New Writ dungeon idea

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New Writ dungeon idea

Post by DragonBlooded » Wed May 31, 2023 6:28 am

So I recently looked into cool monster's lore and statblock on a YouTube whim and it got me thinking of a new-ish writ dungeon idea that could probably replace the weather stone area or shift it's overall location.

So make a writ called 'King of the Mountain'

Kill x number of creatures in given area, yada yada, But the big boss it wants you to kill starts a dialogue about being the king of the mountain and suddenly he gets killed by a grey dragon. Endgame boss level beast that can't follow you through transitions, something you gotta run from until you're full geared. Very pvp/combat focused build.

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Re: New Writ dungeon idea

Post by Irongron » Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:56 pm

Something like this could definitely work for a single player module, but the narrative beat of the boss being killed by the dragon again, each time someone new takes the writ would most definitely be highly jarring.

