A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

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A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Tue May 25, 2021 12:45 pm

***This book can be found IG***

By Theodor Helbrecht
A.R. 173


“Life is a blank canvas. For a true artist, the space to be filled is limitless only narrowed by lack of imagination and invisible barriers put up by yourself or those around you. Reach beyond your wildest imagination and let the world around you be the paint that gives the canvas life.”

This story could not have been made possible without its star performers and I extend my deepest gratitude to all those involved:

Theodor Helbrecht, Varelas / Sarek, Marley Goodman / Rusty, Avalri DeLocke / Elizabeth, Elspeth Lynndain (formerly Derlson), Itzal Mayar, Giscard d’Soleil, Roselyn Kingsley, Siegfriedr, Matron Xun’viir, Yin Aly’Kai / Kyla, Crozius, Alexey, Lysanthir, Theu, Lavanya Lynndain, Myzzrin Brightburst, The Sanctuary of the Dawn.
Last edited by D4wN on Fri May 28, 2021 8:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Tue May 25, 2021 12:49 pm

==Chapter 1 – Dying Light==

I cannot recall the season. But I remember the fresh air of the mountains, the welcoming of the quiet streams in the surrounding of the Logging Town. There she sat, golden hair, her iconic quarterstaff by her side. Serenity itself, pure and still.

Emily, Bliss and I followed Roselyn quietly. We observed as she approached the one called Elspeth Lynndain, formerly Derlson. A noble woman of Siamorphe, Diplomat of Guldorand and previous Chancellor of Cordor. They spoke for a while, they seemed to know each other well. It was obvious they had history. Roselyn told us not to interfere, so we stood simply to watch, to observe. The price of blood was needed and the price of blood she paid. She fell quickly after she retrieved her staff as she was no match for the Queen of the Abyssal Reavers.

I warned people, Lavanya. I told her we held her; I would have exchanged her for Elspeth. She was important to my brother, and so she was important to me. I had intended to make her my wife, to show her that I was better for her than he could ever be. But she never came. Elspeth was drained of her blood and killed by the blade of my Queen, sent to never return from the Walls of Kelemvor. Out of respect for her, I took her body back to be buried. So that they could say their farewell, her sacrifice was not in vain. Her blood is the key.

That’s when I first laid eyes upon her. Her words struck sudden, but my training of curses managed to undo them after much effort. She had just marked herself; she would replace him. She would replace Konstantin for my vengeance. She would make it in the final part of my very first book series.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Tue May 25, 2021 12:51 pm

==Chapter 2 – The Protégé==

I met my protégé Kyla, or as most know her, Yin Aly’Kai in a coincidental event in Cordor where I also laid eyes on who would become one of the most important people in my life, Sarek. He was asked to remove his helmet and refused. A chase ensued and I was asked to help take the criminal in. Of course, I could not resist seeing where this would lead and thus, I gladly assisted them.

In the Nomad we found a body, someone Sarek killed. I was impressed by the craftsmanship. This was a man who knew what he was doing. Yin and I were separated from the others and I offered her a quicker way to enclose onto the murderer. But instead, I lured her to the swamps where I gave her a choice. She would either be collared, killed or assist me in luring Lavanya out so that I could finally make her see the real me. To show her she would be better of with me than Konstantin.

She chose the last option and gave me a newly crafted blade to hold onto until she would deliver the target to me. But she never came. Once more, Lavanya never came. I considered simply killing Yin for failing to deliver her to me, but she surprised me when she revealed to me some of her true nature. Before me stood a stone-cold killer, a huntress. I knew in that moment this huntress had the potential to carry on my mission should I ever be slain.

I claimed her as my protégé, and I would teach her everything I knew.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Wed May 26, 2021 4:41 am

==Chapter 3 – The Gift==

Siegfriedr, another retainer of House Xun’viir and annoyingly her favourite. He had years over me of winning her over, gaining her trust. I knew I had to do something special to get her to notice me. The great Matron Ilphaeryl Xun'viir, a woman of great power and respect. Only the best would do for her. Ten elven ears were needed to make this gift. The first was taken from an elf we knocked unconscious. Despite the desire, we did not kill him and only took what we needed. We were told the ear could be regrown by a powerful healer.

