DM Reminders and Messages

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DM Monkey
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Monkey » Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:24 pm

Today I've swung out of the trees to remind about: Disguises! This feature is often misused and the DM team is aware that it most likely happens through misunderstanding.

The general idea is this: -disguise exists for disguising. If your character is not trying to disguise, then you should not use -disguise.

Good Disguises:
- Invented Personas - fictional identities that your character can take to shroud his real identity. Use a description! You could: act differently, think about what the persona would do, what it would wear, make some unique outfits or use different weapons to normal.
- Other Characters - disguise pretending to be an existing character, either NPC or PC. Copy their outfit, copy their description, try to act like them.

Use Sparingly:
- Generic Disguises - Using names like 'Shrouded Rogue' or 'Elven Assassin' instead of defined identities. Identities have names, these are brief glance descriptions. Less is better. These are fine for one-shot disguises or brief encounters. Consider changing to an actual identity if you find yourself using these tags repeatedly, as the people that you interact with would start to notice that the character is, in fact, the same person. If you use it more than twice, a change would be nice.
- Breaking WYSIWYG - If you perform a cross-race disguise; you can do it, but don't expect it to hold. The same if you emote or have in your description having the fanciest ball dress while your character is actually wearing rags, don't expect the people to go along with it. Some players may let you go along with your disguise, while others will call you out, even without making the spot check. In these cases, the spotter is in their right to dictate what they actually see.

- Any situation where your character is not trying to disguise themselves.
- Adding a nickname to your characters name or disguising as the nickname for your character's actual name, e.g. "Mandarius 'Manly' Femson", "Laura 'Legs' Wilson", "Big Mama".
- Use of titles, e.g. "Commander Richard", "Cordor Guard Sergeant Bobby", "High Minister Crassius Vinegar", "Lord Salt of Amn"
- Added descriptions, e.g. "Tarina Tal (Bloody)", "Elven Damsel (Asleep)"

Try harder! Help set a good example of roleplay for the server culture.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:55 pm

A reminder to all that we ask people refrain from (ooc) talk. If you want to comment or contact someone OOC, use tells. All visable text, in whisper or voice or shout - should be entirely In Character.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

DM Dionysus
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Dionysus » Tue Jul 27, 2021 7:26 pm

Hello everyone,

This is a friendly reminder from the Wine God about modern language, politics and setting atmosphere.

To preserve Arelith as a fantasy realm, we ask that players do not use politically charged language. This includes but is not limited to referencing actual ideaologies among other things.

Please do not use:


Please do not use their derivatives.

Instead, consider using, just to name a few alternatives:

Rabble Rouser
Skirmisher / Ambusher / Villainous / Villain

If you still can not figure out what word to use, please seek our advice

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Praxis » Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:56 pm

This is from the entire DM team. I will be oblique but I will not sugar-coat this.

There is currently an IC conflict between some characters on this server that has spilled heavily into OOC targeting and social jockeying- a conclusion reached across more than ten separate DM case threads and four times that number of reports concerning it. Players on both sides have expressed a desire for it all to be over with, but then refuse to compromise IG. (Frankly, this can be chalked down to an unwillingness to end the OOC upset except on their own terms.)

The problem here is not IC conflict. The issue is the degree to which many people have allowed the OOC to dominate and poison their IC interactions- and we have so many threads and posts and reports by now that yes, we're damn confident as outside observers that this IS a heap of OOC dominating IC concerns- is a problem.

We will continue to push for the IC closure of this conflict within the game narrative using NPCs.

The OOC concerns, however, are forcing us to commit the majority of our time to trying to sort out the drama of a very small minority of players. (This is time spent not handling other cases or running quests.) This minority should very quickly find more productive uses of their time and close off the OOC concerns with the openings we try to give them.

Otherwise, we will preserve the interests of the wider playerbase using MoDs, removal of characters, or removal of players, until the issue stops and we can return our focus to the needs, concerns, and fun of the other 99.85% of the playerbase.

That this announcement is even necessary at this point is insane. For those most involved in this OOCly: consider it your first and only warning. Consider very carefully how your conduct and language could reflect. Play nice or leave.

