Shelving kudos: Emma Young

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Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by D4wN » Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:17 am

I apologise in advance… This will be a long one!

After nearly 3 RL of playing Emma mostly non-stop and for far too many hours in a day, the time has finally come for her to return to Waterdeep to raise her son and live a happy life in peace with her future husband. It is time to make way for the next generation!

At the young age of 19 she came to the island lost, alone and without any purpose. Fresh of the boat, she bumped into Sadie Hasper, Founder and Leader of the Order of the Stranger. This single interaction changed the entire course of her life and set her up for some truly great and amazing memories and experiences.

Her only goal was to set up a Church of Helm and build Helm’s reputation on the island as the protector and guardian of the weak, young, injured and poor. But she became so much more. Oathkeeper of the Order of the Stranger, Founder and leader of the Gauntlet, High Watcher of Helm and leader of the Arelith Church of Helm, High Justice, Vice Chancellor and Chancellor of Cordor and establishing Helm as a Patron Deity of Cordor.

Her journey was long and her accomplishments, failures and sacrifices many. I am equally happy that she receives a peaceful and deserving ending and also sad. I have met some incredible people through playing her. Fantastic RPers and have made lifelong friends. I’m truly so grateful to everyone and this kudos thread will be or could be incredibly long. With names long gone and possibly even forgotten. I fear I will forget people since the list is so very very long. So, I will give it a good go and apologise to anyone if I have missed them. Please feel free to remind me! 😊

Groups first!

The Gauntlet

All of you. Every. Single. One. Past and present. Without you all I could not have done this and keep it up as long as I have. You made this the best faction (yes, I’m bias) on the server. You made this a warm and welcoming group for both experienced RPers and brand new RPers. A place without judgement, without toxicity (for the most part, we’re still all humans after all) and a place where people found purpose and a place to call home. I’m so grateful to all of you. For helping me build and maintain such a wonderful faction. For your time, your investment, your help. For everything. There are far too many of you to list them all out. But you know who you are and the impacts you’ve had on Emma and me. I will never forget the fun we had trying to walk in formation and screwing up time and time again. Being on voice and just laughing till the tears came. You guys rock! Don’t ever change.

Some screenshot memories!







The Order of the Stranger
The very first group who took me in and the foundation for everything that followed. Wonderful players, every single one of them.

The Wardens/Rivorndir
From rivalry, distrust and conflict to mutual care and concern for the city we both loved. I’ve enjoyed it all. You have some stellar and generous players in your midst. And I’m glad that in the end we called each other allies. Special thanks to Drad, Dameon, Aaralyn and Rolf who I spent most time/interactions with.

The time as High Justice, Vice Chancellor and Chancellor have been a ride. They were definitely exhausting but I also have many fond memories and I am grateful for the time I was given to lead stories and help generate a fun environment for people. Special thanks to all members of the government during these times.


The “good” guys

Sadie Hasper
Truly the catalyst that send Emma down a road I could never have imagined. You were the first one to pick her up and give her purpose. The Order of the Stranger has always been my inspiration and reference to anything I did on her. Sadie was not only one of her closest friends, but an example and an inspiration.

Elaria Maltanthir
One of the most profound impacts in Emma’s career was when she reluctantly chose to give a chance to a Palemaster after initially wanting to smite her into oblivion. Your RP quality and the tale she told Emma then followed into a long road of her trying to prove herself as Emma gave her a task to collect references from others and record noble deeds. After arcane and divine wards such as the Mark of Justice and the promise to never animate again or give her life to Emma, the bond between them grew not only in friendship but in trust. Followed by years of slander and accusations, shunned and attacked by those who disagreed with the decisions only increased the impact of this decision especially since it led to further redemption arcs for other characters where previously Emma would have never considered that. Emma’s doubt of “good” and “evil” really increased from this storyline.

