Hi, The telescopes in the Heart-Wood tree house are unable to be highlighted and are effectively background assets currently. If I'm not mistaken at least one of them were functional in the past. I can't think of much more detail to add but I was quite sure this was a minor bug. Thanks for being awesome
Where: Heart-Wood Grove Tree house
What: Telescopes
When: No node to interact with object.
Telescopes In HeartWood Grove Treehouse are not functioning.
Moderators: Active Admins, Active DMs, Forum Moderators, Contributors, Area Developers, Artist/Animator
Telescopes In HeartWood Grove Treehouse are not functioning.
Re: Telescopes In HeartWood Grove Treehouse are not functioning.
From what I can tell examining the area, those telescopes are clearly meant as background pieces, so are you sure you're not confusing the tree house for a certain different tree? Either way, I'll close this report since it's not a bug, but feel free to suggest this in the relevant forum.