If you don't immediately know what this is about, you're fine. For the overwhelming majority of you who have nothing to do with any of this, thank you for your patience and decency.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:00 pm

For the sake of the 'Raid' ruling the following places in the underdark are considered 'Settlments'

*Andunor (well duh)
*Upperdark Tradingpost
*Treadstone Locks

'What does this mean for us?'
IF you intend to do a proper 'raid' there (kill npcs, do structural damage, ect) You need to contact the DMS under the Raid rules, with at least two weeks notice.

If you're intending more of a skirmish (A group of PCs entering this area, from a hostile locale (e.g. the surface) with the aim of attacking other PCs) Then you should attempt to contact DMs first – via the DM channel, Discord or Forums. If we cannot attend you may still continue, but you should make an good effort to try and get someone to oversee. We also ask – especially in places with portals (which covers all of the above) that you do not linger in that area either if you think it'd result in extended PvP.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Dionysus » Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:25 pm

Let me just begin by saying we are not naïve, and are well aware that Discord channels are very much the norm for gamers in 2021, and that little we can do on our side can control which ones players may choose to create.

With that being said, let us move on to the specific issues we are faced with as Arelith, one that has not only come to concern staff, but has also been the subject of a number of reports by players, asking that we review our policy on.

Increasingly it is the case that actual Arelith settlements are being represented in private Discords, which while they appear official, are not. Players who join these settlements are invited to join them, while those that run them often assume an authority over that specific location. For many of our players this is not done maliciously, but out of a genuine wish to help coordinate the player base and strengthen the community. Nevertheless, there are some serious issues.

Let's look at them.

As mentioned above many of these are run by admins who are not the elected leaders of those settlements, and they thus exercise an OOC authority over the location that is not warrented by the in-game situation. This direclty feeds into a clique mentality, can actively discourage change, and can be used to unfairly apply pressure to new characters. If there is to be an admin of a Discord for our settlements, it should be run by the elected leader.

Our official Discord is moderated, to ensure there is no bullying, that content is kept within our 'T' rating policy, and that players are treated resepectfully within our community. On these servers this simply isn't the case. There are frequent reports of 'shit talking', and with at least one of these having a NSFW channel.

Metagaming – this is should be self explanatory, and something that, again, our moderators can control, but is continues on many of these private Discords.

Now, as we mentioned at the outset; we cannot control what Discord our players set up, or the standards to which they run then, but we do ask, that players no longer set these up, and name them, to operate as semi-official Discords for actual Arelith settlements and locations.

Those that already exist have three options.

Rename, migrate, or integrate.

Rename speaks for itself – do not name these after Arelith settlements – it gives a false impression that they are official by using a name which is clearly part of our server architecture.

To migrate, means shutting such Discords down, and asking us to set up a private channel on our official server. We will grant a leadership role to the current elected leader, and allow them to control who is able to view it. We can also do this for existing factions. Please send a PM to the active DMs in order to do this.

To integrate means bringing your already existing settlement Discord under the umbrella of the Arelith Official with appropriate Arelith moderation. We would ask that you abide by our rules of conduct, do not include adult content, and have your admin set up as whoever is the currently elected leader, or a person appointed by them. In return we will ask any participating DM to join the group, in order to answer questions, act a contact person for staff and serve in a moderating role. Disclaimer: This works to help keep existing content such as useful links, discussions in tact while aiding in removing the consistent problems with private Discords.

We sincerely hope that out community members understand why we are taking the above steps. Discord can be a huge enabler of a cohesive and supportive community, but it can also be misued, and in the case of Arelith settlement wielded to apply a degree of control that is not founded on the actual in-game situation.

We will, from this point on, moderate discord invitations placed on our Official Discord, or sent via tells in game, and ask that when appropriate, players emphasise when these are to UNOFFICIAL and UNMODERATED Arelith communities.

Any player that feels they have been subject to abuse or witness to bullying or rule breaches on unofficial Arelith Disords can report it to the Arelith Staff, and where approriate we may take action against those involved.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Thu Aug 19, 2021 3:07 pm


Just a reminder that, as ships are a limited resource and give access to many unique areas and features, we do expect them to be USED!

