018 11:43 am

DM Atropos wrote:
Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:29 pm
StrykerMontgomery wrote:
Mon Jun 11, 2018 1:24 pm
I agree that the term racism is innapropiate in forgotten realms. Now xenophobia, or the opposite of said value, can very from race to race or character to character, but one thing i hated on a nwn 2 server i played on was when IC "racist" was actually used. I don't that is even a term/word to my understanding in said lore.

Correct me, if I am wrong.

It is not a permitted term here regardless because of the RL weight it can carry and the harm it can do. This has been a judgement the admin team has made and we will enforce as needed.

Monster races are monsters. Expect to be hated. The embracing of monsters as "You don't KNOW this one's bad!!" is, from a DM perspective, painful to watch. You are free to operate on the surface, but you should not expect to be welcomed, embraced, or believed. Surfacers who are being silly and running around pleading the cases of kobolds, or orogs, or goblins, or drow, can expect pushback. Yes, even "good" ones.
I know you said "even the "Good" ones", but I disagree. In this setting, surely the 'Good' ones are the people most actively trying to get rid of the monster races? The Paladin, the very height of DnD's 'Good' meter, is the one whom should be most against the monster races. Tolerence for things being a 'Good' trait, is an exceedingly modern view. In a setting where evil is a real solid thing that you can 'detect' with one dimensional gods with aspects, and monsters are indisputably evil and this can be verified simply by casting a low level spell, or consulting with your local cleric who mannifests the very real powers of their deity Good does not like Monsters.

Evil, on the other hand...

I'm just not sure the depths of evil would be so opposed here. I geninuely buy into Cyrists, Sharrens, and Infernalists/Abyssals being okay with monsters. Goblin footsoldiers, Drow Allies, fighting alongside warlocks. If you're an infernalist, actively worshipping _hell_ and thinking it's chill to hang around with actual devils, I don't buy that they're going to want to kill Kobolds on sight. Indeed, we have outcasts in the underdark who get to hang about with Monsters all day long. Trust them? Hell no, but then I wouldn't trust another Infernalist/Sharren/etc regardless of their race. But there are certainly degrees of evil I buy being 'Buddy Buddy' with monsters as much as they'd be with anyone furthering their cause, and I don't mean your casual rogue or assassin.

Is that sort of behaviour really a problem for the DM Team?
[Obviously settlements, with their NPCs who are in fact not Infernalists, etc are an entirely seperate matter. Your average person is not going to be down with monsters, and I'm not advocating that.]

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by A little fellow » Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:25 pm

Tense moments are born from the danger. If Radiant Heart patrols are stopping Monsters from living on the surface .. then they're kinda doing their job.

It is a delicate balance between players to interject in each others story without ruining the other players experience .. and it is often taken too far, or not far enough. I think if everyone strives to act themselves as the ideal in etiquette between the PCs around them, whether they're good, evil, or neutral .. then Arelith would thrive because of it. But that is not something that is often striven for because other players interjecting too much or too little can throw you off course, and generally leads to some players becoming curmudgeons at the thought of certain (or most) types of RP. When this happens, they tend to rely too much on putting full-stops at the end of what little RP they take part in by chopping off someone's head.

That said .. I think if I was player a Surface Monster as my PC .. the ideal situation would be to have the forces of good fight against you. Imagine 'Les Miserables' if Jean Valjean didn't have Javert snapping at his heels throughout its entirety? Imagine how tense 'The Fugitive' would have been if Harrison Ford's character wasn't relentlessly hunted by Tommy Lee Jones.

If you're looking for the calm life living on the surface as a Monster, then you have to roll with the punches.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Petrifictus » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:06 pm

But I do hope and remind players to give a chance for the surface monster RP to settle roots before taking up torches and pitchforks, taking it out before its time. Make it difficult but not impossible.

Recently found funny how many are after the single surface goblin while Andunor and pirates raid elsewhere in peace. :)
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Xerah » Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:49 pm

Petrifictus wrote:
Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:06 pm
Recently found funny how many are after the single surface goblin while Andunor and pirates raid elsewhere in peace. :)
I think that's a rather unfair way of looking at things.