Baldric Pyecroft/Konstantin Helbrecht
No matter what character you play, you always seem to manage to have a huge impact on mine. You are one of my oldest friends on Arelith and I feel blessed to have gotten to know you better. Baldric and Emma really connected during his time as Oathkeeper in the Order of the Stranger after Sadie handed it to him. He was not only an inspiration to her and a dear friend, she was madly in love with him. However, with her duties to Helm and past romantic experiences she never had the courage to tell him how she felt. When he died, it left a hole that until recently no one else ever managed to truly fill. The story where you and Fox decided to torment her by making him reappear in one final act of good, made me cry (I hate you). And then you made Konstantin. Konstantin was so different from Baldric, walking a fine line where he kept people guessing whether he wasn’t actually completely and utterly evil, but then he would pull acts out that would wipe any doubt of that away. Fearless, direct, honest and determined. You have done so much for The Gauntlet and for me. I will always be grateful. And now my baby, the Gauntlet, will carry on under your leadership. I’m excited for the future ahead of it.

Denny Walvish
He was like a son to Emma. I still fondly remember our very first encounter in Sibayad when he introduced himself as Mastermind Villain to the High Watcher of Helm. After that relentless teasing commenced to the point this big old softy had to plead Emma to stop teasing him. Our bond grew and grew and despite Denny’s dark past and questionable alliances, Emma never gave up on him. Even when no one else believed in him, even when he was kicked out by Jensen once, she immediately brought him back. Every day was an improvement, turning Denny from a Bane and his devious tendencies to overall a wholesome and protective Helmite to then see him change into a bitter veteran of war. The entire journey with Denny has been one of my fondest, most stressful and most rewarding RP sequence ever. And in this process, I’ve made a friend for life.

Rhael Silverwind
Rhael and Emma weren’t probably as close as she was with Sadie, but none the less Rhael taught her a lot about how to contribute to an Order like this and made her feel very welcome. She looked up to him as being thorough and systematic in all his report writing and information gathering, and this stayed with her all the way to the end. The way he made Sadie happy and cared for her also meant a lot to Emma and it made her respect him even more. Rhael was a unique character that will always have a special place with Emma.

Percival Corbyn
Emma’s first boyfriend. Paladin of Helm, Guard Commander of Cordor and noble. He was the dream. They had so many special (and highly awkward) moments together as Emma had no idea how to do “romance” or balance it with her duties as High Watcher. Percy and Baldric always had this special brotherhood too leading Baldric to be forced to wear a green dress around Cordor for a day. I loved the shenanigans between you both and I loved the dynamic between Percy and Emma.

Dregan Densular
This relationship started as Emma and Dregan rapidly bonded as close friends and allies. With Dregan feeding Emma information they spent more and more time together as their bond grew. I have never seen anyone quite so persistent in winning someone’s heart and for many years Dregan was Emma’s big love and wonderful wife. We had amazing times together. But unfortunately, the two ICly grew apart for various reasons. Both women of power and opposite time zones they saw each other less and less. I’ve had some amazing times with you/Dregan and will always fondly remember their time together.

Aura Bigstep & Tug
I’m combining the two because you two were pretty much as one. After Baldric died we had such a strong connection. Working out the direction of the Order of the Stranger and slowly discovering our differences which ultimately lead to Emma being removed from the Order and the Order going a new direction. I have enjoyed all the interactions with you both and was glad that in the end Aura and Emma reconnected.

Lavanya Helbrecht/Lynndain
One of two of Emma’s best friends for life. I have so many enjoyable memories with Anya and she meant so much to Emma. Anya’s wedding to Konstantin, that time when he got possessed, her desire to get Emma out of her armour and into normal clothing and her excitement when she finally managed to convince Emma. You were so integral to so many amazing events and there was no one like you who could organise them and get people involved. You’re truly a treasure on this server. I hated bullying you on Theo.

Elspeth Derlson/Lyndainn
Emma’s other best friend. These two have gone through so much it would take me forever to write it all out. At first Emma didn’t think much of Elspeth. She didn’t like nobles and didn’t agree with many of the things done as Chancellor. But then suddenly things turned around when the two of them connected over Song and over duty and loyalty to Cordor. And over the years their bond strengthened more and more. You also became someone I value greatly OOCly and you are truly just amazing and wholesome in every way.