We do have ways of checking ship activity, and as such we will remove ownership from characters who do not make reasonable use of a ship. If you cannot commit to using a ship, do not purchase one!

To be clear - we're not even so much asking the owner to be using these - (Though ideally the owner should be playing regularly, like with any other quarter/shop/guildhouse) but at the least the vessal's access should be passed to others who can regularly take the ship out and enjoy it!
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Dionysus » Mon Aug 23, 2021 7:57 pm

The servers are back up. There should be no issues with property or item loss.

If you are experiencing a loss of items or your property as a result of the recent downtime and server issue, send in a report and we'll try and verify to return what we can.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM MoonMoon » Mon Sep 06, 2021 2:36 pm

Just a reminder to everyone to not use the restrictions of Game Mechanics or OOC information to enforce RP.
By this I mean:
- Reacting to the OOC Message of a Disguise check (dont cast true seeing because your disguise was broken from stealth!)
- Buffing to overcome a Disguise (The name ABOVE someone is an OOC message)
- Using Banks, speedies, Yoink, Send Illusions, scry to check names. (Its impossible for every name to be known, but this is a limitation to the OOC mechanics for transfering gold or sending messages to stop mistypes etc.)
- Using Names as Descriptions (DO NOT use *Describes Joe Blogs* in noticeboards etc, be specific on what cloths/armor they wear and the colour.
- reacting to player list joining/leaving the current server (This extends to using the Portal to track people)
- using scry/yoink/illusion failures to tell whether someone is online or not (A failure IC can mean loads of reasons! you just cant reach them right now!)
- Reacting to ! / Hostile. (Someone setting you hostile is not really a seen thing, at the same time, the one setting to hostile MUST rp intent. such as *Draws the blade threateningly at them* etc. RP is a REQUIREMENT of PvP, but at the same time, the Hostile mechanic is OOC)
- WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get!)

Thank you for your time!
- DM Doggo
DM Wraith: @DM MoonMoon Nice one, Idk howl you do it, it does seem a bit furfetched

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sun Sep 19, 2021 4:05 pm

Hello everyone! Two things

The bad stuff first – We've heard a rumour going around that if you have something of a characters (e.g. severed head, lock of hair, whatever) you can scry on them without knowing their name. This is not true, (Unless the person you're scrying on gives permission for it to be true anyway.)

By our rules the following is the case.

Knowing real name - Can scry

Knowing persona (disguise) - Can Scry (Knowing they go by "Bob" all the time not knowing they are Steve. Basically – if your pc knows them as “Bob” and they are currently disguised as “Bob” Then you can scry them – as per the mechanics)

Knowing generic disguise - NO Scry (though the disguiser should not be using generic "merchant" disguises all the time)

Having sample of person - ONLY if scried person okays it!

Hope that clears things up!

The Second thing is more positive!

Over the next few months we'll be working hard to raise some of our current 20rpr players to the new 30 level. You can help us... especially if you're a 40/50 rpr player, by being liberal with the -recommend function. Or, if you like, by sending us Pms recommending people you think would work well for that rating!
We're also getting some tickets in requesting raises – and that's super! One thing that would be useful, (at least to me) is if you please state if you want feedback or not. On the one hand feedback can be useful, on the other, if it's a denial, it can also seem harsh. So – at least from a personal perspective, I'd be grateful if you state if you want such or not on your request. Other Dms may give it anyway – but I won't provide feedback unless I know it's desired.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Snowcat » Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:08 pm

Hello players!
A reminder from the DM's about our support ticketing system. Often there are requests from people who are unaware of this system, and have waited for long time to get their request filled in-game, when it could have been swiftly cleared off through our ticket system.

