Modifer for Skill : Sails

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Modifer for Skill : Sails

Post by Biolab00 » Fri May 26, 2023 3:12 am

Strength modifer should stand to gain the benefit of Sails modifer.

From rigging to firing weapon, all of these require strength.
And Sailors are meant to be buffed and strong.
Currently, the meta build for Sailors are usually PCs that are mostly bard / warlock / clerics / loremasters.
It's kinda underwhelming that despite being very strong physically, it does not help an inkling bit into operating a ship.

Perhaps the Devs can look into this and perhaps consider having the Strength Modifer added into Sail score, either full or half.
You need to be wise to sail a ship but every ship requires Oarsman and Oarsman are strong and buffed.

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Re: Modifer for Skill : Sails

Post by MalKalz » Sat May 27, 2023 2:49 am

The team reached out to ActionReplay and he is content on keeping it as is.

The system is more complex than just a wisdom modifier on the skill sail. Other factors play into affect. Until Action deems it worth revealing it, I'll keep it at that.

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