Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

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Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by garrbear758 » Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:09 pm

“Has it ever occurred to you, Master Ninefingers, that a sword is different from other weapons? Axes and maces and so forth are lethal enough, but they hang on the belt like dumb brutes." He ran an eye over the hilt, plain cold metal scored with faint grooves for a good grip, glinting in the torchlight. "But a sword... a sword has a voice."


"Sheathed it has little to say, to be sure, but you need only put your hand on the hilt and it begins to whisper in your enemy's ear." He wrapped his fingers tightly round the grip. "A gentle warning. A word of caution. Do you hear it?"

Logen nodded slowly. "Now," murmured Bayaz, "compare it to the sword half drawn." A foot length of metal hissed out of the sheath, a single silver letter shining near the hilt. The blade itself was dull, but its edge had a cold and frosty glint. "It speaks louder, does it not? It hisses a dire threat. It makes a deadly promise. Do you hear it?"

Logen nodded again, his eye fastened on that glittering edge. "Now compare it to the sword full drawn." Bayaz whipped the long blade from its sheath with a faint ringing sound, brought it up so that the point hovered inches from Logen's face. "It shouts now, does it not? It screams defiance! It bellows a challenge! Do you hear it?"

"Mmm," said Logen, leaning back and staring slightly crosseyed at the shining point of the sword.

Bayaz let it drop and slid it gently back into its scabbard, something to Logen's relief. "Yes, a sword has a voice. Axes and maces and so forth are lethal enough, but a sword is a subtle weapon, and suited to a subtle man. You I think, Master Ninefingers, are subtler than you appear." Logen frowned as Bayaz held the sword out to him. He had been accused of many things in his life, but never subtlety. "Consider it a gift. My thanks for your good manners.”
― Joe Abercrombie, The Blade Itself
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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Archnon » Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:22 pm

So .... that is an awesome quote!

But I'm gonna go in a different direction and quote the king of improv, Michael Scott:
Michael Scott: David here it is. My, philosophy is, basically this. And this is something that I live by. And I always have. And I always will. Don't, ever, for any reason, do anything, to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who or who you are with, or or where you are going, or, or where you've been. Ever. For any reason. Whatsoever.
Michael Scott: [cut to talking head] Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation.
The important part is the second sentence. Just run with stuff :)

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Morgy » Fri Oct 15, 2021 7:50 pm

From a scene in the Hobbit:

Mithrandir... why the Halfling?

...I don't know. Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I have found. I've found it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love. Why Bilbo Baggins? Perhaps it is because I am afraid... and he gives me courage.'


This is why I play the halfling!

And on a serious note, this scene shows just how much power can come from quiet, gentle words.

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Ordo.Lupus » Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:01 pm

While not from a book or movie this is one of my favourite teachings from a mentor to his mentee.

You should not only see the world around you. You must observe - both detail and unity. Every glimpse will tell you a story.
You should not only hear the world around you. You must listen to what lie beneath. Sounds are puzzles conveying the unseen and unknown.
You should not only sense the world around you. You must perceive it thoroughly, fully, conjoined. Let instinct enrich your thought and your self enhance your perception.

We will never master this but such is the path of self improvement. Be vigilant, be true, be prepared. If I can teach you nothing else then let this be the lesson.
"To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell" - Richard P. Feynman

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Haroshia » Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:37 pm

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” - Patrick Rothfuss
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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by VibeKings » Sat Oct 16, 2021 12:17 am

Gene Wolfe, Lake of the Long Sun wrote: "No, I'm not wise, Horn. Or at least, I've been wise for a moment only-one moment out of my whole life." He limped across the room to Horn's chair and crouched before it, one knee on the carpet. "Allow me to tell you how foolish I have been. Do you know what I believed when I was your age? That nothing but thought, nothing except wisdom, mattered. You're good at games, Horn. You can run and jump, and you can climb. So was I and so did I, but I had nothing but contempt for those abilities. Climbing was nothing to boast of, when I couldn't climb nearly as well as a monkey. But I could think better than a monkey-better than anyone else in my class, in fact." He smiled bitterly, shaking his head. "And that was how I thought! Pride in nonsense."

"Isn't thinking good, Patera?"

Silk stood. "Only when we think rightly. Action, you see, is the end that thought achieves. Action is its only purpose. What else is it good for? If we don't act, it's worthless. If we can't act, useless."
Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses wrote: A man lit by a sun-gun speaks rapidly into a microphone. Behind them there is a disorderment of shadows. But between the reporter and the disordered shadow-lands there stands a wall: men in riot helmets, carrying shields. The reporter speaks gravely; petrolbombs plasticbullets policeinjuries water-cannon looting, confining himself, of course, to facts. But the camera sees what he does not say. A camera is a thing easily broken or purloined; its fragility makes it fastidious. A camera requires law, order, the thin blue line. Seeking to preserve itself, it remains behind the shielding wall, observing the shadow-lands from afar, and of course from above: that is, it chooses sides.

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Rubricae » Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:23 am

"You've been weighed, you've been measured - and you've been found wanting."