As a test for my new protégé I told her about the gift and in return she confided in me that she had found a group of people she was working with, one who was called “The Jester”. A new business venture to make coin and I suppose, keep them busy. I enjoy this creative spirit and I decided to sponsor their little endeavour. I told her I would pay for every ear they’d bring me. But they exceeded my expectations when they brought me entire heads of various elves.

To take the ear and let the rest go to waste seemed immoral. So I decided to work on another art project alongside my brother Sarek and the Archpriestess Nas’hloah. The Archpriestess had in her possession an old Standing Stone of Myon. The Standing Stone was perfectly suited for what I needed. She assisted in the desecration of the stone and her slave and Sarek assisted with ideas and words to inspire attention to it. A gift for Oturo, The Black Archer who has been a bane to the Ilythiiri.

With the help of my protégé and her friends I managed to finish the necklace for the Matron and deliver the improved Standing Stone to Myon.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Wed May 26, 2021 4:45 am

==Chapter 4 – Broken Pieces==

They got it all wrong. They said I killed her, but she was not my kill. Not this one. I told Crozius to fix the lie, to confirm it was her not I who had killed Elspeth. They failed to correct it and forced my hand. My brother, Sarek, performed his role brilliantly. A distressed and captured elf in the hands of Elspeth’s supposed killer.

Crozius was glad to be the hero and offered himself willingly in exchange for this elf’s life. We treated him well of course. Put him up in the guest room of the Xun’viir Manor. He even got to meet the Matron. Until Kingsley joined us. She carried herself in with grace, power and ever-present dignity. I saw the crystal then, crafted with skill beyond even my own. She placed it on his neck, and I could physically see his soul sucked from him into the crystal.

The same happened to Itzal when we allowed him to exchange himself for Crozius. Then, with Crozius, nothing but an empty shell. Or perhaps his true self, for he longed acceptance and care. So much so, he came back of his own free will to be with me. It was then I saw her for the first time. She had followed him.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Wed May 26, 2021 10:23 am

==Chapter 5 – The Green Archer==

Green hair, beautiful, graceful. She captivated me the moment I first laid eyes on her. I cannot really explain it, for previously my mind had been set on Lavanya, Konstantin’s wife. But the moment Avalri walked into my life, was the moment Lavanya became but a distant memory. A shade.

Avalri. I could not get her out of my mind. When she tried to save Crozius and attempted to attack me, Crozius became protective of me and struck her down. But it wasn’t the usual satisfaction I felt seeing someone die. A strange feeling inside of me when he plunged his weapon through her. A desire to protect her, to keep her safe. It confused me and caught me off guard. I knew that I had to see her again. I wrote poems for her, paid a Town Crier to read them out. I found out her favourite flowers, food and drink. I sent her flowers and prepared to take her on her perfect date.

At first, I thought it was simply another target. Simply another mind to corrupt, but the more I learned about her, the more I found myself at a loss in this completely new experience. Emotions, feelings I had not felt before.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Wed May 26, 2021 11:56 pm

==Chapter 6 – The Golden Knight==

Theu got to me. The ancient Drow hag who rivalled me in cunning and wit. I could not let her win; I could not let her be more famous than I. And so, I needed to take her prize from her. The famed Golden Knight of Lathander, Giscard d’Soleil was her greatest nemesis. To best her I would need to take him from her and so I did.

Sarek was all but happy to oblige when I asked him to stab me for the biggest performance yet. Not once but three times did the blade plunge into my non-vitals, blood gushing through my fingers as I spoke the curse that would make these wounds unable to be healed by even the most powerful healer. I needed an excuse to meet with Giscard, and this excuse was a final rite.

The plan fell apart the moment I stumbled into Avalri and we took far too long. The pain was almost unbearable, but I could not falter on my acting. An unexpected turn of events when it was Avalri who found me. Her sweet, kind heart wished to aid me. I could not make it to the city, my wounds too severe.