What is the ticketing system? serves as portal to the tickets, you can login with your forum account. Through this site you're enabling us to remotely fill in some requests for you.
Such requests that can be filled through tickets are:
- Retaking level (Deleveling you to certain level minus one(1) XP to let you re-take the said level)
- Alignment Shift (Alignment shifts only go one step at a time. I.e. Chaotic Good can only move to Neutral Good or Chaotic Neutral at once)
- Redeem Class Token (Harper, Zhentarim, Shifter, Assassin tokens. Only ones that you have had your application approved through forums)
- Change Soundset (with the exact ID)
- Change Portrait (with the exact filename)
- Renaming Character
- RPR Evaluation (only up to RPB30. RPB40 and 50 should be done through Forum PM to Active DM's)
- Relevel token (After -relevel will be eventually disabled, all future relevel tokens will be granted through Tickets).

This can not only make it faster to get these simple procedures done, but also ease the DM workload whenever we have time for in-game attention.

Something that are NOT doable through ticket system:
- Hair/Tattoo colors
- Head changes
- Race/other reward/domain tokens

If you feel that more things should be available to you through ticketing system, DM Hoodoo can take requests for more things to be added!
"Just want to remind everyone when talking about anything involving DM workload as if it's an easy thing, we have 153 players per dm." - Garrbear
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Janitor » Sun Nov 07, 2021 2:59 am

Gentle reminder in accordance of rule one on the wiki (on the Topic of Roleplay) - you are expected to play a character that fits in with the server and does not disrupt its immersion.

When you first join the server you are told that the core setting is Forgotten Realms 3x edition set upon Arelith, what this means is it is appropriate to be from the Forgotten Realms and nowhere else.

Though with exception for Imp who would have their origin in the pits of Hell - you cannot be from outside the main setting.

You should not mention other settings as a place of origin Dark Sun setting, Greyhawk setting, Planescape setting, Ravenloft setting, etc.

While you can be inspired by stuff in these settings you need to ground anything you do to the setting (Arelith FR 3x) and avoid meta-knowledge of things that would be impossible to know (a mage making uncertain claims about multispheric universes is fine, naming streets in the city of Greyhawk is not - the same goes for Ravenloft which is a prison few escape. No one really knows about it and so forth.)

If you have a character with such background try to discreetly adapt them to this. While it is integral in pursuit of roleplay to be immersive you do not need to stress over these things and if you need help adapting reach out to the staff via PM, use the Arelith Official discord lore subforum to ask for help, or the forums themselves.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:24 pm

'I'm gonna report you to the Dms!'
Hay guys.

So this isn't going to be a 'rule', and we aren't going to punish anyone over this – but we're putting out a request to please stop throwing the above phrase around.
Firstly – because if you are sending in a report, and if it is valid – then all you've done is give the other person pre-warning, giving them time to get their story straight, hide any evidence, plan the best thing to say ect – do you want that? Also, in some situation, you've given them a direct target to blame (you) should they get into trouble.
Secondly – Because if you aren't actually going to send a report, and/or if your complaint isn't valid, then it's basically a particularly pathetic sort of bullying and that will soon become apparent to all involved when no action happens. Do you really want to be seen that way?
Thirdly – Look, I know we're a T rated server but I like to think even the youngest of us are a bit above the whole 'I'm gonna tell my mummy on you!'

Again, this isn't a rule or such, we aren't going to punish anyone for doing the above, you can say it if you want... but in almost all situations it really does come out as a bit ill thought out and/or pathetic. Do you really want that?
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Monkey » Fri Nov 26, 2021 6:04 pm

Reminder about this - I've seen some very silly things recently. Please keep the memes OOC, not IC.
DM Monkey wrote:
Tue Jul 13, 2021 3:24 pm
Today I've swung out of the trees to remind about: Disguises! This feature is often misused and the DM team is aware that it most likely happens through misunderstanding.

The general idea is this: -disguise exists for disguising. If your character is not trying to disguise, then you should not use -disguise.

Good Disguises:
- Invented Personas - fictional identities that your character can take to shroud his real identity. Use a description! You could: act differently, think about what the persona would do, what it would wear, make some unique outfits or use different weapons to normal.
- Other Characters - disguise pretending to be an existing character, either NPC or PC. Copy their outfit, copy their description, try to act like them.

