Fire & Blood, by Theodor Helbrecht

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Fire & Blood, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Thu May 13, 2021 7:04 am

**These books can be found IG**

Chapter 1 - Brothers

This is a story about two brothers who grew up together in a small farming village near Trail’s End east of the Icelace River.

Eduard, the older brother, was always fond of reading. He enjoyed research and could often be found studying hard. The younger brother, Wilhelm, was far less disciplined. Often to be found getting up to no good. Eduard would stand up for his brother and hide the many mischiefs his younger brother would get up to from their parents. Even taking the blame many times.

Damara is a cold and harsh place, and it was no better when the brothers were young. Wolf Winter hit Damara and famine was widespread. The Northern reaches of Damara got infested with lycanthropes at the same time. It was a difficult time even for the hardy people of Damara.

At the encouragement of Eduard, the brothers involved themselves in charitable work helping out surrounding farmsteads.
Eduard looks at his younger brother with a disapproving look. “Instead of causing another fire to a chicken coop, why don’t you make yourself useful and carry these sacks of grain to the cart, Wilhelm?”

“That only happened once! And it was an accident.” Wilhelm grumbles but then picks up the grain sacks and starts loading the cart.
“These types of accidents happen a lot around you. You’re lucky I’m always there to clean up your mess.” Eduard simply states to his younger brother and lifts several grain sacks from the ground himself.

As time went on things in Damara got even worse. The Witch-King Zhengyi invaded Damara with his hordes from Vaasa. Their uncle, a battle seasoned lieutenant, had to leave to fight in the army and their father, a skilled smith, moved along with him to supply the troops with steel.

One evening Wilhelm walks into his brother’s study to find Eduard bent over several heavy tomes on the topic of undead and liches.
“What do you think you’re doing. Why do you have that?” Wilhelm immediately seems on the aggressive and accusatory side despite their strong relationship and the sacrifices his older brother always made for him.

“I’m researching our enemy. Our uncle has gone to fight the Witch-King’s forces. I intend to join him, but I cannot do so without understanding what I’m fighting.”

Wilhelm looks unconvinced. “There is never a good reason to read those books. I always knew something was off with you!”
“Brother, I assure you. There is no other reason for me to read this. When I have completed my studies and my training, I will be joining our uncle in battle.” Eduard responds calmly, but Wilhelm storms out of the room before Eduard can attempt to convince his younger brother.

The events of that evening caused the brothers to grow apart more and more. Wilhelm joined the Arcane Academy as an apprentice, following the footsteps of his older brother who had joined two years prior for his own reasons.

Two years later, as the brothers studied independently the forces of Damara were crushed at the Ford of Goliad after one of King Virdin’s trusted advisors betrayed and murdered him. Independent Baronies were forced to bend the knee to the Witch-King. When one day sad news arrived for the brothers.

Eduard holds onto a crumpled letter in his hands as tears flow freely down his cheeks “Father… I am sorry I was not strong enough. That I couldn’t be there to defend you. To save you….”

In another room, Wilhelm reads the same letter. His expression neutral as he folds the letter and throws it in the burning fireplace. He watches it burn and crosses his arms “They are all weaklings. They should have simply burned and tortured all in service of this Lich. Even those who believed themselves stupid enough not to have a choice.”

A year later, Wilhelm joins the army and seems determined to show everyone what the power of a true warrior is like as the armed resistance against Zhengyi flares up again. Eduard continues his studies to try and discover weaknesses against the lich and his army, but eventually Zhengyi is defeated and Damara flourishes once more before he has a chance to join the battle. Wilhelm returns home victorious and is hailed a hero in Damara for his services in the defeat of Zhengyi.

A golden era begins for Wilhelm as he is granted many gifts including a wife.

Wilhelm assesses his new wife and finally nods an approval. “This will do. You will serve me dinner at the eight hour after midday and breakfast at the sixth hour of morn. Do not be late. You will bare me children and keep the house clean. If you do not, I will have you beaten.”

“Y-yes My Lord” A submissive response with a small curtsy as Meri-Anna looks down with fear desperately trying to avoid her new husband’s wrath. The woman was beautiful. Her dress gold and green, long brown braided hair fell down her shoulders as she took comfort from the Chauntean symbol hanging from her neck.
Last edited by D4wN on Tue May 25, 2021 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fire & Blood, a tale by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Thu May 13, 2021 7:07 am

Chapter 2 – Broken Heart

The brothers continued on their separate ways. Meri-Anna grew more and more afraid of Wilhelm’s cruelty as he enjoyed her submission and fear for him, she started seeking out the calm and kind Eduard in secret.

“Even if I deliver him his breakfast every morn at the right time, he always finds reasons to beat me. The soup is too hot or not hot enough. The fruit not juicy enough, the eggs not cooked enough. He finds something wrong in everything I do.” Meri-Anna buries her face in hands and sobs softly. Eduard comforts Meri-Anna as she cries, rubbing her arms gently and looks at her with sympathy. “My brother can be cruel. When he was little, he set ablaze the chicken coop. He enjoyed watching things burn. The war made him even more cruel. I am sorry Meri-Anna. I wish there were something I could do. I was never able to control him, but I am here for you. I will care for you as best I can. Without trying to make him angrier. You can always come to me and I will be there.” Eduard attempts to comfort the woman as she buries her head against his chest, and he holds her gently.