She brought me to her home. Even with Sarek there, I believe she knew deep down it was me, but she still chose to help me.
Visitors then. Myzzrin and a man named Alexey joined us. Myzzrin knew, but the others wouldn’t believe her. She knew of my skills, but surely a man wouldn’t injure themselves to devise some cunning plan. No ordinary man perhaps. They finally realised my wounds could not be healed and decided to grant a dying man his last wish. They summoned Giscard right into my arms and with a quick reflex the Abyssal Bindings wrapped around his wrists, I broke the portal lenses and dragged him with me to the Citadel.

After I put him up in the cells, I was finally able to undo the curse and heal my wounds. About time as I was about to faint from the lack of blood. I left him there, continuing our conversation as I cleaned the blood of myself and changed back into my armour.
This was a prized guest to the Citadel and an audience was needed for this show. The Harbinger was there alongside others he housed in the Citadel, including Tamaris. Kingsley was there too. The hard part was done. We caught him and now we would torment him until his spirit was crushed and his soul could be taken.

I spent some time with him, we spoke. I shared my story and we played a game. But people were getting impatient and with large forces laying siege outside the Citadel, we had to cut the fun short. Kingsley walked inside the cell with grace, calmly withdrawing the crystal. But then that damned halfling messenger arrived and distracted us. Giscard took the opportunity to draw Kingsley’s own blade from her, infused with the powers of the Abyss and planted it in her gut. I cursed the man. That his death may be painful and certain. Beyond restoration of even the most skilled healers. But then, pain in a blinding divine light as I was left without my powers.

To this day I still do not know what he did to me but for months it left me unable to use my defences efficiently nor could I use my ability to control the dead. I was crippled, weak.

Now would have been the perfect time to strike so I was on alert, cautious. But none came. Perhaps they did not care enough about what happened to Giscard. After what he did, both Kingsley and I used our infused blades and mortally wounded him. What became of him then I only learned from those he left behind. The curse had worked, the Golden Knight was dead. I was victorious over Theu. Now to find a cure and restore my powers before someone finally would come.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Thu May 27, 2021 10:27 am

==Chapter 7 – Escape from Destiny==

I had a few options to have my powers be restored, access to powerful priestesses in Andunor, but what would have been more poetic than to be cured by the very people who wish you dead? I reached out to The Sanctuary of the Dawn, Giscard’s people. Sabre, the elf who swore to have her vengeance on me. I pleaded to her for their aid specifically. I used Marley as a tool to get to her and she performed her role flawlessly. Sabre seemed conflicted, torn between her hatred for me and her love for Marley.

Arrangements were made, we would head to Guldorand in secret and meet at the Church of Lathander where I would be cured. In exchange, I would hand myself over and be willingly brought to justice.

Obviously, I had a back-up plan. I was not going to hand myself over willingly. I would not make it that easy for them and my story would have a better ending than that. I would have myself be cured and use my knowledge of curses to curse them all into being utterly paralysed just long enough so that Marley and I could flee the city.

But the Black Archer Lysanthir ruined this plan. Marley went ahead to Guldorand, she was not a target just yet. She was not an outlaw. Or so we thought. I had to go and change into one of my many disguises to ensure I could go into the city unnoticed. As I was changing upstairs, an elf dressed in dark clothing and carrying a staff appears behind me. He announces himself to be a Black Archer and informs me that the Coronal had marked me for death. He asked me if I had any last words, and I informed him I did not have my powers. That I was weakened. I was a fool to believe that a Black Archer would have cared about such information. I only had enough time to draw my sword and shield and then everything went black.

Excruciating pain, darkness and despair. I do not remember much from that time, but I remember his face, his words and I remember I was not a soldier in the Blood Wars as I should have been. This was not the end.

Light then, a deep breath in and I found myself in Andunor still. It took all my strength to drag myself back to the hub and warn those there. I was confused, my mind clouded. I knew I was supposed to go somewhere, but I forgot where. Then the news came that Marley was taken prisoner in Guldorand and I realised I was spared that fate by the Black Archer. In a way I was almost grateful. Those in charge, those prominent in the city would have certainly seen me executed.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Fri May 28, 2021 5:41 am

==Chapter 8 – The Founders==

Multiple attempts were made to get Marley out of the hands of Guldorand. Attempted summons without any luck, I even took someone hostage to exchange one life for another. But it appeared Marley was too prized to give up for an innocent life. Every attempt made failed, until the moment we heard that she was to be handed over to Darrowdeep. Only one fate would await her there. A fate Kent DeLocke was too afraid to carry out himself.