Rosalie Young
I never imagined having Emma have a niece. And when you asked me at first I was excited to play the stern disappointed aunt. But you made that impossible. Every single person who’s ever met Rosalie, including Emma could not help but fall in love with her purity. I know that we’ve not been able to play together as much as we’d have liked because of time zones (boo time zones) but know that every moment with Rosalie was a joy.

Tristan Wilkinsen
You were a rock to Emma and a rock to me. While I burnt out on her and really got into Theodor, you kept the Gauntlet going. You are so incredibly generous with your RP and so flexible. Your focus on RP before PVP and your willingness to include people and make them feel included made you the perfect second in command. You have given so much and I will always be grateful for what you’ve done.

Coralee Fairbrook
You too have done so much for the Gauntlet. The focus on growing the faction, making new recruits feel welcome and looking after them. Coralee deserved to be made Knight Captain so much. I remember how withdrawn and without direction she was when we first met. And then how she took ownership of the recruitment role. I absolutely loved watching Coralee’s change and growth over the time. You are an incredible RPer and Coralee a unique and wonderfully complex character. zzz

Jensen Whisper
You started the Gauntlet with me as my first Knight Commander. You and I created a legacy that I don’t think will be forgotten soon and will continue to carry on even after Emma’s retirement. Jensen and Emma had an incredible amount of fights and arguments, but in the end they both cared so much for the faction and always managed to find a middle ground. Often Jensen was her beacon and someone she leaned on heavily. Thank you for sticking with it for as long as you did and being an awesome Aussie.

Vincent Grimwald
She never really did quite love someone like she loved Baldric until she met Vincent. What started as a simple chat between them to get to know each other turned into a super romantic and very special date. I still regret that by the time she met Vincent I was already too burnt out with the character because not only did Emma connect with Vincent, I connected with the player behind Vincent. You are an incredible person, an amazing RPer and I am truly grateful for all the time we got with Emma and Vincent. If it hadn’t been for meeting Vincent, Emma’s ending would have looked very differently. But now she will get the peaceful ending she actually deserves, going back home with her fiancée and raising their son together.

Derristan Barley
You will always be my Arelith dad. We’ve had so many intense and funny moments. Derristan’s approval meant everything to Emma. She always saw him as a father figure and someone she really looked up to. One of my favourite scenes will still be that time she was utterly lost and filled with grief and exhaustion and snotted all over Derristan’s uniform, crying her eyes out against his chest. It was wholesome and at the same time hilarious. I cannot thank you enough for all the incredible memories we created and shared. The only regret I have is our time zones and that we never got more quality play time together.

Marley Goodman
Imagine finding out you were RL friends from another server over 15 years ago and then finding each other again on this same old stupid (but oh so addictive) video game. Marley was much like a younger sister for Emma and almost at times like a daughter. She cared deeply for the red head. But she could see the darkness inside of her. Her duties to the Church and the Gauntlet (and our opposing time zones) kept her away from keeping Marley on the right path. This genuinely hard-working woman who was so desperate to find a family, but also to receive that recognition and acknowledgement. Which she would always get, but never accept. Marley was a complex character that I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know better over time.

Aremis Keidos
I’ve put you on the good guys list because ultimately Aremis was absolutely a good guy. I found it so interesting to see two LG aligned characters be so incredibly different and have such opposing philosophies and beliefs that they ultimately became rivals/enemies. I’ve had some incredible moments with Aremis. Especially the events surrounding Jezebel and Sydney and then ultimately that trial/not-trial. This was a huge development in Emma’s character development so thank you.

- Flippa
- Elliara
- Gwen
- Kael’avin
- Ari-Satiah
- Arihalys
- Gully
- Isabel
- Perri
- Salasker
- Mather
- Duncan
- Kent DeLocke
- Sytheryn
- Maevis
- Ezekiel Klennald
- Melodia
- Lysrithien Starym
- Miranda Magna
- Falgrim
- Burin
- Tilly
- Aliana Drake
- Blythe

A special thanks to Oturo, for without him we would have been homeless.