Over the months Meri-Anna and Eduard spend more and more time together. She finds more reasons to escape the house of her husband. As time goes by Eduard and Meri-Anna grow closer and closer and develop feelings for each other beyond friendship. Meri-Anna regularly visits Eduard with new bruises and cuts. Each time Eduard grows angrier and more resentful to his little brother yet remains hopeful that there is a chance for him to get through to him.

“He wasn’t always like this. I remember he had kindness in him too, I can get through to him. I know I can.” Eduard gently touches Meri-Anna’s latest bruise and wipes a tear from her face. As they look into each other’s eyes there is no denying their love for one another any longer and they kiss.

After several months of his wife sneaking out of the house, Wilhelm suspects something is not quite right. Meri-Anna smiles more often even if he keeps beating her. She seems happier somehow. He decides one day to have her followed.

After a few hours Meri-Anna carefully opens the door back to her own house and attempts to sneak in unseen. As she enters the living room a candle is lit. Wilhelm sits in the large lounge chair and stares at her. A soft gasp of surprise is heard from Meria-Anna. “Oh, Wilhelm. I did not see you there.” Wilhelm doesn’t move from the chair “Where have you been?” Stumbling on her words, Meri-Anna tries to think quickly on her feet “I was just erm… out. I erm... I went out to pick some mushrooms for your breakfast tomorrow”

Wilhelm looks down to her empty hands a moment “Mushrooms at this hour… It is dark and you come home empty handed. If you are going to lie, you should do a better job. I know where you were. I know about you and my brother. How you have been unfaithful.” He walks up to her as fear fills her eyes, a glint in the dark can be seen before the knife disappears into her body several times. Holding her lifeless body, blood drips on the floor. Wilhelm wipes some of the blood splatters from his face, creating a smudge of blood instead as an odd serenity comes over him as he sets the lifeless body aflame.
Last edited by D4wN on Tue May 25, 2021 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fire & Blood, a tale by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Thu May 13, 2021 7:08 am

Chapter 3 – The Beginning of the End

Blinded by rage for his wife’s betrayal, Wilhelm barks orders at two men from his Church. “Long has my brother studied necromancy for his own gains. He desires to learn the art and bring Damara back under to rule of a Lich. He must be destroyed. He tried to turn my wife into a tool of necromancy. Casting a spell over her to alter her mind right before he murdered her. He will and he must pay for his sins. Marek! Dietmar! Bring him to me!” The two devout men of Helm salute to Wilhelm as they grab their weapons and run off.

Dietmar and Marek barge into Eduard’s house where once more he is buried in books. Clearly, he had not received word of Meri-Anna’s death yet and looks up in surprise as the two men point their weapons at him. He instinctively grabs hold of his own and rises from the chair. “What is the meaning of this?”

Dietmar points his weapon at Eduard, “You vile necromancer. You have been summoned before your brother to answer for your crimes! You can come peacefully, or we kill you where you stand.” With a blink Eduard seems speechless a moment “Necromancer? I don’t understand. I’m not-“ Marek interrupts him “SILENCE FILTH!” Eduard holds his shield in front of him defensively “I don’t know what my brother told you, but it is not true”

“You will answer for the murder of Meri-Anna and your foul practices.” Dietmar responds. Eduard slightly drops his guard in disbelief “M-Meri-Anna… is dead? H-How?” Dietmar scoffs at the man “Don’t play us for fools necromancer. We know you murdered her! Now.. come!”

“I did not murder her! I-… I loved her.” Eduard responds. This all seemed like a bad dream. “So, you choose death then. It will be my pleasure to bring you down.” Marek raises his sword and rushes in for the attack. Eduard is instantly forced to focus on the fight as he is jerked back to reality. He raises his shield to fend of the two strong warriors of Helm. Several times he thought he might lose his life then and there. But finally, Eduard manages to gain the upper hand as his sword pierces a weak spot in Marek’s armour killing him and injured Dietmar’s leg with a slash near the knee. Taking advantage of Dietmar’s injury, Eduard flees.


Years go by as Eduard continues to flee from his brother, always one step ahead. Until one day Wilhelm and Dietmar finally catch up to him in Baldur’s Gate.

“THIS WAY! I saw him! He’s running. Quickly!” Dietmar yells back. “Bring him to me alive. I want to see the bastard take his last breath and I want to be the one to kill him!” Wilhelm barks back.
After a considerable chase, Dietmar finally manages to corner Eduard. “I have you now! Come with me so I can feed you to your brother you monster.”

“Never! You may be my brother’s attack dog, but I will gut you all the same. You drove me from my home! You work for the man who killed the woman I loved. You will die here Dietmar”, Eduard responds charging the man. The fight almost seems endless, but finally Eduard lands the killing blow on Dietmar. There isn’t much time for Eduard to regain his breath as the sounds of metal boots can be heard closing in. As Eduard frantically searches around him, he manages to find yet another escape route. Once more Eduard is forced to flee from his brother’s forces.

Years go by when Eduard finally manages to shake off his brother. He journeys to a small island off the Sword Coast known as Arelith where he finally settles down. Slowly he dares making friends and allies until one day he receives word his brother has arrived on the island. Fearing for the lives of his friends, he decided to leave the island to keep them safe from his brother.

A life of constant running, constant fear, is no life at all. After years, Eduard decides he is too tired of fleeing and moves back to Arelith forced deep beneath the ground where he tirelessly works to hone his skills in combat readying himself for the day, he will have to face his brother.

This story has not met its end yet, but as all stories go, this too will show the truth to all in the end. This one too will end in justice, but most importantly… Freedom.

##Written and edited by Theodor Helbrecht.##

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