- A Knight's Tale
(also the book of daniel)
(((also this specific part of the book of hosea that goes into true forgiveness that i think is kinda neat)))

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Salasker » Sat Oct 16, 2021 3:36 am

“We play and are played and the best we can hope for is to do it with style.” (Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals)

"I never do anything I don't want to do. Nor does anyone, but in my case I am always aware of it." (Robert A. Heinlein, Stranger In A Strange Land)

“You must never imagine, that just because something is funny, it is not also dangerous.” (Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere)

“You see, the only thing the good people are good at is overthrowing the bad people. And [they're] good at that, I'll grant you. But the trouble is it's the only thing [they're] good at. One day it's the ringing of the bells and the casting down of the evil tyrant, and the next it's everyone sitting around complaining that ever since the tyrant was overthrown no one's been taking out the trash. Because the bad people know how to plan. It's part of the specification, you might say. Every evil tyrant has a plan to rule the world. The good people don't seem to have the knack.” (Pratchett, Guards Guards)

"A look of suspicion crossed Tomas’s face. ‘You ask much for one unwilling to give more.’
Macros stood tall, holding his staff to one side, like a ruler his scepter. His dark eyes narrowed, and his brows met over his hooked nose. His voice stayed soft, but his words were hot with anger. Even Tomas felt something akin to awe in his presence.
'More!’ he said, biting off the word. ‘I gave you all, Valheru! You are here by dint of my actions over many years. More of my life than you will know has been given to preparing for your coming [...] Had I not come to aid you, years past, Elvandar would now be ashes [...] Without my aid over these last nine years, you would have been destroyed utterly by the dragon’s gifts. No mere human could have withstood such ancient and powerful magic without the intervention only I could make. When you were swept along upon your dream quests to the past, it was I who guided you back to the present, I who returned you to sanity.’ The sorcerer’s voice rose [...] ‘You were my tool!’ Tomas stepped back before the controlled fury of the sorcerer’s words. ‘No, Tomas, I have not given you much. I have given you everything!’ " (Raymond E. Feist, Magician: Master)

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by La Villa Strangiato » Sat Oct 16, 2021 9:15 am

everything from kill six billion demons
Zoss, the Conquering King wrote:Fate is not a cage except for those who fear it. A true ruler is the wielder of names. By names she cuts the world as she pleases, and she cuts herself into greater forms still. She is not shaped by the world, but instead becomes the shaper. There's work to be done. What shape will you choose, hm? Will you choose to be a king? Or will you choose to remain as you are? Peasant!
Meti ten Ryo wrote:Behold! The awesome fires of God. The limitless power of pure creation itself. Look carefully. Observe how it is used for the same purpose a man might use an especially sharp rock.
The Song of Maybe wrote:Lord Intra gathered his retainers, who were hungry for tutelage. "Lord Intra!" said his sandal bearer, "What is the first step on the path to Royalty?"
"There are no steps," replied Intra, "It is zero-sum with your reality. It is not measured in finger-lengths."
"Lord Intra," said his bodyguard, "Is the path to Royalty the path of struggle, then?"
"No," said Intra, "One may attain it without any effort at all. It is, in fact, the antithesis of struggle."
Intra's steward was very discontent with his master's evasiveness. "Lord," he said, "Allow us lowly men some small measure of understanding. For sympathy's sake, and the sake of we good and loyal servants, please tell us in plain language the nature of Royalty."
"I will tell you precisely what Royalty is," said Intra, "It is a continuous cutting motion."
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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Brandon Steel » Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:12 pm

Just wanted to say the original post is an incredible book trilogy and that was one of the first quotes I thought of as well.

“You have to be realistic about these things.”

“You were a hero around these parts. That’s what they call you when you kill so many people the word “murderer” falls short.”

“If you want to be a new man you have to stay in new places, and do new things, with people who never knew you before. If you go back to the same old ways, what else can you be but the same old person?”

I could probably write an entire list of quotes from his books tbh.

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by RustingWithYou » Wed Oct 20, 2021 11:54 am

A lot of things from Practical Guide to Evil have inspired how I play my villains.

“Morality is a force, not a law. Deviating from it has costs and benefits both – a ruler should weigh those when making a decision, and ignore the delusion of any position being inherently superior.”

“The heart of succession is always murder. The new cannot grow where the old remains.”

"Justifications only matter to the just."

"“The essence of sorcery is blasphemy. Through will and power, every mage usurps dominion over the laws of Creation from the gods Above and Below.”

"“Power is mostly a matter of making the right corpses at the right time.”"

“To bargain with devils is to paint with your own blood: the greater the work, the harsher the price.”

"“You can never have too many tiger pits, Chancellor. That’s the same lack of vision that has people say “that’s too large a field of energy to absorb” or “calling yourself a living god is blasphemy”.”"

Lorenda Gald Wandering the Outlands
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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by fulminea » Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:05 pm

I based my former infernal warlock character entirely on this legend, and precisely on this compilation:


The personality of my orog bard is inspired by this (curtesy of huelander, who made me aware this exists)


And yes. This improved my RP significantly.

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Amateur Hour » Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:21 pm

For my highly religious elves, regarding their feelings about the Seldarine (Psalm 139:14 KJV):
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
For dealing with the fact that all of my characters, including the most peaceable, have killed thousands (The Two Towers):
I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Curve » Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:26 pm

i am mostly inspired by tupac and dazig

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Re: Quotes from books or movies that improved your rp

Post by Drowble Oh Seven » Fri Oct 22, 2021 8:56 pm

Everything Abercrombie writes is gold. But if I had to choose (and it's better to choose than to live with the fear of it):
"Evil turned out not to be a grand thing. Not sneering Emperors with their world-conquering designs. Not cackling demons plotting in the darkness beyond the world. It was small men with their small acts and their small reasons. It was selfishness and carelessness and waste. It was bad luck, incompetence, and stupidity. It was violence divorced from conscience or consequence. It was high ideals, even, and low methods."

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