People are getting involved in that situation because you created the RP. It's also easier to access a surface issue than getting involved with the Underdark or "Ship-stuff," so there is a logistical issues there as well. To call them out that it's 'funny' that they are not going elsewhere (when you don't know that they are not) not only doing a disservice to the other players but also to yourself suggesting that your RP should be ignored (even if that's not what you intended).

I don't wish to relate this to personal experiences with the issues in discussion, but I still believe that my point above stands regardless of the interaction we've had in game.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Aodh Lazuli » Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:14 pm

Petrifictus wrote:
Wed Jun 13, 2018 3:06 pm
Recently found funny how many are after the single surface goblin while Andunor and pirates raid elsewhere in peace. :)
Bro, your goblin literally set up tents in their back garden, and then allied itself with the neighboring bastion of evil and malice.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Petrifictus » Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:23 pm

I would have been disapointed if my RP was ignored. Thank you all thus far who has evolved Karma as monster, both allies and rivals.

What I meant about "funny" is that I've seen situations where group of 5 do-gooders ignored group of 5 wanted known pirates and instead head to deal with the nearby single goblin.
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by JediMindTrix » Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:41 pm

Petrifictus wrote:
Wed Jun 13, 2018 4:23 pm
where group of 5 do-gooders ignored group of 5 wanted known pirates and instead head to deal with the nearby single goblin.
They didn't want to die in a big melee, and they knew they could gang-pk you for a quick victory.

Regardless of people espouse on the forums or in tells, you will find that most players will take the route of least resistance and greatest expediency (which often translates to skipping a difficult pvp engagement for an easy one because most people get the shakes, picking optimal dungeons, etc). I used to think these people were the definition of craven IRL but honestly, life experience has taught me that this permeates the daily life of everyone, everywhere, and it's just part of the Human condition, and as long as it isn't taken too far there's nothing shameful about it.

From an IC perspective, it makes perfect sense to take care of a weaker danger first, then go after the bigger one.

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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by StrykerMontgomery » Wed Jun 13, 2018 5:48 pm

As for paladins being on the top of the list for not tolerating monsters, that more or less depends on their order and, or deity. So yes, "even the good ones" applies. Paladins almost have this ability to help reinforce their black and white world when dealing with monsters claiming to not be evil and that is detect evil, which is next to useless on arelith. (Its will saaved based on arelith when detect evil shouldn't even detect evil weak creatures as evil and powerfull ones should be overwhelming. But now its the weak ones that fail saves and paladins who pay exp)
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Re: Surface Monster RP?

Post by Huschpfusch » Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:12 pm

Petrifictus wrote:
Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:44 am
So what are your views and feelings with the Surface Monster RP? Yay or nay? Forbidden or allowed? Possible or impossible?
My personal opinion:
Surface-Monster RP - is rather frustrating if not outright pointless. Unless you are a PVP-savvy powergamer or utterly masochistic.
Choose to play a monster and you can have your head shoved back into the underdark... repeatedly.
Play a human surfacer, however, and you can enjoy all the nice-looking surface-landscapes and eventually end up even ruling Andunor`s Sharps district.
Notice a slight imbalance there?

I simply do not understand why the Arlithian setting drew up such a stark line between "monster" and "non-monster" in the first place.
Take gnolls for example: "Relentless hunters, gnoll characters often begin their adventures by tracking a quarry into the world of humankind.
There, they take up the role of bounty hunters and mercenaries." (Monster Manual 3.5)
Sounds like perfect surface-writ-doing Simbayad merchant-protecting material to me.
And before anyone has the chance to say "butbutbut they are usually evil!" - whenever I play my surface characters I soon enough run into
evil humans or dwarves ready to punch my non-monster-character into bloody pudding. Plus numbers could always be limited by tying surface-monsters to award system and DM-approval.

Again, I just do not see why "surfacers" get to enjoy so much game-content while even a neutral/good-aligned monster is basically kicked in the stomach on creation. And chosing to play a goblin is equivalent to being kicked in the stomach twice, because they aren`t even able to use fishing poles. Fishing poles!

"My Personal opinion on Surface-monster-RP" THE END

Now if you excuse me please, I have some knights waiting to have lifestock thrown at them by a vampire count´s goblinoid chef de cuisine...
"Oh look, an unidentified magical wand - let`s just see what it does by randomly using it in battle!"
