Dirty Fighting for Everyone

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Dirty Fighting for Everyone

Post by Twily » Thu Sep 27, 2018 12:38 am

I propose giving Dirty Fighting to everyone for free.

It's a terrible feat, and is not a pre-requsite for anything; so there'd be no harm in giving it to everyone for free.

The idea of giving the feat to everyone is so that people can drastically lower their power when they wish to for RP purposes.

Example 1: If two people of drastically different level are having some sort of roleplay founded duel and don't want it to end after three seconds
Example 2: If a master in a field is training a student of theirs and wishes to do so through direct example.
Example 3: Someone is fighting another and wishes to slow the fight to offer a chance for them to surrender without dropping flat footed while still being able to move(the latter of which parry does not work for)

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Re: Dirty Fighting for Everyone

Post by Irongron » Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:32 pm

Feats are very often adjusted and improved.

Giving this to everyone would almost certainly cause a headache down the road.