I could not let them torture and execute Marley. Personally, I did not care so much for her life, but I know nothing of children and have little interest being a big part of their lives until they are old enough to retain the knowledge I teach them to help shape their futures. On top of that it was a loss against Guldorand and Cordor I was not willing to take. I could not let them win.

When I heard Marley was going to be handed over to Darrowdeep I knew I had a small window of opportunity between the transfer of Guldorand to Cordor. I didn’t know when the transfer was going to be made however. I had several people trying to find out the location and timing of the transfer, but no luck. I was running out of options and started planning on unleashing countless demons upon Cordor should they not return her to me.

But then suddenly she casually walks into the hub as if nothing ever happened. That annoying confidence and boastful smirk. She told me that Itzal helped her escape. That he could not bare to let Darrowdeep torture her. This was a surprising turn of events. A man who carried such hatred for me, yet his compassion made him do something I in his place would have never considered.

She spent much time with some of the Guldorandi. Itzal and Avalri in particular. She had learned an interesting tale which Avalri told her in confidence. Before the Fortress City opened, Guldorand was but a small Logging Town in the mountains. The Founding Council members would frequent the town to discuss matters concerning the new city. I’m unsure exactly of the details of what transpired, but Avalri confided in Marley that she was responsible for the deaths of three Founding Council members. Something her adopted father Kent DeLocke and the Lord Marshal Derristan Barley covered up. This I could use. This I could exploit. I just needed to wait for the right timing.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Sun May 30, 2021 1:15 am

==Chapter 9 – Death of a Killer==

As I walked into Cordor, even the Walled City was quiet. I just caught up on the news and stood around the square making small talk with some unknowns. Then I saw her, I thought she was dead. What other reason could there have been for not visiting me anymore? I had to know.

I walked up to Yin in the Mercantile and quietly revealed to her who I was. She would never give me away; I was too important to her. She then told me she had changed her path and no longer needed me. I’m sure I misunderstood. I asked to speak with her privately upstairs and she agreed. I gave her a chance to explain what she meant. She informed me that she had met someone who showed her there was an alternative path. That she promised to sever ties with me. I told her this was a mistake. No one abandons me. I tried to convince her to reconsider, but instead she turned her back to me and walked away.

Consumed by rage I instinctively grabbed her, turned her around and flooded her heart with a burst of energy, sucking the life from her. No one abandons me and least of all, no one walks away from me. I took her with me to the Citadel, returned her by Cyric’s grace and threw her in the cell. Now we could talk.

She told me about her past a little. We played a game, the one I played with Giscard with a few minor improvements. Then she told me how she had changed because of someone she had met, that she was no longer a killer. I didn’t believe her; I saw it in her eyes. That passion for killing was her true nature. She couldn’t lie to me.

I made sure to grow her hatred for me during her visit. Between the torture and the manipulation, this should have been easy. But I should have known, I did not make her my protégé without a good reason. She was definitely stronger than most. I offered her my knife, exposed myself. Told her to kill me, to prove to me that she was still truly a killer. A risk I know.

She could have killed me then and there. I had hoped she’d try at least. But she refused the knife and the chance to take my life. I was frustrated, angry and stunned that it didn’t work. I let her go, and as she turned to walk away, I planted Whisper’s knife into her shoulder. Told her to return it, that I no longer needed it. For now, the killer was dead. I needed time to revive it. I told her that I would not give up on her, that I would draw out her true nature and that she would attempt to kill me one day.

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Re: A Tapestry of Life, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Sun May 30, 2021 1:16 am


In this Tapestry of Life stories will continue to unfold and develop as so too do the lives of those who play a part in it. I am grateful to use the lives of those around me as inspiration for these books and as I watch the magic unfold before my eyes, their stories shall be written in eternity.

##Written and Edited by Theodor Helbrecht##

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