Sorry if I forgot anyone! It’s not intentional. But 3 years is a long time :P

The “bad” guys

Same as the good guys. The bad guys in this list have had incredible impacts on Emma in the 2+ IG decades she’s been around and have likely been the ones to most define Emma as a character.

Neli Ore
You had to be mentioned first of course. Bad guys are needed to create some of the most amazing character development and opportunities for conflict RP. The story you and DM Fox drove will always be one of my favourite and most memorable stories on Arelith. From the moment the young level 8 Emma offered an escort to you to the Arcane Tower, having no idea who you were, to being the one to drive a divinely infused sword through her and killing her. Every step along the way was an incredible experience. Playing a bad guy and driving a cool story with minimal PVP is hard to do, but so good when done well. And you did it so well. Thank you for helping to shape Emma into the character she became.

Charlotte Crowe/Keph
I didn’t have as much time with Charlotte. But boy did she leave an impact in Emma’s story! Charlotte’s death resulted in Emma being mortally wounded with a Hellfire Spear which she carried in silence for the next 8 IG years until finally someone realised something was wrong. This resulted in a very cool ritual that included lots of people.
With Keph again not an enormous amount of RP time due to timezones. But I do fondly remember some of our interactions. Emma’s refusal to eat her cookies and the time in the cell in the Citadel when Emma was caught. You’re an amazing RPer with the ability to really leave people around you with a memorable experience.

Katernin Bersk
To this day I have no idea whether you still play on this server. But know that Katernin’s reign was Emma’s introduction to Cordor and had such a profound impact on her that even to this day, 20 IG years later she speaks about these experiences and the plot with Max. Many older characters still refer to Katernin and the time she ruled Cordor.

Bjorn Frostcloak
You’re a booli. But also amazing. The interactions with Bjorn were all super enjoyable and again, the two times you managed to get your hands on Emma were very memorable. I must admit however Emma herself did not care much for being a guest in your house. Sorry for also declining your cookies.

Jezebel KÍngsley
Emma was always so stubborn when it came to trying to redeem people she believed redeemable. She never gave up on Jez, until finally in the end outside forces forced her to let go. Charlotte’s death brought us together in the most unimaginable way. All the talks, all the concerns, and all the love. You are amazing.

Roselyn Kingsley
Emma didn’t really bond with Roselyn until near the end towards her betrayal. I still remember how she pretended to have been stabbed by Neli Ore and how she took advantage of Emma’s good nature to have her heal it and use it as a way to get closer to her. Your betrayal on Cordor and the people around you was so well played. I honestly had no idea and never even suspected you. Well done!

Lilian Williams
It was so hard to dislike Lilian and to cast her from Cordor. Lilian was an amazing contributor to the city and the interactions I had with her were all pleasant. But unfortunately, it had to be done and unfortunately Emma simply couldn’t look past what she was. I really did enjoy the temporary conflict and internal struggles Emma felt trying to work out how to deal with Lilian.

I have so many great memories with the Pontiff. Their relationship was so odd. She despised him for everything he was. Feared him but also respected him. He intrigued her in an odd way. His knowledge of certain very interesting topics and philosophies and then the ignorance of the most mundane things like cats. He was without a doubt one of her most hated enemies, just for a various number of reasons.

Sydney Harrow
Wow. Just wow… Our conflict only lasted a short period of time. But boy! It was one of the most intense I have ever experienced. I loved the interactions with Sydney and even if there was some PVP I always found it done respectfully and on equal grounds. The PVP here was a good example on how it added to a story, not detracted from it. That scene with Amadeo and where Emma nearly went down for good as the ultimate martyr was one of those moments again that really changed her and defined her development. Sydney is such a great character and you’re a pleasure to deal with. PLUS! You’re an amazing developer. Thanks for all you contribute.

It wasn’t really until near the end and Emma got so much grief for it, but regardless of how things turned out I thoroughly enjoyed the scene in Westcliff and I’m so grateful for having had that opportunity with Gorehound. Gorehound is one of these characters I never truly met until then but has this reputation that truly struck fear into Emma’s heart. On the outside she tried so hard to appear brave, calm and collected but that time she finally met the scary Gnoll she was trembling on the inside.