Use Sparingly:
- Generic Disguises - Using names like 'Shrouded Rogue' or 'Elven Assassin' instead of defined identities. Identities have names, these are brief glance descriptions. Less is better. These are fine for one-shot disguises or brief encounters. Consider changing to an actual identity if you find yourself using these tags repeatedly, as the people that you interact with would start to notice that the character is, in fact, the same person. If you use it more than twice, a change would be nice.
- Breaking WYSIWYG - If you perform a cross-race disguise; you can do it, but don't expect it to hold. The same if you emote or have in your description having the fanciest ball dress while your character is actually wearing rags, don't expect the people to go along with it. Some players may let you go along with your disguise, while others will call you out, even without making the spot check. In these cases, the spotter is in their right to dictate what they actually see.

- Any situation where your character is not trying to disguise themselves.
- Adding a nickname to your characters name or disguising as the nickname for your character's actual name, e.g. "Mandarius 'Manly' Femson", "Laura 'Legs' Wilson", "Big Mama".
- Use of titles, e.g. "Commander Richard", "Cordor Guard Sergeant Bobby", "High Minister Crassius Vinegar", "Lord Salt of Amn"
- Added descriptions, e.g. "Tarina Tal (Bloody)", "Elven Damsel (Asleep)"

Try harder! Help set a good example of roleplay for the server culture.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Janitor » Mon Dec 20, 2021 11:29 pm

Hey there folks.

Small reminder about NPCs in general that are non-hostile:

Do not attempt to dominate/kill them without a DM request and one present. Scenarios like this require you to be advised as PC versus Setting and will need a narrative purpose. Pickpocketing is fine because there are automated reactions.

If you have questions or concerns about this hit a message to "all dms".

Happy Holidays.

edit: please feel free to kill any sort of non-special, generic wildlife as well. I think as long as they're not clearly some NPC's pet or something go for it.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Janitor » Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:36 pm

On the topic of Bookshelves & Theft:
1) if you've put bookshelves outside somewhere to be a public fixture. It's fair game, it's the same as storage chest or similar object that isn't behind private doors. You're letting anyone basically do anything. People to take these things are still beholden to the Be Nice rule and if people keep taking your shelves and their contents from one location in a griefy fashion feel free to report it for our review.

2) If it is your house (or you're going to take from a bookshelf in the house) please only take one book. The rename feature for fixtures is intended and (tags) are not meant to be fort knox. People can deface, rename, or whatever any sort of fixture they find in game and thus can get access to things like shelves and message boards. You can't steal a book and the whole fixture. If the shelf is empty, you can steal it.

3) With any theft roleplay is expected - while we'll give lenience to items in public even that should have a motivation and story behind it. If it's a one time hit of someone's shelves a simple theft - a note on their door, the book replaced with a fake book or something, is a good way to show they've been struck. If you keep hitting the same place over and over however we'll be seeing RP is being appropriately escalated with each further grievance.


Don't grief people's private shelves, public shelves are fair game, and while a simple calling card might do for a one time theft - repeated visits = more RP expected.
To clarify this further - taking a book off someone's private shelf needs effort. You should only take one and it will count as your 24 theft. If you took someone's whole shelf to remove a single book, give it back, and expect in the future that if you depopulate someone's entire personal library that we'll probably come talk to you.

(Also - any fixture can be renamed by picking something up, putting it down again, or... risking it in a basin. Once ownership has been established you can rename fixtures. Items are a different story and require the team's help.)
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A Reminder on Playing Monsters.

Post by DM Janitor » Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:56 am

When you decide to play a monster race (even if they are good aligned or outliers) - you are beholden by the monster policy.

This means you should be avoiding places they are not welcome without subtlety or at least having self awareness of the consequences of your presence. It is completely permissible to be hostile and even slay monster races for "normal people" and unless they go above and beyond to be sadistic - hardly even a moral question.

Monsters that can't disguise themselves racially have extra responsibility as your MONSTER will always be perceived as a MONSTER regardless of your nome-de-guerre. Those who have more flexibility here are still not welcome to loiter and should always be aware of what their presence means (generally, dread and alarm for passers by or NPCs).

A good aligned and especially the particularly intelligent races are not exempt from this. The setting will not "understand you" and your role is to act as a foil and should still be trying to create RP in the Underdark and places you are allowed to be. This does not mean you cannot come above, that you cannot meet with potential allies, but it must always be done with that self-awareness.

Good beings do not create social strife for people who SHOULD be afraid of your kind. Your individual nature does not change the eons of war, genocide, murder, and misunderstanding. You should do your best to be careful and to take failures as part of the story in your uphill battle with your nature, your society, and your normal haunts for RP (largely Andunor).

Your presence above is exempted but not entirely excused by - living in wilderness quarters (basically caverns far from civilization, lonesome cottages in the middle of nowhere, hidden volcano lairs) or you are one of the monster races who can be approved for Sencliff pirate life.

Monstrous races at large are not welcome in any of the surface (player) settlements, the Arcane Tower, Sibayad, the Radiant Heart, the tavern in Minmir, Rayne's Landing. Your presence in these places should be quick, to the point, and if you plan to make a scene you should always try to get a DM to overlook it.

Sencliff is open to monstrous races to visit but if you're not an inked pirate you should keep visitations brief.

Duergar are considered a pariah race who are shady and many are skeptical of them - they can enter Cordor and the city of Guldorand - can ply their trade in Sibayad but should definitively avoid going to Brogendenstein, Bendir, or Myon as the Earthkin and elves would find them revolting.

Related to this - Shifters in monstrous shapes, Yuan-ti in their snake people forms, Vampires who have revealed themselves, people who polymorph into monster or dangerous animal shapes from spells or abilities - such as into Dragons- all should essentially obey the same rule.

Deep Imaskari are not monsters.
Svirfneblin are not monsters.

With all of this said do not be afraid to ever reach out for clarification from the staff by sending a PM to all active dms.
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Mon Jan 03, 2022 11:15 am

Copy-Pasting this here as I feel it deserves a place also in reminders/messages as much as mechanics change...
Its encourage now to fire a warning shot before engaging Naval Combat, swap flags, or just use the shout channel (If on same quadrant). Why the recent changes above.
Ideally with each of these things time should be given for the other players to respond and IF you are boarding then RP should ALWAYS be offered between the groups.
To clarify again... before engaging another ship in combat you MUST
a) Swap flags, visably so they can see it (e.g. joisting the jolly roger- making hostile intent clear)
b) Fire a warning shot
c) Use the Shout system for intership communication if possible.

If you're boarding the boat, then PvP is as usual - roleplay first.

If in doubt ask yourselves in all honesty - 'Were I on the other side, would I consider this a reasonable amouint of roleplay/warning before engaging in combat?' IF the answer is no - then don't do it.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:38 pm

I've been asked to once more highlight the above again and also add another clarification.

Befor Engaging another ship in Combat you must do at least TWO of the following (ideally all three)
a) Swap flags, visably so they can see it (e.g. joisting the jolly roger- making hostile intent clear)
b) Fire a warning shot
c) Use the Shout system for intership communication if possible.

PvP on the ship follows the same rules as outside of it. RP before hand ect. Please do not set traps on transition areas, please only use Area of Effect spells when combat begins, not before people have arrived.

Dying due to a shipwrecked boat counts under the same rules as normal PvP. We get that you might not always know if/who died, so if in doubt just avoid combat with that group in general for 24 hours and contact the DM team if things feel awry.

Of course PvP in these situations will be looked at on a case by case basis. For example - if you engaged with the ship for 10 minites with shouting back and forth, then attacked but had fairly limited rp as you boarded - That'd probably be fine.

LIkewise if you only fire one warning shot, then grapple, but then spend ten minutes or more rping with the other side - you're probably going to be OK too.

But if you're in doubt, follow the above points.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Spyre » Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:40 pm


The literal shitposting that has been happening in game, and the roleplay surrounding defecating needs to stop immediately. Those found conducting in this behaviour will be spoken to by a DM, and can see punishments of RPR docks and an enforced absence from Arelith. This has no place on the server, it’s disgusting and I don’t even know why you want to roleplay this.