Lora Galensson
A great example of a subtle baddie who managed to cause mixed emotions with Emma. Someone she sort of respected and at the same time not. A whole bunch of very complex twists and turns in how she saw Lora. Wanting so desperately and naively believe that there was a shred of good in her and maybe, just maybe they could be friends. I loved the tension and conflict between these two women. A great example on how to do conflict RP in a respectful and fun manner.

- Arak
- Valks
- Lavok Xun’viir

Somewhere in between

The Artificer
Words can’t express enough how much I appreciate every moment of RP with you on both of my characters. I absolutely love your character. Everything about her is just so much fun and has so much to work with. From Emma’s first encounter with the Artificer when she was mistakenly named High Justice to working together in the Government and never fully trusting her. You always have the ability to create tons of RP around you. I appreciate you so much!

Quistilla Song
I know you don’t play on the server anymore and I still miss you and remember our time together so fondly. A great RPer and a great loss to the server. Song had such a huge impact on Emma’s development. I hope that whatever you are doing now, you are doing well and know that I am grateful for the contributions you made to my character’s development.

DM Team
Special kudos to the DMs as well who have helped over the years with big and small things for Emma and people around her!

DM Fox
DM Starfish
DM Butterfly
DM Avalon Soul
DM Zinzerina
DM Titania

To the Settlements she’s interacted with either in a positive or negative way. Thank you!

There are so many other people I am grateful for. Who I’ve had interactions with small and large. Thank you to everyone for making Emma into the person she was and has become. It certainly wasn’t easy to let her story end, but I am happy and content in how it ended.

Currently playing:
Thomas Castemont - Active

Liv McDowall - Shelved
Theodor Helbrecht - Rolled
Emma Young - Rolled
Ember Joyleaf-Underfoot - Rolled

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Zavandar » Sat Aug 21, 2021 4:44 am

have a good one!
Intelligence is too important

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Jeefer » Sat Aug 21, 2021 5:50 am

I don't often get enough energy to post here, or organise and make big RP pushes, but Emma and D4wN are big, encouraging motivators for a few things I do.

Thanks for everything, hopefully lots more fun to be had in the future.

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Reiklandraider » Sat Aug 21, 2021 7:50 am

thx for everything! I will always look back at my months with the gauntlet and you, very fondly, hope we continue to see awesome rp from you for a long long time

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Snake2512 » Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:04 am

Hello, High Watcher

Denny Lynndain-Walvish, certified rude boy - Rolled
Lysanthir Ellenocen - Shelved
Reznov Willensbane - Rolled
Vald Machjarak - Rolled
Gaderel Anjou, certified lawful good - Active
Rodolfo Duskvale, certified funny guy - Rolled
Ghug Sord - Extinguished

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by D4wN » Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:35 am

Snake2512 wrote:
Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:04 am
Hello, High Watcher

Currently playing:
Thomas Castemont - Active

Liv McDowall - Shelved
Theodor Helbrecht - Rolled
Emma Young - Rolled
Ember Joyleaf-Underfoot - Rolled

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by In Sorrow We Trust » Sat Aug 21, 2021 11:37 am

Thanks for your kindness! I still remember both of those scenes and was tickled that you did too. I'm very glad I got to play with Emma while I had the chance. You are an amazing RPer and I'm looking forward to having more time with you on Theodor!

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Garvik » Sat Aug 21, 2021 3:08 pm

I am really not good at these. So all I will say is: COULDN'T YOU HAVE SHELVED THE OTHER ONE?!

Just kidding - kill ya soon~

???? - Oh no [Alive]
Konstantin Helbrecht - High Watcher of Helm [Deceased]
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Baldric Pyecroft - Paladin of Torm [Deceased]

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Sic Semper Tyrannis » Sat Aug 21, 2021 8:28 pm

i am amused that you put aremis under the good guys section. i ruthlessly used emma as a means of showing the blurred line between tyranny and preserving order/justice. i was happy to have a foil on the "good guys" side, and appreciate your willingness to rp. that's really the key - you were willing to rp with anyone, even if it involved your character being put in uncomfortable situations, or to suffer the at-times ooc slander cycle for tolerating evil by rping with it instead of auto-exile/pvp.

ty for being someone who reaches across on paper alignments/dogmas/etc to make fun stories with other players.