So please stop this before you are spoken to and potentially earning a break.

TL;DR: roleplay involving feces (poop, scat, defecation, or any alternative of excretion) is forbidden. And, don’t even go to another bodily function as a replacement. Please roleplay with some maturity.

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Wed Jan 12, 2022 6:05 pm

Popping this in both Announcement and also DM messages for maximum visability.

There has been an increase of quarter breaking, which has led to many cases of excessive theft. Going forward the new ruling surrounding to theft and quarters is the following:

- Each person/group involved with a break in of a home/quarter/guildhouse/ship is only allowed to steal one (1) item from only /one/ chest per real life day (24 hours).

- If the chest has a container item (Jewelry box, Gem bag, Trap Box, Scroll Case, etc) you may only take one item from within it.

- Stealing a fixture from the home does /not/ count as the one item but is still limited to one per day per individual/group. However a bookshelf (and any future similar fixture) should only have one item taken from it.

-Your group is your entire involved party and you are responsible, collectively, in any theft or capers. You can break into as many homes as you like but you cannot violate the 1 item/1 fixture theft.

(edited to add in an extra bit)

For full clarification - a quarter breaker can enter as many quarters as he or she likes, but may only take an item/fixture from ONE of those per 24 hours.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Wraith » Sat Feb 26, 2022 6:19 pm

Hi everyone,

A friendly reminder regarding Rune Chests/RSS/etc. Please review the quoted reminder below as we have been noticing an uptick in this type of behavior again. Again, this is unacceptable behavior and will be addressed accordingly.

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to message the DM team for clarification.

DM Wraith wrote:
Sun Apr 28, 2019 10:09 am
Hi everyone,

The team has noticed that there has been an overall increase in community members that are rune chest/ore camping/logging,  and reset rushing the rune chests and resource nodes.

This is frankly, unacceptable. One thing I wish to clarify is that we are going to be taking a stricter approach with players who choose to engage in this behavior.  Moving forward, anyone caught chest/ore logging, reset rushing rune chests/resource nodes, and camping resources/chests will have all associated items removed from their inventory, as well as receive an experience penalty. Repeated offenses will lead to progressive punishments up to and inclusive of banning.

These resources are not meant to be hoarded by singular members of the community, but meant to be rewards for players whom have the skillsets and abilities to complete the epic level dungeons on Arelith. 

TL;DR - Don't Rune Chest or Resource camp, Its degrading to the community.  DM's will be stricter in these breaches moving forward.

DM Wraith 

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sat Feb 26, 2022 7:29 pm

Some clarification (sort of) on the above.

Whilst camping resources is never really a good thing, mostly we'll only be policing it for the high end resources (Adamantium.) LIkewise, whilst it's always better to do dungeons with folks - we're not going to blow up if you sneak thourgh the odd dungeon to a treasure chest (though we will be watching Runic chests!)

With the above said - don't take the micky. Don't be cheesy.

This really falls into the 'Be Nice' Rule, which I know is terribly vauge, but I feel really comes into this.

Please don't spawncamp coal deposits for hours on end. Don't ninja loot dungeons if you know a group is in there. Et cetera. If you feel you're going a bit over the top, and ruining someone elses fun? Stop it.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

DM Dionysus
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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by DM Dionysus » Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:46 am

Compiled list of rules and rulings. Updated regularly with hypotheticals. Send me a message for suggestions or clarification if something reads poorly. ... sp=sharing

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Re: DM Reminders and Messages

Post by The GrumpyCat » Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:09 pm


We've noticed a growing amount of derogatory references to sexualities on the server IC. Whilst not outright hate language- it's still concerning. The sexuality of the pc really shouldn't come into the matter, whether they are evil, warlocks, Sharrans, Myonians or so on and to tag it along side such things comes across as derogatory.

For much of the realms, gender/sexuality doesn't matter, and it's also a topic that is upsetting to those people who are LGBTQ+ in real life. They have to face this stuff every day outside of the screen, I'd rather it wasn't implied at them in game too. So please drop it. Thank you.
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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