Currently: Madison Sabel
Retired: Emily Azuretide, Aremis Keidos, Mackenzie Graves

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Gideon DeVay » Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:14 pm

I recall meeting Emma way back on Cameron in the Government District. It's been fun to chart your progress and impact on so many stories. Well done!

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by BronxFury » Sun Aug 22, 2021 2:45 am

Emma is such a wonderful character and a huge force on the world around her through everything she built. Well done. I can't say enough about how great you are as a player at creating inclusive RP for everyone, as well. Can't wait to keep up interactions with your characters as time goes on. <3
Current: Myzzrin Brightburst (Young, Fun and Full of Hugs)

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by AzureLuna » Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:47 am

Omgsh, Emma and Anya come to the Arelith at the same time, at the same age... having INCREDIBLY different paths and then LEAVE at the same time too without any coordinating whatsoever? Life-linked sisters, for sure.

Emma was amazing, flawed, earnest, and at every turn, simply wanted what was best for everyone. My favorite moments were Anya and Emma connecting in recent years, talking about making way for the people they mentor - and worrying what that will mean for the future. Despite the worries, I'm glad they're both off to go live their best life with their kids. Wholesome content. We love to see it.
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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by BcSpike » Sun Aug 22, 2021 1:57 pm

Emma is an amazing character with an amazing player behind her. Thank you for all the opportunities you gave both me and my character. Tristan wouldn’t be where he is right now without Emma. Kudos for creating such an amazing character and being such a great and inclusive roleplayer.

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Ninjimmy » Sun Aug 22, 2021 5:16 pm

Also confirm, Emma is gr8 and fun to be around
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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Sun Aug 22, 2021 8:28 pm

Emma was a great protagonist to antagonize, and as a player you were very respectful and engaging during the whole conflict period. Have fun out there!


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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Preserver » Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:05 am

No Emma no!
RPing with Emma was very fun, very enjoyable. The first mistrust with Elspeht and the subsequent solidly built friendship were organically beautiful to follow and develop; and as time passed, not only did their vicinity increase, but I also discovered what an awesome person you were OOC !

As Emma you've been a pillar, both IC and OOC, of Arelith for the time you were around.
And your current BAD THINGS with other PCs are no less of an admirable effort to make everyone feel involved and happy with their RP. I'll be glad to continue further and further to play with you <3 !

~ Lladria Sethassiel ~ (Dead!) - ~ Siobhan Gray (Departed!)
~ Elspeth Lynndain (Dead!) - Noasheel Xephrates (Dead!)
~ Yachta - ~ Providence (Dead!)

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Hanover Fiste » Tue Aug 31, 2021 11:25 pm

The significant time you spend within this game, whether as Emma or other toons, provides a better environment for players both seasoned and casual. I appreciate your efforts. The Everwatch Knights Obareen and Shihar will miss Emma. Priestess Aphia will miss her too, but for a different reason (something about secret healing). Looking forward to future encounters regardless of toons.

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Interium » Fri Sep 03, 2021 12:30 pm

A little overdue but I don't visit the forum very often!

I can only say the same about those pesky timezones. Wish there had been even more meetings but I also really appreciate the ones they had. So thank you for being a part of Derristan's story and thanks for letting him be part of her's.

Always been so generous with your time and put others before yourself, also creative and rp generating. Emma Young as a character and you as a player will definitely be remembered on this server for a long time!

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Re: Shelving kudos: Emma Young

Post by Zaravella » Thu Oct 07, 2021 9:24 am

Thank you for giving my paladin a home and a family.

I remember when my paladin met Emma and Tenoch at the temporary shop near the Nomad and Emma told Tenoch... "Her look at her, she is a candidate."

It didnt connect with me back then since Elinee was already a member of The Order of the White Wolf, but eventually she found herself way to be a part of The Gauntlet.

Thanks for everything.
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